file-sharing/torrent program?


Sep 1, 2004
I am looking for a file-sharing/torrent program for mac. Limewire isn't installing right (it hangs at the installer script and it won't launch then)... And i'm not sure if i want to stick with limewire anyways. Does anyone know anything besides acquisition that's good or how to get my limewire to work? I don't like acquisition becuase it makes you pay to get better speeds etc. Although i'm sure limewire does this, it doesn't quite rub it in my face with a huge pop-up.
yea i checked out tranmission is definitily is less bloated... i like the interface a lot. Even better than the old azureus.
Transmission's the best one so far... Though I am still waiting for a Mac version of uTorrent. :(
Tomato Torrent was my first client on OSX, but Transmission definitely takes the crown.
Well, I'll go against the grain here and vote for Azureus. I used Transmission for a while, and it's a nice program, lightweight and very Mac-like, but it consistently got me lower speeds on torrents than Azureus, so I went back to that. Not really sure why, I played around with settings and tried to get them as close to what I use in Azureus, but I still got noticeably slower speeds, both on heavily seeded torrents and lighter ones. It's too bad, since Transmission is a very nicely done and polished program, but for something that I start and just leave in the background, I'm going to pick the faster one.
You might have had a cap on, I know I was only getting 10 kbps then I clicked on the turtle and it went up to 600 kbps.
Well, we all know that downloading pirated apps, games, videos etc. is illegal and none of us EVER would engage in such base and immoral activity... but, IF one were to do so I've HEARD that BitTorrent works nicely. :p ;)
I've used Azureus for years and have been very satisfied with it. It was the best program I found earlier on and have kept with it. And to this day still very pleased with it. I will say that it takes a minute to load but for how often I use it that's ok by me.
+1 The Hunter

Transmission is not built for (or by) serious torrenters.