Feds Consulted Urban Dictionary In Threat Case

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
While the case itself is no laughing matter, the fact that the Feds had to consult the Urban Dictionary is pretty damn funny. Linked article contains adult language.

The ATF agent went to urbandictionary.com “and learned the word ‘murk’ referred to physically beating someone so severely as to cause their death.” The criminal complaint includes printouts from the web site showing slight variants on the definition of “murk.”
Thats good news....clowns like that should not be able to own a gun...
Lol that's my home town, sad thing is it doesn't surprise me one bit. There are so many fucktards like that in that shit hole town.
how many ppl knew what murk means here?

Well since I am not a dumb ass wannabe white boy gangsta, my knowledge of the word is limited to:

darkness; gloom: the murk of a foggy night.

Archaic. dark; murky.
sounds like he was trying to do the right thing (verify a gun with filed down serial number) and in turn got boned for it.
I mean, why else would anyone with a half brain bring a gun to a store with a filed down or unreadable serial number? I'd have to see pics of it to make a conclusion.
Maybe he meant this instead?


He was gonna go mirelurk that rooster sucker.
Murk is a uncommon term? hmm... that was big for me back in the soccom 2 days. "Just murk'd this foo!"

I always spelled it merc'd or merc
What an idiot, gangster, piece of shit. Unfortunately, the are tens of thousands more like him.

He is not the reason you take guns away from people. He is the reason you own a gun.
Gangstaz like him will always have a gun. Legally or not.

Remember this,

When seconds count, the police will be there in minutes.
LOL, Really?

The feds had to use Urban Dictionary?

too funny.
I don't see how the feds needing to use a dictionary is funny... should I think it's funny when you have to look up a word that's not slang? Idiocy.
sounds like he was trying to do the right thing (verify a gun with filed down serial number) and in turn got boned for it.

Plus now he's up for a felony death threat because he said he wanted to do something, not that he was going to, not that he had it planned to, just that he wanted to, which doesn't seem like something that would stick. I mean - what if we arrested everybody who at one time said something like 'I wish I could kick him' for threatening assault, or 'I wish I could have all that money' for theft. Seems like there should be a difference between saying you're going to do something, and just saying you could imagine doing it in a daydream.
Never heard it before. Won't be using the term any time soon as it's really odd and doesn't seem to fit the use. For slang to work, it has to have some kind of physical or emotional connection to the meaning, otherwise you just have cockney slang which is pointless and impossible to follow.
This was pretty funny and all... but still...

I almost feel as if a threat through means of ill-defined slang should be accompanied by, at the very least, more incriminating slang as a confirmation of intent.

Something along the lines of, "He better know I ain't playin' " - would have been enough to determine whether or not the threat was real...although this is precisely what someone might say if they were indeed "playin' " - I guess we can't have fun satirizing mainstream rap culture anymore...

Maybe uh... add the term "patnah" (partner; often used as a satirically converse, condescending term of hostility) or "thangs" (often referring to guns) or something...for completeness.

Also: Merc and Murk as slang are still derived from real words...c'mon...the Merc one was obvious.
honestly don't know the word too,lol, i would use google as well and i wont be surprised if the top search would be urbandictionary.com :D
I like to think I have a pretty decent slang vocab, but this is seriously the first time I've heard of "murk". Then again, none of my friends have platinum teeth or large gold chains, so perhaps its just used in different circles.
I like to think I have a pretty decent slang vocab, but this is seriously the first time I've heard of "murk". Then again, none of my friends have platinum teeth or large gold chains, so perhaps its just used in different circles.

I think you should move to Detroit to widen your cultural knowledge. Despite what people say its is beautiful safe city.
What a great article, ahhaha. I was just waiting for something like this in the legal field to use Urbandictionary. I definitely think it is a credible source for most modern slang words. Having used it for close to 10 years now, it seems to have the word I am looking for about 95% of the time.

Sometimes though, it will have a bunch of idiots take over a certain word and meaning for their own personal, small town beliefs.

In this case, like 95% of the words I search, it was credible.... definitely.
What an idiot, gangster, piece of shit. Unfortunately, the are tens of thousands more like him.

He is not the reason you take guns away from people. He is the reason you own a gun.
Gangstaz like him will always have a gun. Legally or not.

Remember this,

When seconds count, the police will be there in minutes.

SPOT ON. Usually.... Until people face a gun, they will remain ignorant at seeing the reason to have one.
By the way, real gangstas don't use facebook.... what a wannabe this kid is.