FF 2.0 Crashing like nobodies business


Jan 6, 2005
I've been running FF 2.0 since Tuesday and its been crashing almost reliably on the hour. :mad:

Anyone else having similar issues with it just bonking on certain pages and then when you go back to the same page its fine?
FF2.0 has crashed more for me then 1.5, however I did not do a clean install, and I re-installed with a different language then what I had. (1.5EN-US, 2.0EN-US, 2.0EN-UK). I'm going to uninstall then reinstall, see if it fixes it. On my other PC, I have not had any crashing problems like on this one.
i had one crash so far with the 2.0 ,
thats kind of weird , because i haven't had any crashes with the daily builds for the past 6 weeks or so
Why is this in OSes? :confused:

Are the crashes reproduceable? Do they only occur under certain circumstances? If so, it would probably be helpful to file a bug report. If not, then it'll be pretty hard to help. Also, what type of "crashing" are you talking about? Are you getting any error messages?
FF stops responding [program hard-locking, windows works fine, CPU% goes up to 90% or so and stays there for 5 mins at a time) for no reason that I can find. The sites may have flash but thats it. It is entirely not reproducable (I have been unable to do so), after I ctrl+alt+del it, restart it again, hit "restore session" everything works perfectly again for the next few days. No embeded content, no Java, no PDFs, no quicktime, no realplayer. It is certainly not every hour, just common enough for me to notice it more then previous versions.
Works fine here too. Fresh install. I'm using the noscript extension though so I wouldn't get a crash due to java scripts anyway.