finally broke down and bought a Raptor


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2005
Not really sure why, but I decieded to order a 150 GB Raptor from newegg this morning. Current 36GB SAS boot drive is too small and couldn't justify cost of 146GB SAS, so decieded to give the Raptor a try. Anyone know of a good snapshot software? I don't feel like buying two drives for RAID 1, so was planning on running a daily snapshot to a data drive. Anyone else do this?

Was thinking of using Norton Ghost. Anyone with any expirience using it? Does it allow for bare metal restores from snapshot points?
for backup software i would suggest using driveimage XML, free program
just need to make a bartPE cd with the plugin and it works beautifully
make backups every couple of days.
as for the raptor, i love em, got me a 74gb one, very nice :)
Acronis TrueImage is one of the best imaging utilities out there. I use Ghost daily at work and I like Acronis a little bit better.
Brahmzy said:
Acronis TrueImage is one of the best imaging utilities out there. I use Ghost daily at work and I like Acronis a little bit better.

Oh crap - ooops. Wrong thread. Wait, no right thread. WTF. I need caffiene.

Well congrats on the Raptor!!
bump for drive xml with bartPE.

I've been using it for a while, and we just recntly started using it over ghost at work. We've had to use it twice, and so far everyone there loves it. The other advantage it has is that should the problem be something like a repairable disk error, bartPE can be compiled to include things like checkdisk. We just had a computer refuse to boot, popped in the bart cd, fixed the disk error, and were back online in minutes.

besides, its free...