Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

And all this comes down to one thing,

Half-Life2 is going to be the best game ever once again.

ATI is going to climb back up killing Nvidia in the benchmarks for this game. (Nividia just beat em' in Doom 3, and everyone knows why. You don't see Nvidia beating the ATI in any other game do you...)

Point-Blank :eek:

LoL! I am thinking I will get a lot of criticism from Nvidia and Doom3 lovers over this statement, but it is true! :D
I just picked it up at Fry's for $43.99 and unfortunately it runs like crap on my system due to my dying Ti4200 but it still looks impressive. I like how this all comes back to Half-Life 2 is going to be the savior of the PC gaming community and it is going to blow Doom 3 out of the water and any game that ever was and ever will be. Heh I wouldn't get my hopes too high. I think we are going to be seeing very similar posts whenever it is released as well, and this will start all over again.
computerpro3 said:
Do all of us a favor and shut the fuck up....I'm so sick of all this fanboy shit.

And are you talking about the x800xt????? Because if you are, I think everyone can agree that except in heavy open GL games like Doom 3, the xt will outperform the GT.....The ultra is another story entirely, but please, at least think a little bit before posting your garbage..... :rolleyes:

Moron, how about noting he said "3 year old" ATI shit. You invent time travel and take some x800 cards back to 2001? How about following your own advice, and if you cannot think a little before posting, at least read the entire post you are whining about.
Greenfire84 said:
This game was a joke. I had to fight tooth and nail to return the game and get my money back for DOOM 3. Hell, they should pay me for going through the toruble of putting the piece of shit on my computer. ALL doom 3 games need to be burned and never talked about again.

He works for ATI.
Postalgeist said:
Moron, how about noting he said "3 year old" ATI shit. You invent time travel and take some x800 cards back to 2001? How about following your own advice, and if you cannot think a little before posting, at least read the entire post you are whining about.

Hehe, this is VERY funny....he WAS talking about the x800xt-pe....but obviously (that means clearly) you can't (that is a contraction, it stands for can not) understand (that means comprehend) that he was refrencing the fact that ATI's technology is basically rehashed (that means used again) from the r300 core (thats the radeon 9700 pro's core) and just clocked higher (the card frequencies I mean, in case you don't follow).

You see, I DID read the entire post, and understood it. I have no doubt you did too; however, seeing and comprehending are two different beasts entirely.

I'm done arguing with him, its too annoying having to dumb everything down...

EDIT: I looked at his sig:

Find-a-Drug user name: Christopher Tate

ahhhh, that explains the lack of intelligence shown in his post...
Computerpro, what prevents you from thinking he just didn't like the game?

And if an extension of a 3 yr old architecture can compete with the 6800, then good for it. The x800 is the GPU equivalent of what Intel did with the Pentium M.
Greenfire84 said:
This game was a joke. I had to fight tooth and nail to return the game and get my money back for DOOM 3. Hell, they should pay me for going through the toruble of putting the piece of shit on my computer. ALL doom 3 games need to be burned and never talked about again.

why is it a joke. Just because you do not like it does not mean it is a joke. The game is just awesome. The problem is that there has been so much hype about this game that no matter how good the game is people will still expect more from it. Next time id software should not leak to much information about its upcoming game and then everyone would have lower expectations and would be more than happy with the final outcome.
computerpro3 said:
Hehe, this is VERY funny....he WAS talking about the x800xt-pe....but obviously (that means clearly) you can't (that is a contraction, it stands for can not) understand (that means comprehend) that he was refrencing the fact that ATI's technology is basically rehashed (that means used again) from the r300 core (thats the radeon 9700 pro's core) and just clocked higher (the card frequencies I mean, in case you don't follow).

Although, one could argue that ATI's engineers did such a good jorb with the r300 that it still performs very well to this day with only enhancements to the clock and a few tweaks here and there. When did the Pentium Pro first come out? When did we finally see the P3 die out?

Besides, with DX9 here to stay for a while, there's no reason for a huge paradigm shift in hardware. We're finally seeing games take advantage of hardware we bought 3 years ago.

You can throw all the tech into your hardware that you want, but if no one takes advantage of it (T-buffer back in the day) then you've got worthless silicon.

But, hey who am I to talk? I don't buy "next-gen" hardware until its reached a sub-$250 price range.
I think you misunderstood me; hes not the one that didnt like the game. The thread starter said "thats what you get for buying three year old ati shit". I told him to shut up because the x800xt is not exactly shit, nor is the 6800u, and will provide just a fine doom 3 experience. He said ok, he was just having some fun with the thread starter, who btw has abandoned ship.

