fedora core 5.....


Limp Gawd
Mar 13, 2006
i just downloaded Fedora Core 5 and i got a lot of files in the download so how do i make these into a working disk theres no .iso file and i tried to burn it like a data dvd and it didnt work any help would be apreachated
What are the specific file names of the files you have downloaded? Include the file extensions, too.
ok since i dont see dvd iso (Fedora Core 5 Final - Bordeaux DVD images for x86_64) which is what i downloaded the 1st time, and i dont got 5 cds is it possable toput the 5 cd isos on a dvd and use it ot can some1 point me to the dvd iso

Contents of that ISO repository listed below. The links work to the actual files. For the record I got there by going to fedora.redhat.com, clicking on the "Download Fedora Core 5 now." option, then clicking on x86_64.

FC-5-x86_64-DVD.iso 3381474 KB 3/15/2006 5:01:00 AM FC-5-x86_64-disc1.iso 653284 KB 3/15/2006 4:57:00 AM FC-5-x86_64-disc2.iso 701234 KB 3/15/2006 4:58:00 AM FC-5-x86_64-disc3.iso 701538 KB 3/15/2006 4:59:00 AM FC-5-x86_64-disc4.iso 700966 KB 3/15/2006 5:09:00 AM FC-5-x86_64-disc5.iso 599446 KB 3/15/2006 5:12:00 AM FC-5-x86_64-rescuecd.iso 78288 KB 3/15/2006 4:32:00 AM SHA1SUM 1 KB 3/15/2006 5:38:00 AM