Final Fantasy XII help!!!


May 1, 2006
ok ok i know i'm a little bit late, but i just got the game about 3 weeks ago and have been playing it a lot since, and i have Vaan , Fran, and Basch all leveled to 94, and Balthier, Ashe and Penelo, leveled to 93. I am in the hidden city of Giruvegan and at the boss Tyrant, i can't beat him. after multiple tries, i just can't do it. I have all the most powerful magics and the most powerful weapons available to me and he just decimates my party within a matter of minutes. any tips/help? thanks!

crap, wrong forum, meant for Console gaming :( mods move please?? thanks :)
bump! really getting sick of not progressing :( any advice would be appreciated.
if your party is really lvl 94, you should have no problem beating him. my party was at lvl 70 when i got there, and i beat him within 3 minutes. and i only used physical attacks.

what level is your party really? its almost impossible to level to the 90's before hitting giruvegan.
lvl 94 and can't progress? this a joke right? I was in and out of that area in the 40's when I played it last year. The only reason I bothered to level up my characters was for the hidden espers in the crystal, but the game can be beat in the 30's even with a bit of tactical play, and probably physical only if you are playing in the 50+ levels.
You must not be doing something right... level 94? You should beat him in a matter of seconds.

Pick one of your stronger physical characters (Vaan, Basch?) to be a tank. Just have them attack like crazy. Have your other two characters use long range weapons and keep them to the outside. Give them gambits to always cast Lure, Protect, Haste, and Bravery on your tank. Then just set those two up with gambits to always cure damaged party members, and also add Raise in there for everybody. You shouldn't have any problems after that.
i'm not joking at all, fran,basch, and vaan are level 94 and the rest of my party is 93. i'm not joking at all my party gets ripped apart within a minute or two of starting the fight.
it's really depressing, after leveling my characters like that and being a final fantasy veteran, i was completely shocked when this happened, everything i encounter i can take out with ~1 hit and then this guy rapes me. *shrugs* :(
That can't be all. Most FFs (hell, *most* RPGs) are all beatable in the high-50s/mid-60s, and extra levels help when going after extra stuff (Omega Weapon, I see you...).

Giruvegan, IIRC, is only ~70% mark, if that, of the game anyways I think. That's where I was heading when I stopped playing it in December because I had spree'd for 60 hours.
yea, i am very well aware that this is unusual. i tried the tank/healers idea and my charaters still get raped before they can do much of anything. closest i got was 3/4th of his health down but that's it :(
Are you aware of the skills board?

I know I didn't even use it till level 30 then I was like "oh right..." hehehe
yes i am fully aware of it and now that i've been getting owned by that boss, i am now on a "quest" to get lots more liscences :(
sounds like you need to set up better gambits, and perhaps experiment with some of the different protective spells the game provides... also what is the weapon setup your characters have? are they equipped with shitty weapons? or have you spent time getting good weapons for them? for instance i have basch with the best spear in the game and at only lvl 45 he's hitting most creatures for 4k or so. also armor... for most of the game light armor works well because of higher hp, but you may need to switch to heavy armor for the much higher DEF bonus..