FEAR 2 question


Apr 1, 2008
Ok, maybe I'm getting older and my hand eye coordination isn't what it use to be, but I cant get pass that first power suit that you encounter in Fear 2. I have tried googleing everything I can think of except cheats. All I can find is to use the shock grenades to stun him then hit him with frag grenades, but I only have 2 shock grenades and when he is stunned he still has that blue shield that keeps him from getting damaged. So, any suggestions on other strategies or am I completely missing something?
Well, to be honest I just started playing FEAR2, and just escaped from the building. If it is anything like the original FEAR, you may have to lure him to a certain spot with something that could make a big boom if shot, or trigger a certain chain of events. I hope this helps a little.
if its the part with the lift to the surface, i just hid behind a corner the whole time tossing shock nades and shooting him with the guns. and moving back and forth to make his turn around and such.

i was on normal mode tho , and there is tons of ammo.
I just played that scene. I just used the shock grenades to stun him than ran around and opened the valves, shocked him, opened the valves until all the valves we're done and the lift was operational. I shocked him again, ran to the lift and that's the end of it. You don't have to destroy it.

Good luck.
hmm, i didnt even consider not blowing the power suit to hell. i will give this a try. I had only died once till this part and i am playing on hard.
hmm, i didnt even consider not blowing the power suit to hell. i will give this a try. I had only died once till this part and i am playing on hard.

Yeah I realized after I wasted a couple frags/flame nades that guns wouldn't harm it than I realized I should probably just turn those valves and get the hell out of there. :D
don't bother killing him, just open the valves and get out of there.
I didn't see any shock nades at first and did the valves first. So when I let him lose I just used slow-mo and a shit load of ammo from the assault rifle. After awhile I seen the shock and other nades and used them. After that he was toast.
I shot the shit outta him. But that's only cuz I pistoled most of my enemies to death :p
I'm playing on hard, its actually very easy to kill him (assuming you don't want to waste the action and run to the lift).

If you scope the area before activating the mech, you'll see there is tons of armor, health, -shock- nades and ammo around.

What you want to do is stand behind a box thats taller than you (on the middle of the stage, its on a platform), and keep moving left and right (he wont know which way to go, he tries to come closer but then switches sides lol).

Throw shock grenades, mix in fire grenades when he's shocked with some slow-mo shots to his head and refill nades + armor. Use slow-mo to safely cook regular grenades for a couple seconds and throw them at his abdomen. Repeat and he dies. He stops every now and then so you can get a couple shotgun or SMG shots in his face. Just have fun with it, duck and dodge, slow down time to get the advantage.

Should be easier on normal.

Oh and after using up all this stuff to bring him to his death, run around and restock, and then activate the lift. You get everything back lol, especially after the lift.
I just stunned it (repeatedly) and closed the valves, and got the heck out of dodge.
I beat it with the proxy grenades and shock grenades. Then I just pump it full of shot gun shells and it went down like a rock.
Wow, the farther I get into this game the more I like it better than the first Fear! You almost feel like a god when running around in one of those elite power suits! Anyway, I never could just up and kill one of the regular power suits with anything but the missile launcher. 5 shots with that and it finally blew up into pieces.
just hide behind the replica soldier containers. Take you pot shots. His mini-cannons take a bit to get to speed so you have time. I had no problems against him.

Man you guys still a LONG way from the really good stuff :)
Well, I just beat the game, but at the part that the OP was at here was what I did. This is in 'normal' btw; I started out by going to the far valve in the back left corner, killed the replicas that came out of the pods, and turned the valve.

I then went to the one adjacent to that valve (saving the one closest to the lift for last), killed the replicas once more, turned the valve. Then out pops the mech, I went into slow-motion popped him with a shock grenade, went and turned the last valve next to the lift, and took off.

On my next run through I am gonna just fight him.
This is why i no longer play games on hard, spoils the immersion when you have to leave the game because you've failed the same part over and over :/
I've beaten that hunk of metal twice. Once on Normal, other on hard. Easy fight. This is what I did on hard.

Just throw a shock grenade at it as soon as it pops out of the wall. It will be stunned. Unload your weapon of choice on it. As soon as you see it coming back to life, lop another shock grenade. Rinse, repeat. Should only take you 2 shock grenades though.
Ok, maybe I'm getting older and my hand eye coordination isn't what it use to be, but I cant get pass that first power suit that you encounter in Fear 2. I have tried googleing everything I can think of except cheats. All I can find is to use the shock grenades to stun him then hit him with frag grenades, but I only have 2 shock grenades and when he is stunned he still has that blue shield that keeps him from getting damaged. So, any suggestions on other strategies or am I completely missing something?

I think it is acombination of getting older, and game developers not knowing a thing about pace.
Everything leading up to this point was SOO easy, then BAM, you get this SOO hard part.
I got past it after a few tries (once I figured out the Electri-grenade).

What is going to make you mad is when you have to fight 3-4 of these.
I have died so many times on the multiple power suites.

I completely HATE the fact that they left out a save function for pc.
I get killed by the last ppower suite every frikin time I try.
Made me so mad, I quit playing until this coming weekend.
"and game developers not knowing a thing about pace"

lol the noobsauce speaks.

(j/k, but seriously)>