Finally got around to Half Life 2


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 6, 2007
Started playing HL2 last night played it in the dark with nice headphones on and that game is crazy bad ass. I'm still only 3 hours into it but damn that whole first scene getting chased by a army is so bad ass it had me sucked in so bad that when ever my wife would tap my should to bring me cookies it would scare the hell out of me.

The graphics look great on my SLI 7600GT overclocked setup running full setting without any problems. But the graphics are nothing compared to the physics of the game everything is so life like from the way bodies drop to the way bullets hit the water every seem almost perfect, so good I can’t imagine what’s next.

I know this is all old to you guys but damn I waited way to long to buy a new computer which brings up my question what other games have I missed since in the past like 5 years, is there anything close to the caliber of halflife2.
Um...Half-Life 2 Episode 1 is good, but very short.

F.E.A.R. is very good too.
I was just thinking about this game yesterday. I need to replay it. It was/is a great game. The first time I chucked a saw blade at the zombies was so frickin' funny. Very well done storyline.
You should download and install fakefactory's cinematic mod for HL2, it makes the game even better by adding high-res textures and better music. I wish I can go back and play HL2 for the first time, such an amazing experience.
Cool I'll do that when I get home from work, which I wish was right now time is dragging today.
Doom3, Quake 4, FarCry, HL2 EP1, F.E.A.R., GTA San Andreas, Stalker, CSS, DoDS....

TF2 coming out... Havent really looked at Portal yet.. Those are just a few games that should run good on your comp...

I'm kinda in the same boat as you, I got a 7800GT and have been playing a lot of newier games and going back and playing a lot of other games the way they were ment to be played (I had a GF3 Ti 500 before the upgrade ) ... Like Max Payne 2 ... ETC... :D
I'm playing through COD2, and need to get started back up on Riddick: escape from butcher bay which have had good reviews.

If you do racing games, don't miss out on NFS:MW and NFS:U2, probably some of the better of the series.
I do all games just as long as they is the good, and the list of games to get is long which is good becuase now that PS2 is dieing and PS3 is sucking I don't have much to play.

and the GF3 Ti 500 is the same video card i had in my old computer, it ran diablo 2 good and that's all I used it for.
Wait just a second!

Your wife brings you cookies while you play video games? Wow. :cool:

BTW, I've just started playing single player as well, after having the game for so long, and it has totally blown me away.