Finalizing new system. Opinions?


May 9, 2006
Its been a while coming, but I think ive got most everything figured out... Its kind of ramshackle the ways things came together, as this is kind of a ressurection.

I already have...

--Motherboard: ASUS A8n-Sli
--Case: Thermaltake Shark
--Power Supply: Antec Truepower II

Im looking to buy...

--Hard Drive: Seagate Barracude 300gb
--Video Card: eVGA 7900GTX
--RAM: 2gb G Skill

Im waiting on an RMA...

--CPU: AMD 3700+

I have some questions...

--Im concerned with my power supply. My old system was fried (I may have overlooked a particular power regulation plug in the motherboard... :folleyes:) Anyways, I am going to be running a lot of high-end things, and im concerned about wattage. If anybody could reccomend a strong alternative that would be great. Rather safe than sorry, I could use an extra PSU anyways.
--Does all of this work together? Im not the most experienced, but to my knowledge these components mesh nicely.
--Am I overlooking anything? Any little detail that I may have missed, I would appreciate it being pointed out :)

Thanks in advance guys im happy to have found such a helpful forum.


EDIT: I have keyboard, optical drives, monitor, speakers, all that stuff :)
Looks fine to me. I have that exact same power supply and haven't had any problems with it as of yet. I have not delt with antec before with power supplies but this one seems to be performing well.
I would go for a X1900XT, personally. You definitely do not need to worry about your PSU. It is definitely far more then enough power for that rig.
Thanks a lot guys I appreciate the support. Hopefully this build will be more successfull than the last.

cwoZ92; The Shark is a great case. My previous build was my first, and putting it all together in such a large case was very nice. The Antec TPII has a million cords, the case has enough room to tuck them all back out of the way. Hopefully the 7900GTX will fit without causeing problems, I hear the thing is humungous.

KoolDrew; My reasons for going with the eVGA 7900GTX is the upgrade program, and the quality of eVGA as a company. From dealing with the RMA of nearly every component I have, company-customer relations is big for me. Im not sure if this card falls under their lifetime warrantee, I sure hope so. Nevertheless, I will look into the X1900XT right now. It would be nice to have some experience with both Nvidia and ATi.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day
