F'd up...big time! Need help! *Slight Mass Effect Spoiler?*


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 22, 2004
So I had to reformat my HDD again, and I forgot to backup my Mass Effect save game!! I just finished the mission where you are taken of you blow up that breeding facility and you're on the way back to the citadel. I think I was a level 23 human solider or something around there...is there anyone that has a save game similar to that area of that game?! It would be GREATLY appreciated :D Thanks [H] !!
Looks like you will have a chance to start over and listen to all kind of new dialog. That is one reason this game is awesome.
=/ I don't really have time to start all over again...it was hard enough getting to where I was haha :(
I can give you my latest save if you want. I have a custom face (only thing I don't like about him is his nose), Infiltrator class at lvl. 40 and going through playing a Paragon only. I'm at Peak 15 on Noveria right now about halfway through the mission. I'm going to Virmire next. I have already completed Feros, Therum, and almost every single side quest. I have over a million credits and all the master Spectre weapons. I'm also hooking up with Liara since Ashley is too mush of a dike for me. I realize I'm only about halfway through but if you have already gone through most of it, it shouldn't take you long to catch up since you know what dialog to skip or select. I'm about to start playing again after I post this but I'll check back here in a few hours to see if you've responded.
Hey thanks man! You're a little further than I expected but i guess i'll take what I can get! haha Anyone else feel free to chip in :D
Hey thanks man! You're a little further than I expected but i guess i'll take what I can get! haha Anyone else feel free to chip in :D

I can give you an earlier save if you need. Tell me where. My save order based on when I went places in the game goes about like this.
Citadel>Quests>Therum>Quests>Citadel>Feros> few new Quests>Noveria.

edit: I just uploaded my entire save folder to rapidshare. That way you can just add it in and pick the save you want. It's about 15mb. Here you go:

I can give you an earlier save if you need. Tell me where. My save order based on when I went places in the game goes about like this.
Citadel>Quests>Therum>Quests>Citadel>Feros> few new Quests>Noveria.

edit: I just uploaded my entire save folder to rapidshare. That way you can just add it in and pick the save you want. It's about 15mb. Here you go:


Thanks bro! This is why [H] is the best :D If anyone else has a save game close enough to my location please let me know!