Final Fantasy XIII

Nope, not til September I believe. It's out in Japan, though. By the time XIII comes out in the states, the PS3 will already be discounted I'm sure :rolleyes:
Amazing looking visuals for sure, but too early to tell if they're really in game. I'm not too worried though, Square never fails to push the envelope (at least in graphics).
Yeah, I'm sure the story will lack because most of the production money will be spent on graphics...
That was how I felt about X anyway.
I agree with you, except for the money part. I don't think they worry too much about their finances.
Who says you can't lay a UI over a pre-rendered shot? :p
Want me to chop up an example?

If not pre-rendered it looks real nice :)
i really like the way this is looking. best FF game in a while if it's as good as it's looking.
It looks prerendered or highly scripted. I doubt what we saw in the video will represent "average" gameplay.
Well, the press release says the White Engine is what they put their money into. And Square has never once to this day shown off anything for a Final Fantasy that wasn't an accurate representation (or an outright actual build) of the game. I trust that this is in fact what the game looks like. According to gamespot, some of it was cinematic, some of it was gameplay, but all was White Engine graphics. So... Square ftw ;)
It was gameplay cut together with cutscene footage (not necessarily pre-rendered), as most game trailers are. I thought it looked rather nice, and having a female protagonist will be a welcome change.

Also, I wouldn't worry too much about the story. Square has been doing this for a long time, and they've got it right more often than not.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
aww come on square! FF12 didnt even come out yet, and FF13 already!??!? gives us the FF7 remake already!
FF12 has been out for some time in Japan. Plus, it's impossible to tell how far along FF13 is - they could have just started working on it and it might not be released until later 2007.
FFXIII was being worked on for PS2. That dev team was then pulled to create the FFVII tech demo for the PS3. They fell in love with the hardware, realized it was friggin stupid to complete XIII for the PS2 and scrapped what they had to create the White Engine and move on to the next gen. That being said, FFX was out not that long after the PS2 was released. Somehow I feel we'll be playing XIII in late 07, but if it slips to 08 I won't be shocked.

And how can ANYONE complain about a new FF? It shouldn't be "FFXII isn't even out yet and now you're doing THIS?!" It should be "WOW! FFXII isn't even out yet and you're giving us THIS TOO?!"
Triple B said:
And how can ANYONE complain about a new FF? It shouldn't be "FFXII isn't even out yet and now you're doing THIS?!" It should be "WOW! FFXII isn't even out yet and you're giving us THIS TOO?!"

Amen. All of that AND they found the time to work on FF7: Dirge of Cerebus, FF7: Crisis Core, and FF7: Advent Children. Square is working its collective ass off, and doing a fine job from what I've seen.
Rehevkor said:
Amen. All of that AND they found the time to work on FF7: Dirge of Cerebus, FF7: Crisis Core, and FF7: Advent Children. Square is working its collective ass off, and doing a fine job from what I've seen.
Hopefully the first two are nowhere near as awful as Advent Children.
Darakian said:
Who says you can't lay a UI over a pre-rendered shot? :p
Want me to chop up an example?
Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter, the first few 'IN GAME REAL TIME!!!!!!!" movies ever released for the title.

But anywho! I think I read somewhere that it was a CG movie. Looks good, kinda FFX universe type technology 'ish....ya know?
Triple B said:
And Square has never once to this day shown off anything for a Final Fantasy that wasn't an accurate representation (or an outright actual build) of the game.

I'm sorry? What about the FFVIII preview for PSX?
spydermonkey said:
I'm sorry? What about the FFVIII preview for PSX?

They didn't have a Final Fantasy Preview for the PSX considering that the console released in 1995 and FFVII didn't release till 1997... so I don't know of any FFVIII Preview for PSX.

If your talking about the FFVIII Demo for the PS2, now that was suprassed easily by FFX, FFX-2 and many other titles. Actually all the tech demos for the PS2 were suprassed, even the old man face looks like crap when compared to faces in Virtua Fighter 4 and Tekken 5.
ne0-reloaded said:
wheres the trailer at? i checked ign and gamespot, but i cant find it. has had it for a while now, with almost 50,000 downloads already :eek:
Personally I'm just looking forward to XII. I liked XI but didn't like/find that I had to find real people to really get anywhere and it seems like XII is the single player experience of the online game.
Triple B said:
And Square has never once to this day shown off anything for a Final Fantasy that wasn't an accurate representation (or an outright actual build) of the game.

The FFVII and FFVIII ads showed the cutscenes, not the gameplay. While not outright lying about the graphical quality of the game, it was pretty damn close.
The demo for XIII does look very, very, good. I am looking forward to XII, and worried about it at the same time.

