February Video Game Sales Up 34 Percent

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Even though February is traditionally a slow month, video game sales are up 34 percent, despite the fact that the top two selling consoles have been in extremely short supply.

Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 have been in such high demand stores are having a hard time keeping them in stock. Microsoft spokesman David Dennis said the company moved up shipments during the holidays and hasn't been able to catch up since.
It was winter time, what else better do we have to do. No hills=no snowboarding.
Odd, all the stores around me have plenty of Xbox 360s, yet still no Wiis.

And most still have partial forts built out of unwanted PS3s.

As far as games go, I purchases went up 50% in Feb, compared to Jan and stated the same so far in March.

Mystofolyse, if you meant 47 instead of 43, and are refering to the two numbers in the article. It is both

34% increase for both hardware and software combined
47% for software alone.
Our Best Buy & Wal-Mart have been out of 360s for 3 weeks or more now. They get a few in...poof...gone. The Wii is the same story (and has been). I had to get an Arcade 360 for my daughter from a no-name video game store because it was the only one he had left.

Sony is benefitting big from the shortage and their new lower price isn't hurting either but overall console sales numbers are less than impressive. GAMES on the other hand are selling like gang busters.

According to February NPD, Xbox 360 sold $184 million in games, with PS3 selling $97 million and Wii $130 million. The Xbox 360 platform now has a U.S. installed base of 9.6 million; the PS3 has 3.8 million, the Wii has 8.1 million.
And that's to say nothing of PC game sales, as well as game related PC hardware (ie: all of us buying up G9x cards at the moment)...Or did I miss something? Or maybe they're lumping in PC game sales, but only mentioning hardware sales in terms of the consoles.

I guess the industry doesn't care about us PC gamers? :sarcastic-cry: Also, I can only assume that "NPD" is going by reported sales numbers from various retailers, and not the console/software makers themselves (since they seem to be mum on the subject usually when asked)?

re: the date thing, I think I'll go out on a somewhat educated limb... 38.2 years being Steve's age perhaps?
Our Best Buy & Wal-Mart have been out of 360s for 3 weeks or more now. They get a few in...poof...gone. The Wii is the same story (and has been). I had to get an Arcade 360 for my daughter from a no-name video game store because it was the only one he had left.

Sony is benefitting big from the shortage and their new lower price isn't hurting either but overall console sales numbers are less than impressive. GAMES on the other hand are selling like gang busters.

According to February NPD, Xbox 360 sold $184 million in games, with PS3 selling $97 million and Wii $130 million. The Xbox 360 platform now has a U.S. installed base of 9.6 million; the PS3 has 3.8 million, the Wii has 8.1 million.

The arcade is the only one out around me.

When I was at Walmart waiting to buy Super Smash Bro. Brawl last saturday night, I was looking at the xbox 360s as I have been considering one. They had about 5 Elites, and 8 Pro, but where out of arcade. The local best buy has a pile of them at the entrance, i'd guess about 14 or so, I only bothered to count the 28 PS3s that they have by the door as I couldn't figure out why they had so many and wanted to see how much unwanted product that had sitting there.

Although I guess that is the same as it is/was with the Wii. Some places were out the moment they were put on the shelves, others had them sitting around for some time.

re: the date thing, I think I'll go out on a somewhat educated limb... 38.2 years being Steve's age perhaps?

I'd guess that he is somewhere around there. He has a daughter that is in college so somewhere in the mid to upper 30s sounds about right for his age.
Mystofolyse, if you meant 47 instead of 43, and are refering to the two numbers in the article. It is both

34% increase for both hardware and software combined
47% for software alone.
Uhm, no; Steve typo'd 34 to be 43 so I asked which it was.
And that's to say nothing of PC game sales, as well as game related PC hardware (ie: all of us buying up G9x cards at the moment)...Or did I miss something? Or maybe they're lumping in PC game sales, but only mentioning hardware sales in terms of the consoles.

I guess the industry doesn't care about us PC gamers? :sarcastic-cry: Also, I can only assume that "NPD" is going by reported sales numbers from various retailers, and not the console/software makers themselves (since they seem to be mum on the subject usually when asked)?

re: the date thing, I think I'll go out on a somewhat educated limb... 38.2 years being Steve's age perhaps?

From what I understand PC games sales are usually reported as being behind sales of the consoles by a wider margin. But the NPD only reports on PC games sales off the shelf and not from digital download services such as Steam, which we all know are really getting the job done. My knowledge is limited but the data collecting of PC games sales and hardware sales is severely handicapped from what I gather, which is why IMHO there are some people saying that PC games are dying. I disagree totally until they find a method of collecting software and hardware sales data that is accurate. So, from what I gather, my $1,500 gaming box and several games I play on Steam are not accounted for on any sales figures for hardware of software. Maybe my thought process is wrong, this is just what I have concluded from what I have read thus far.