Feedback on my potential new rig


Jul 7, 2007
Hooray! My very first post!

So... I'd like to read your feedback on the parts I'm considering for my new rig, which will be a medium-high gaming rig. I'm trying to keep the total cost around $1500 canadian. As far as I know the best prices are with, even with shipping (and being from another province means I pay no provincial tax... yay!). Considerations:

-Price tag around $1500 canadian, before taxes and shipping
-As silent as possible (no dual 8800GTXs...)
-To be used with a 19" screen, maybe going to 24" in 2008

Taken that into consideration, here are the potential specs:

Processor: AMD X2 6000+ $187
Mobo: Asus M2N32-SLI Deluxe $192
RAM: 2x2Gb DDR-800 OCZ Gold XTC 5-5-5-15 $327
Hard Drive: Seagate 500Gb (ST3500630AS) $118
GPU: BFG 8800GTS OC2 640Mb $428
PSU: Corsair 620HX $148

Grand total: $1403

I might throw in a decent case in there that has decent sound dampening, such as the NZXT Hush for $87 (any suggestions/availability)?

I know the the X2 6000+ / AM2 socket doesn't have any future concerning upgradeability, so that's this config's weak point in my opinion. However, the intel alternative (E6600) is quite a bit more expensive ($250 vs. $187), and the mobo's for intels are usually a bit more expensive as well.

My other concern is about the FSB. Is it ok to have DDR2-800 RAM with a 2Ghz "FSB" processor? I made a mistake with my current config, putting a XP2800+ (FSB 333) with DDR400 RAM. Result: the best compromise was to set a FSB of about 370Mhz, overclocking the processor but underclocking my RAM.. I don't want to make that mistake again.

My other concern is about the FSB. Is it ok to have DDR2-800 RAM with a 2Ghz "FSB" processor?

Hm... looks like you need to read up on hypertransport (you can start here). But the short answer to your question is, yes, it is ok.

I also vote for the E6420, or if you wait until after July 22nd, the E6750.

Are there any DX10 games you'd like to play right now? If not, I'd suggest sticking with an X1950GT or Pro, for now. Then, when you upgrade to a 24" LCD, upgrade your vidcard, too... if there are any DX10 games you want to play. Besides, most new games should also be DX9 compatible. The X1950GT/Pro is all you really need for a 19" LCD.
Hm... looks like you need to read up on hypertransport (you can start here). But the short answer to your question is, yes, it is ok..

Thanks for pointing that out. The article you suggest doesn't explicitly say that the old FSB relationship between procs and RAM is gone though, unless you already know it (it doesn't even contain the acronym "FSB").

I also vote for the E6420, or if you wait until after July 22nd, the E6750.

The E6420 is $218 (vs. $187 for the 6000+)... is the extra $30 really worth it (plus mobo price difference)? And I'm concerned overclocking might mean extra noise...

Are there any DX10 games you'd like to play right now?

Aside from FSX (patched), not really, but that might change in the coming months, and I'm not one to swap a GPU in less than a year.

All things considered, worst case scenario is I just upgrade my processor on my current rig till the new wave of quads come out.. although I'm not holding my breath.
The E6420 is $218 (vs. $187 for the 6000+)... is the extra $30 really worth it (plus mobo price difference)? And I'm concerned overclocking might mean extra noise...

OCing doesn't always mean extra noise. It depends on what HSF and fans you choose for your system. In fact the stock Intel heatink is one of the most quiet stock heatsinks I've ever seen. I also vote for the E6420 option because an OC'd E6420 will beat that 6000+. Hell you can do that OC with just the stock heatink and you'll be fine.

But if you do not care for OCing', then the 6000+ is a good choice.
I'd go with a core 2 as well as it gives you more of an upgrade path. If you stick with the amd specs I'm sure you can find a good cheaper motherboard since said no sli.

Also why 4 gigs of ram? You going to run a 64 bit os? If not stick with 2 gigs. With 32 bit windows you will only see about 3 gigs max. Should be able to save some cash here.

Also I'd consider what the others are saying about the video card but I haven't kept up enough with pc games to recomend one. If you do end up getting a bigger screen in 6 months to a year buy better video card with it.
Go with a e6750 or Q6600 after the Intel price drops and upgrade the cooler to either the Tuniq Tower 120 or Scythe Ninja. For the motherboard I would reccomend the Gigabyte DS3 Remember you should either drop 2gb of the RAM or use a 64bit OS. Also I would drop the PSU down to the 520w model if you don't plan on upgrading or overclocking for some time.
Yes, I plan on using a 64-bit OS (Vista), as long as there are proper drivers for all the hardware (easier said than done). I might consider dual-booting into XP if not. I do a lot of video editing so lots of RAM is always welcome. As for the PSU, I'd rather get as much juice as possible without getting noisy (the price difference and noise difference between the 520 and 620 are small or nil), since I'll be driving a possibly hungry GPU and up to 3 hard drives (if I add my current ones to the new rig), plus lots of USB stuff. PSU output also decreases with time (capacitor aging), so getting something beefier now might last a bit longer, hopefully longer than the rest of the rig.

Speaking of RAM, are the 5-5-5-15 timings decent? Is the model/brand I picked a good choice? If I'm going to do some OC'ing, both RAM and cpu, I'd like to do it with as much stock cooling as possible, nothing fancy (just quiet).

[Speculation]If you were to get a X1950 today, how long would you stick with it?[/Speculation]
Speaking of RAM, are the 5-5-5-15 timings decent? Is the model/brand I picked a good choice? If I'm going to do some OC'ing, both RAM and cpu, I'd like to do it with as much stock cooling as possible, nothing fancy (just quiet).

[Speculation]If you were to get a X1950 today, how long would you stick with it?[/Speculation]

Yes, 5-5-5-15 is fine. You won't notice much difference in real world performance with 4-4-4-12. However, if the price premium is minute between the two, then go for the lower timings, of course.

Which board? the AM2 one? Looks fine to me. Asus isn't great with customer service.

OC'ing is a lot easier if you don't have to OC the ram. Just get the high speed ram needed for your planned OC. If you want quiet, get a tower cooler, like the Scythe Ninja Plus Rev.B (SCNJ-1100P).

I picked up a X1950GT for one of my other systems. I plan on keeping it until a game comes out that requires me to upgrade it. DX10 has been out for a while now, but there are hardly any games. Since you plan on getting a 24" LCD, I'd get that first, and then upgrade the vidcard as needed.