Finally quit World of Warcraft


Fully [H]
Jul 29, 2005
Its not fun anymore. I got 2 characters to 70 and geared them both out (Rogue in all epics and a pvp mage in all arena gear). I would log in whenever I was bored.. but then I realized that I really didn't do anything in game between raids anyways. So I was logging in... and being bored in game.

It finally settled in that this game has no end. For every epic that dropped for me, I found that the sense of accomplishment wasn't there. I wanted the gear, but when I finally got it, I realized that I was exactly where I was before I got the gear, and that sense of accomplishment turned into a sense that even if I had completed Black Temple, I wouldn't ever feel satisfied. I know that you are supposed to play to enjoy the game, not to lust after certain items in game.. but when you whittle down the game to dailys and 2 raid days a week.. it leaves you empty and wanting the feeling that you got when you leveled your first character. The romance of finding new areas and leveling. Once that was gone, it was over for me.

I logged into my account on and canceled it. (Pats self on back).
Its weird.. in a way... I feel clean now.
You do realize that wrath of the lich king will be out soon, and levels will be increased to 80, right?
I did a similar thing back right before the first expansion was released. I had full epics, almost done with Naxx and I was enjoying the game with my friends when I was raiding but any other time I was just sitting around. I finally told my guild I was done and canceled it all and only came back one time when the expansion came out to see if I wanted to play again, but it was not the same and being gone so long the game really was "bleh."

Now that you quit go do somethings, other games, you have passed up on because you were playing World of Warcraft so much.
You do realize that wrath of the lich king will be out soon, and levels will be increased to 80, right?

Does it really matter?
Like he said, even if new gear is given to him, that is better, he just did not feel like he accomplished anything, which is exactly what happens when you play for to long. There is no end like in an FPS or RTS game with a beginning and end story, so all you do is attempt to find the end until something new comes out and repeat what you did all the previous times.
You do realize that wrath of the lich king will be out soon, and levels will be increased to 80, right?

Yup. We will see what happens.

I want to try out warhammer too. If thats good enough, I probably wont buy the expansion for wow. I really hope that they change around their endgame content. Right now its very linear. Kara > Gruuls > ZA etc etc etc.

It would be nice to have 3-4 ENTRY LEVEL 10 mans. I'm tired of Kara and Gruuls. Heroics don't count. It was a nice idea at first, but the more I played them, the more I saw them as just Blizzard being lazy with new content.
Does it really matter?
Like he said, even if new gear is given to him, that is better, he just did not feel like he accomplished anything, which is exactly what happens when you play for to long. There is no end like in an FPS or RTS game with a beginning and end story, so all you do is attempt to find the end until something new comes out and repeat what you did all the previous times.

You hit it on the nose.
I'm sure I will be tempted to buy the expansion when it comes out.. but as mentioned in another post, I don't know if it will be worth it to go back.
I quit a few months ago. The gameplay just wasn't fun anymore so I got bored. Even with a new expansion, I wont be back. The gameplay would have to change, not just the addition of new stuff to look at.
I quit a few months ago. The gameplay just wasn't fun anymore so I got bored. Even with a new expansion, I wont be back. The gameplay would have to change, not just the addition of new stuff to look at.

I agree 100%.
Thats why I am going to give warhammer a shot. I love the idea of wow.. but the execution is bad in my opinion. Feels too much like a single player game that is played by 1000s of people at the same time. Nothing changes.. Nothing evolves.. You obtain a quest, do the quest, turn it in, rinse and repeat. Instances and BG's aren't enough to break up the monotony of it.
I hear ya brutha....

I got a character up to level 56 and then...pffft, same as you, found myself logging in and wondering what the hell I was doing there.

This is the problem I had with it....

Id gain a new level (yea), Id gain more powers (but not really, its the same powers just with an EXTREME slight bump in dmg).

Id go out and EXPECT to kick some ass, but no. It was the same ol type of critters, but instead of them doing, say 100pts of dmg, they now do 110pts of dmg. So, even though you gained more power, for you to do anything with that power and earn XP, you'd have to go fight a slightly higher leveled critter....which in turn, made your new found power turn into the same damn power you had before.

Id play for hours, days, weeks, months to get some "cool" weapon only to find out, when I actually got it, it didnt do all that much more dmg than the simple weapon I was using before that.

