Fileplanet can go something unpleasant!


[H]F Junkie
Jul 13, 2004
So I've been trying to download this Crysis open beta client from Fileplanet for about a day now. So far, almost every time I get to be about 15 minutes away from the download, I get shuffled to the back of the line again.

I even actually started the download at one point, only to get shoved to the back of the line again after downloading about 1 GB of the file.

Way to get my hopes up, and then smash them on a rock!

Before trying to download this accursed file, I hadn't been to Fileplanet in ages. Man does that site suck balls. Messy and unorganized as all hell.

That is all.
Very odd... I pulled it down last night through their 'download manager' while playing TF2; got in line at like 9 EDT, (40 min wait,) and it was done pulling by 1 or 1:30; or at least it was done by the time I was done getting fragged...

Were you using a free or pay acct?
There's no way I'd give those bitches money. I have a paid Fileshack account because they don't punish their nonpaying visitors. Fileplanet, however, does.
There's no way I'd give those bitches money. I have a paid Fileshack account because they don't punish their nonpaying visitors. Fileplanet, however, does.

i actually paid for an account at fileplanet for one year... i was in my big gaming year. so i wanted everything and fast.

but the thing that bother me , is that they have a reccurent billing system . So if yon dont close your account they will be you even without a notice or something.

thats what i call class act!
I still don't know why more of these kinds of sites don't move to torrents, with maybe a few servers helping to seed to even out the relatively large number of leechers who cap their upload to 0kb/sec.
I still don't know why more of these kinds of sites don't move to torrents, with maybe a few servers helping to seed to even out the relatively large number of leechers who cap their upload to 0kb/sec.

Advertising revenue.
Ah; well, I guess that sort of explains why they don't fix their directory structure / search engine, too. Why get only 2 pages of ads per user when you can obfuscate the directories and get 8 or 9?
Been using FP for years, no probs and fast downloads. Shrug
I subscribe, got the Crysis Beta last night, no problem. Took a good while though.:eek:
Fileplanet is shit, always has been, and always will be. They are good though for finding the exact filename of whatever you're trying to download, so you can throw it into a search engine and get it somewhere else (that doesnt require you to wait in line). It's funny because even paying subscribers didnt get first dibs to Crysis beta, you had to be in the Founders Club. What's the difference? Oh just a little more money. Maybe soon they'll come out with SUPER DUPER FOUNDERS CLUB V.2 that only costs $29.99 a month and you can uber access to all of fileplanets files and betas, before everyone else that pays.... but..

It essentially still boils down to you pay for what others host for free, with the occasional beta tacked on.

Fuck Fileplanet, and those who support it.
Fileplanet is shit, always has been, and always will be. They are good though for finding the exact filename of whatever you're trying to download, so you can throw it into a search engine and get it somewhere else (that doesnt require you to wait in line). It's funny because even paying subscribers didnt get first dibs to Crysis beta, you had to be in the Founders Club. What's the difference? Oh just a little more money. Maybe soon they'll come out with SUPER DUPER FOUNDERS CLUB V.2 that only costs $29.99 a month and you can uber access to all of fileplanets files and betas, before everyone else that pays.... but..

It essentially still boils down to you pay for what others host for free, with the occasional beta tacked on.

Fuck Fileplanet, and those who support it.

well said
search for Crysis_MP_Beta_Release_3.exe torrent, lots of peers (1297) atm, it took me forever to download the file from FP so i decided i'd help upload to the poor souls still messing with FP.
lol yup, when i was in line it pushed me back every minute like a few spots. Eventually i got to download it at my connections max. Always hated the lines. They just do that to get you to go subscriber. Pretty sure they have way more than enough bandwidth to let everyone enjoy the glory.

My favorite download sites are

and if i want to find a lot of mirrors to go blazing fast i just go to :cool:
I have no problem with fileplanet, I pay 40 bucks a year for it, reasonable I think.
I have been using fileplanet for many many years and I have had no problems with them. If your not a subscriber you shouldnt even be posting really. Subscribers dont wait in line. And crysis beta was open to subscribers they just like the fancy founders club name.
It is precisely because they punish their nonsubscribers that I do not subscribe to FilePlanet. I have no doubt that their paid service is better than the free service. If it wasn't there would be no reason to pay for it. I am merely expressing my opinion on their free service, and that is that it is not worth the price of admission. Yes. It's free, and it's still not worth it. Not when there are better free services out there.

If your not a subscriber you shouldnt even be posting really.

And no, you don't get to tell me that I shouldn't post about something.
FileFront works better for me. Most often, there are no lines.
Filefront would be great if subscribers weren't stuck on the same shitty connections as the non-subscribers. It is so frustrating when my max speed from the site never goes above 100k/s
I am a FP Founders club member. I think it is like 60 buck a year. No fuss at all. Something that I want comes out I go get it. I click on the maximum speed link and away things go. people are just being cheap.

Some of you guys are really wired. FP sucks because their free service sucks so I won't become a member because their free service sucks. Well if you would pay for it, then it wouldn't suck. I mean really its like 5 bucks a month.
I am a FP Founders club member. I think it is like 60 buck a year. No fuss at all. Something that I want comes out I go get it. I click on the maximum speed link and away things go. people are just being cheap.

Some of you guys are really wired. FP sucks because their free service sucks so I won't become a member because their free service sucks. Well if you would pay for it, then it wouldn't suck. I mean really its like 5 bucks a month.

As I said, the paid service has no difference other than you dont have to wait in line. Same shitty connection.
It disgusts me when I goto download a patch for a game, and the only download source the OFFICIAL sites have is Fileplanet. Seriously. What a load of crap that is. If I'm going to pay for a game, I /expect/ the software/patches/fixes/hotfixes/updates to be directly available on YOU, the PUBLISHER or DEVELOPERS servers.
As I said, the paid service has no difference other than you dont have to wait in line. Same shitty connection.

my speeds are always 300-500k a second with my paid subscription for the past 2 years.. I think only once have I been around the 150k a sec range.
Some of you guys are really wired. FP sucks because their free service sucks so I won't become a member because their free service sucks. Well if you would pay for it, then it wouldn't suck. I mean really its like 5 bucks a month.

I just don't like paying people who treat me like shit in order to get my business. That's all. Sorry if that doesn't make sense to you.
I think that depends on your ISP???

I have what used to be Adelphia, and on a good day I might hit 300K.
The previous owners raped the company and made no improvements whatsoever.
My market is so small, there's no incentive to improve the transmission.
We still have only about 6 or 8 HD TV Channels. (and three of those are PBS):eek:
and if i want to find a lot of mirrors to go blazing fast i just go to :cool:


Crysis_MP_Beta_Release_3.exe coming @ 900KB/Sec and no wait. That's just nuts. :eek:

I'd also like to go on record w/ the whole fuck fileplanet fiasco. The loops I had to jump through for a couple betas...oh...just horrible. I know I've spent more time looking, dling, getting booted back to the line than actually playing/using the content. :p
I have access to a friends founders club account, and its a much better use than trying the free stuff... not really worth the 60 a year... but you DO get something like 1500 hitpoints that can be used to download certain games for free :D (X2 the threat is one :D )

speeds are usually really good... (not my max, but about 400 most times. ) and the betas are USUALLY fun :p Crysis isnt so amazing so far, but i DO need another gb of ram... lol