FEAR game Anandtech VS H Tonight

Apr 17, 2006
If interested please AIM me at papa shiznet501, I just got this idea. It was originally gonna be a anandtech only game but a forum vs forum game would be sweet!

I might be able to play, if you want me to. I was pretty good at the demo, but that was a long time ago.
Hey man don't do me any favors.. if you want to play (its free now by the way) get me on AIM. Spaces are filling up quickly.
We need some moderators joining in.

I'm in, as long as I don't have to make any trips (need to pick up my Xbox 360 tonight before I leave on vacation :( ).

My best game was 25 - 12. I usually have a pretty bad kill to death ratio, but I can get la few kills.
What's the best way to set up a server? I have cable and its fast but I dont know how well it can do a 8v8 game.
[H] won! I really wish I could've played the second round though (had some things to do). Granades FTW! :D

Maybe we should do other games like Battlefield 2 or Counter Strike on the weekends. The turnout would have been better if the game was planned earlier.
i'd really like to do this as well, im at work but i will AIM you.

i think im pretty decent too, should be fun!
I've finally got F.E.A.R. Combat downloaded, so I'm in if there's spots. It took way longer to download than I thought that it would.
count me in, pm me the server / time... I'm pretty decent, especialy with the 10mm penatrator :) ... less its that forest level, then its ASP City !

I play CTF for that extra cherry on-top, is this a CTF or just Team Deathmatch?

I get palpatations when I got that flag and runnin towards home plate and being chased all the way there... its how I stay awake when I play at night, its better than Bawls...

one wonders if there would be mods released for FEAR Combat... I mean, when i downloaded it on day one there were only 180 servers, now yesterday there was over 1200... and once there was more than 1500 a week ago... its got the popularity, if only someone could reform the servers to play with 32 players instead of 16 limit... it could be crazy fun :) but we'd need bigger maps... :cool:
SpeedZealot, I'm on AIM now (s/n is misw41124, I'll stay on) but you aren't on. I would love to play with yall. If you can, PM or IM me? Thanks!
can't play tonight but will try make it next game

hf :) hope it doesn't lag as much as last time!