So now this guy, Postalgeist, comes along and calls me names, and says:

Moron, how about noting he said "3 year old" ATI shit. You invent time travel and take some x800 cards back to 2001? How about following your own advice, and if you cannot think a little before posting, at least read the entire post you are whining about.

HE misunderstood the fact that he the other guy was talking about a x800xt. so he goes off on me, when hes totally in the wrong. He said nothing about disliking the game, or the x800's architecture. Hes just being stupid.
Ashtaka said:
Although, one could argue that ATI's engineers did such a good jorb with the r300 that it still performs very well to this day with only enhancements to the clock and a few tweaks here and there. When did the Pentium Pro first come out? When did we finally see the P3 die out?

Besides, with DX9 here to stay for a while, there's no reason for a huge paradigm shift in hardware. We're finally seeing games take advantage of hardware we bought 3 years ago.

You can throw all the tech into your hardware that you want, but if no one takes advantage of it (T-buffer back in the day) then you've got worthless silicon.

I'm not saying thats bad, I had a 9700 pro and LOVED it. theres still a possibility i will go ATI.
PerfectCr said:
He works for ATI.

LOL, Its always good to laugh in the morning. :D

bbc20000 said:
The problem is that there has been so much hype about this game that no matter how good the game is people will still expect more from it. Next time id software should not leak to much information about its upcoming game and then everyone would have lower expectations and would be more than happy with the final outcome.

I do believe that half-life 2 will come with similar results, because of how long these crappy computer game company's are taking to release a game. They need to stop spouting of about games they wont have out for 2 years or 1 or even 6 months from when they talk.

And computer pro.......i think you need to be quiet if you are saying my card isn't comparable to the 6800u its the other way around its hard to say that the 6800u is up to par with the x800 xt.
almostinsane1 said:
I didn't like D3 either - go down hall, shoot bad guy, find key, open door, shoot bad guy, repeat. Their's no story. FarCry was way better with immersive gameplay and better graphics.
I thought the story was great, it was told in cutscenes, by pda audio and email, and by even computers(the bios labs computers/other computers in the various labs). I'm in hell right now, and I can say for sure, that it was more immersive than hl1 and farcry.
misfitsfiend said:
DAMN DUDE YOU'RE SUCH A NON-CONFORMIST, WAY TO GO! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

you can keep using that line all you want, the game still sucks
LOL, its funny he would say that too. Considering the misfits are a huge groupy band. People who enjoy and dress like the misfits are as bad as joks in my opinion. You buy into the whole look and look like everyone around you. Get real............There is no such thing as non-comformist anymore.
Greenfire84 said:
This game was a joke. I had to fight tooth and nail to return the game and get my money back for DOOM 3. Hell, they should pay me for going through the toruble of putting the piece of shit on my computer. ALL doom 3 games need to be burned and never talked about again.

Take off your emo glasses and realize you are not cool for hating Doom3. Doesn't make you more 1337 than those of us who do not.
Then remember to kick yourself because you can't play all of the free kicka$$ mods coming out that guessed it....Doom3.
what a moron! he should take it back cause he is to stupid to know how to play it in the first place!!

theelviscerator said:
zeus is mad a p4 and a x800 pro outruns his pos computer is all..

Hey buddy, I see you changed your sig? Before it used to say 58 frames, now it says 68. Guess you disabled shadows. Ya man, that'll teach us Nvidiots to brag about our GTs. Who needs shadows anyways. YA!
The Batman said:
Hey buddy, I see you changed your sig? Before it used to say 58 frames, now it says 68. Guess you disabled shadows. Ya man, that'll teach us Nvidiots to brag about our GTs. Who needs shadows anyways. YA!
Don't agitate him, he's still realing that the Athlon64 and Geforce 6-series are superior in Doom3.
Greenfire84 said:
LOL, its funny he would say that too. Considering the misfits are a huge groupy band. People who enjoy and dress like the misfits are as bad as joks in my opinion. You buy into the whole look and look like everyone around you. Get real............There is no such thing as non-comformist anymore.

hahaha what do people who enjoy and dress like the misfits look like? how exactly do you "dress" like one of the misfits? what makes yuo think i look and dress like one of the misfits. the old misfits (danzig era) happen to be one of my all time favorite bands, although i didn't know they were really all that popular, although they have become a bunch of sellouts (i.e. $25 concert tickets for a punk band?) from the little popularity they have gained from hot topic.

back on topic- yes, multiplayer does suck. no, it's not the best game of all time. yes, it is one of the best in my book. k thx.
SilentButDeadly: Okay, what do benchmarks have to do with how good a game is? Really? Honestly? NOTHING.