FFX and X2 were pretty big dissapointments to me, although IX was pretty awesome.. This lack of overhead map and new battle system in XII seem to stray too far from the roots though. I like certain conventions of RPGs, overhead maps, turn based combat, certain cliches, etc.
FF vs FFXIII is a side story mainly based on action I believe. Saddly Square-Enix hasn't given much information on either of them.
i don't get the gameplay of these types of games (and yes i've played several of the sequels). you get stuff, powerup and attack stuff (similar to zelda). it just ain't as appealing to me as warcraft/starcraft series or a plain ole vanilla fps. why does it appeal to ya'll? i mean i love the cinematics and would love to see more of the FFV/cut scenes from 8 onwards or advent children+spirit within but my god, the gameplay isn't interesting. why is it interesting to ya'll?
JediFonger said:
i don't get the gameplay of these types of games (and yes i've played several of the sequels). you get stuff, powerup and attack stuff (similar to zelda). it just ain't as appealing to me as warcraft/starcraft series or a plain ole vanilla fps. why does it appeal to ya'll? i mean i love the cinematics and would love to see more of the FFV/cut scenes from 8 onwards or advent children+spirit within but my god, the gameplay isn't interesting. why is it interesting to ya'll?

I used to be really into the FF games, I think because it gives you a sense of accomplishment to progress through the story, and the plots are usually good enough to at least keep you interested. It can also be interesting to play with the various character configurations, but lately I've been thinking the same way you are. I haven't played an FF game in years, but I'm starting to miss JRPG-style games. I may pick up FFX soon - never played it. Steambot Chronicles looks pretty interesting and different too.
Rehevkor said:
having a female protagonist will be a welcome change.

Finally, Square just makes the lead a female, instead of making it a dude who looks and acts like a bitch (bitch meaning pansy wussy boy, not general team for female :p ) The FF leads have all sucked after Cloud, as convoluted as that story was :/
prtzlboy said:
Finally, Square just makes the lead a female, instead of making it a dude who looks and acts like a bitch (bitch meaning pansy wussy boy, not general team for female :p ) The FF leads have all sucked after Cloud, as convoluted as that story was :/

While Tidus was annoying he had his moments. I found the later stories to be more about the world and whats going around more then focusing on a single character. Thats the thing with FF7, It was mainly all about Cloud, other characters around were to boost him and couldn't support themselves really well.

Now this isn't true about the past ones, they were mixed like the later ones. Especially FF6 which made every character a main character.

As for why I love these games? I find it to be the story. They have a truly gripping story that tops even some of the best hollywood movies. The gameplay is more about strategy, rather then just building up your characters strengths because in many of the titles if you don't know how to use the abilities and characters right certain bosses and even lesser monsters will whoop ya (Emerald and Ruby Weapons anyone?).
JediFonger said:
i don't get the gameplay of these types of games (and yes i've played several of the sequels). you get stuff, powerup and attack stuff (similar to zelda). it just ain't as appealing to me as warcraft/starcraft series or a plain ole vanilla fps. why does it appeal to ya'll? i mean i love the cinematics and would love to see more of the FFV/cut scenes from 8 onwards or advent children+spirit within but my god, the gameplay isn't interesting. why is it interesting to ya'll?

The powering up, collecting stuff, and etc, is all incidental, it is the story that makes them interesting. It is like taking part in an interactive movie, a good RPG makes you care about the characters, what is going to happen to them, and really involves you. Plus, some of the quests to collect stuff, some of the 'dungeons' and etc really make you think to solve the puzzles.
Personally I liked the FF6 style where there was no real "lead" character. The party makeup changed as the story went on and you got to learn about each character. I wish they would try this style again.
I haven't really paid any attention to the FF series since that stupid cinema movie/FFX..But FFXII is/will be single player, or at least not ONLY ONLINE and/or MMO [subscription based]? Console only, or gasp dabbling in PC release (eventually?) also? The online only (play WoW tho, a bit hypocritical ;)) and no PC versions are what killed the latest installments for me - I pretty much only had a psONE for FF7/8, not doing that again, certainly not w/ ~$4-500 hardware.
if it's the story everyone loves, why not have more advent children or (god forbid) spirit within-type movies instead of the games?

OorTael5 said:
Personally I liked the FF6 style where there was no real "lead" character. The party makeup changed as the story went on and you got to learn about each character. I wish they would try this style again.
It's not the story, it's the characters. What are the symbols of FFX? Tidus and Yuna. FF7? Sephiroth. Someone who hasn't played FF7 since it first came out will probably not be able to tell you about the story in-depth, but they know Sephiroth is the bad guy and he's a got a huge chip on his shoulder.
JediFonger said:
if it's the story everyone loves, why not have more advent children or (god forbid) spirit within-type movies instead of the games?

The movies would have to be quite long. For a project a friend of mine recorded himself playing through FF7, and pared it down as much as possible so that somebody unfamiliar with the game could watch it and still follow the story. It ended-up being 4.5 hours and missing most of the details.
Slartibartfast said:
The movies would have to be quite long. For a project a friend of mine recorded himself playing through FF7, and pared it down as much as possible so that somebody unfamiliar with the game could watch it and still follow the story. It ended-up being 4.5 hours and missing most of the details.
Surely he kept the part with Cloud and the Honey Bee house or whatever it was called. :p