Point-Blank! (yes, i'm making fun of you)

Also, to the original poster: you're upset because you had trouble returning OPENED MERCHANDISE? hrm... i wonder why they gave you crap?

HackofDestruct: huh? what in the world does California have to do with Doom3?!? Are we referring to the misfits here? If so - they originated from Jersey. Did I miss something here? I am so very confused by your comment.
greenfire (the person in question) is from california. ahnuld is governor of california.

what can you expect from someone who lives in a place called "the cats", california?

haha just kidding, enough making fun of our habitats.
misfitsfiend said:
what can you expect from someone who lives in a place called "the cats", california?

Seriously, does anyone know why the Spanish named that area "Los Gatos'?? was there a shitload of kitties there or something??
all of California is named in some crazy Spanish term. And this area is a very nice area. 40 minutes from frisco, 20 minutes from santa cruz, and if you would like.....check out how much the homes goes for here. There isn't any house or shack that isn't worth at least a million.

And to those who say doom3 rocks cause of the remakes of it......what the hell are you thinking? YEAH doom 3 is a good game cause it sucks so bad that people have to mod the hell out of it to make it any good, and because people are going to mod the hell out of the shitty game you think its good and worth buying. BLAH!!!

And don’t get me wrong....I like the misfits. I personally like more underground bands better but hey.....if you think the misfits aren’t popular then you got another thing coming.
Greenfire84 said:
And to those who say doom3 rocks cause of the remakes of it......what the hell are you thinking? YEAH doom 3 is a good game cause it sucks so bad that people have to mod the hell out of it to make it any good, and because people are going to mod the hell out of the shitty game you think its good and worth buying. BLAH!!!

half life was only as popular as it was because of counterstrike. it was a popular game that did a lot of things well, but it only sold as many copies as it did because of counter-strike.

and guess what, modding is what makes a game fun. doom3 was fun the first time around, im playing it at hardest the second time around, but after that, it has no replay value on that. thats why I only buy games for multiplayer and modding ability. doom3 has excellence in both.
misfitsfiend said:
hahaha what do people who enjoy and dress like the misfits look like? how exactly do you "dress" like one of the misfits? what makes yuo think i look and dress like one of the misfits. the old misfits (danzig era) happen to be one of my all time favorite bands, although i didn't know they were really all that popular, although they have become a bunch of sellouts (i.e. $25 concert tickets for a punk band?) from the little popularity they have gained from hot topic.

back on topic- yes, multiplayer does suck. no, it's not the best game of all time. yes, it is one of the best in my book. k thx.

you are completly right except for hot topic. they gained popularity only because its cool to pretend to like them. very few people like the music. very few people understand wtf the music is talking about. i happen to like both. i will never own a piece of misfits clothing though, because i honestly dont want to deal with other people bugging me about it. "OMG U LIKE THEM TOO LOL" and all of that.

multiplayer in doom3 is exactly like multiplayer in quake3, end of story. and yes its a gerat game, but its NOT the best game ever. people who dont like it (IE the thread starter) seem to have trouble keeping those thoughts separate.
oh ...I dont know ..I'm enjoying the game right now , and I know (as already stated) that there are gonna be some great games that will come from this engine

I'm playing the game on my VisionTek x800 pro at 1280x1024 on high quality settings and game looks and plays very nice.

you have to read all the pda's and that kind of stuff to get more immersed into the game tho

would have been nice to be able to manipulate your environment more so.

original poster didnt like the game ..thats fine .. the doom3 engine is finally here and I think that's what we were waiting for more so then the actual game, at least I was anyways ..actually enjoying Doom3 the game is just icing on the cake :)
kronchev said:
half life was only as popular as it was because of counterstrike. it was a popular game that did a lot of things well, but it only sold as many copies as it did because of counter-strike.

and guess what, modding is what makes a game fun. doom3 was fun the first time around, im playing it at hardest the second time around, but after that, it has no replay value on that. thats why I only buy games for multiplayer and modding ability. doom3 has excellence in both.

Sorry, half life wasnt popular just because of counterstrike. It broke new ground into interactivity and experience in the FPS genre. It wasnt another shooter that was, go find this keycard, shoot this guy, rinse, repeat. The AI was much better in the original HL then in D3, just look at the marines you fight there and compare them to the ones in D3.

But, Counterstrike did not make or break that franchise.

Doom 3 IS NOT an entirely bad game either. yeah there was a lot of hype leading up to the release. Now everyones played it, some have beaten it, including me. But you need to look past the very very very pretty graphics engine, and look at the other charachteristics of the game. Interaction sorely lacked, being only abled to use specific designated computers and only breaking some glass. AI was spotty, spiders and such would sidestep and sideleap once in awhile, and marines would take cover behind crates, but nothing too creative or even consistent. Go read the toms hardware review of the game, they almost hit it dead on the nose for D3 seeming like one big techdemo.

The game has modding ability no doubt about it, the game freaked me out on more then one occasion, the graphics were the best ive ever seen. But to me and quite a few people out there seem to agree that the game didnt have a whole lot else to offer then those things i mentioned earlier.

Also, the guy that fought to return AN OPEN BOX SOFTWARE ITEM to a store is a complete freakin retard. I work at fry's electronics and you wouldve believe the stories we've heard with people trying to return opened software, some guy even returned his software like 3 weeks after he bought it....
almostinsane1 said:
I didn't like D3 either - go down hall, shoot bad guy, find key, open door, shoot bad guy, repeat. Their's no story. FarCry was way better with immersive gameplay and better graphics.

You have to understand this is DOOM. You expected DOOM. This is DOOM. YOU'VE GOT DOOM. The first Doom was so linear, it was all about shooting, killing, etc... And you're not satisfied with killing in Doom 3? :eek:

Did you even play Doom 1? Sheesh...

I think most people fail to grasp what the fuck doom 3 is about plot-wise. They just generalize "doom 3 is just another slaughter fest," or "mad scientist. unleashes demons from hell." In actuality, if you threw that fucking mentality away and spent the time to read the logs and other tidbits that pertain to the plot, it adds depth to the story. Some people are so damn lazy that they don't like to read, so all they see is the run and gun action or prefer everything presented in cut-scenes.
GeForceX said:
You have to understand this is DOOM. You expected DOOM. This is DOOM. YOU'VE GOT DOOM. The first Doom was so linear, it was all about shooting, killing, etc... And you're not satisfied with killing in Doom 3? :eek:

Did you even play Doom 1? Sheesh...


And is he saying that farcry WASNT do this, get this, go here, kill anything in your path? and that farcry has a BETTER STORY? HAH!

i love farcry, I love doom3, they are very different styles but both have the same objectives: do what youre told and kill everything.
GeForceX said:
You have to understand this is DOOM. You expected DOOM. This is DOOM. YOU'VE GOT DOOM. The first Doom was so linear, it was all about shooting, killing, etc... And you're not satisfied with killing in Doom 3? :eek:

Did you even play Doom 1? Sheesh...

I think he, such as myself, have grown past enjoying games like that. I haven't played Doom 3 and really haven't got much desire to either. I enjoyed Doom 1 and 2 (and all the other similar games) when they were out, but I wasn't even in high school yet. Now I'm entering my senior year of college and they just don't appeal to me. I'm sure I'll play D3 and have some fun but it's not worth $55 to me and the pretty isn't enough to make up for it IMO.
kronchev said:
And is he saying that farcry WASNT do this, get this, go here, kill anything in your path? and that farcry has a BETTER STORY? HAH!

i love farcry, I love doom3, they are very different styles but both have the same objectives: do what youre told and kill everything.

FarCry doesn't have a better story (it's one of the shittiest of the shittiest... half the time I didn't even know what was going on), but anyways, he wasn't saying FarCry's story was better... which is why I didn't compare the two in my previous post.
kronchev said:
multiplayer in doom3 is exactly like multiplayer in quake3, end of story. and yes its a gerat game, but its NOT the best game ever. people who dont like it (IE the thread starter) seem to have trouble keeping those thoughts separate.

Well well, FYI-- I *LOVE* Quake III to death. I played it for 4 years competitively nonstop. Addiction? Maybe. Replay value? Through the roof, son. If Doom 3 is actually anything like the multiplayer of Quake III version today, hell-- I'm happy I even bought this game. I think the single player mode is decent anyway! I let the level of scariness continue by minimizing my gameplay hours on it (2 to 4 hours a day). So, I'm almost getting there but I'm still getting spooked out (5.1 speakers :D). I actually did say "Jesus Fuck" what, like 14 times in that whole game? That game does indeed keep screwing with my head. :D Either way, if it is going to be as much fun as Quake III's mods, I can't wait. I can't wait for Doom Arena 3 (DA3). I can't wait for Doom Pro Mode Arena (DPMA). I can't wait for DoomWave (DW). I can't wait for Doom Terror (DT).***

*** Only Quake fans would know what kind of mods they're from.

versello said:
FarCry doesn't have a better story (it's one of the shittiest of the shittiest... half the time I didn't even know what was going on), but anyways, he wasn't saying FarCry's story was better... which is why I didn't compare the two in my previous post.
So far Farcry doesn't have a bad story...

Although the best by far I've ever seen were Freespace and Freespace 2.