So, since your forced to go into higher level areas to fight critters worth XP, those critters would also be your level-ish, so in the end, being level 56, 60 or even level 70 was actually no freakin different than playing at level 1. Your just in a different area.

One area after another after another and another etc etc etc with literally no difference in gameplay or ACTION.

For me, WoW was its most fun Id say, around level 20. After that, it really became a waste of 15 bucks a month.

Because of WoW, im now hesitant to try other MMO's cause they most likely are the same damn thing with different wall paper.
You do realize that wrath of the lich king will be out soon, and levels will be increased to 80, right?

And it will be NO DIFFERENT than playing the game at I just mentioned (was typing my reply when there were no responses yet), the route getting to level 80 will be the same ol stuff, different wallpaper.
I quit a few months ago. The gameplay just wasn't fun anymore so I got bored. Even with a new expansion, I wont be back. The gameplay would have to change, not just the addition of new stuff to look at.

I totally agree!!!!

Edit: DOHHH!!!! One of these days, I'll remember to use that multi-quote button......One day....heh
Yup. We will see what happens.

I want to try out warhammer too. If thats good enough, I probably wont buy the expansion for wow. I really hope that they change around their endgame content. Right now its very linear. Kara > Gruuls > ZA etc etc etc.

It would be nice to have 3-4 ENTRY LEVEL 10 mans. I'm tired of Kara and Gruuls. Heroics don't count. It was a nice idea at first, but the more I played them, the more I saw them as just Blizzard being lazy with new content.

theres a new 10 and 25 man coming in 2.4 so that may fill that
I've quit the game three times total so far. I generally quit when I get bored and/or don't have a lot of time to make it worthwhile. The last time was probably the last, as even knowing about WotLK isn't making me terribly interested. It felt like the same thing over and over, and now apparently everyone is decked out in the same gear anyway (Arena gear), making the characters lose any sense of individuality.
lol I quit a couple months ago. I use a friends account now every blue moon just to log in and see whats going on. It feels good to quit the game, but after a while, you'll have to find something to fill the void.

If you can't do that, then hide your CC and learn to watch spongebob squarepants lol!

But seriously, congrats. I didn't realize how addicting that game was until I quit it. I do miss my 70 druid and all those fun ass raids though, but I enjoy the feeling of not having to be online at a certain time to do this and that. The pressures :p I enjoy going out to eat and having a great night with the family again :D damn the drugs... lol
Its not fun anymore. I got 2 characters to 70 and geared them both out (Rogue in all epics and a pvp mage in all arena gear). I would log in whenever I was bored.. but then I realized that I really didn't do anything in game between raids anyways. So I was logging in... and being bored in game.

It finally settled in that this game has no end. For every epic that dropped for me, I found that the sense of accomplishment wasn't there. I wanted the gear, but when I finally got it, I realized that I was exactly where I was before I got the gear, and that sense of accomplishment turned into a sense that even if I had completed Black Temple, I wouldn't ever feel satisfied. I know that you are supposed to play to enjoy the game, not to lust after certain items in game.. but when you whittle down the game to dailys and 2 raid days a week.. it leaves you empty and wanting the feeling that you got when you leveled your first character. The romance of finding new areas and leveling. Once that was gone, it was over for me.

I logged into my account on and canceled it. (Pats self on back).
Its weird.. in a way... I feel clean now.

Alright HOLD ON.
I did the same exact thing 5 months ago. I just was bored so I soled off my account.
I felt pretty good for about a month, then I realized, there are no other games that can keep me playing like WoW could. I played all the new rush of AAA titles that came in november, TF2 is probably the one I played the most, but even then, I couldn't really play it more than 3 hours because then I got bored.
Four pass and at one point I just want to sell my computer because after play a few games, I'd sit there on my desktop thinking what to do next, most of the things I did was surfing, not gaming.
After I quit I decided to play some other games and they never held my attention (except some single player campaigns) but no multiplayer game can keep be playing a good 14 hours a day like wow did. So about a week ago I bough WoW again for 19 dollars, and started playing again, on a class I never played before, and I bought a ventrillo server so that I can invite leveling buddies to keep me interested.
Talking with guildies or friends via VOICE helps keep the expirence fun, so now I have something I can actually do. Think about this before you really quit.

And it will be NO DIFFERENT than playing the game at I just mentioned (was typing my reply when there were no responses yet), the route getting to level 80 will be the same ol stuff, different wallpaper.

I gotta disagree there, when BC first came out, it felt like my first week of WoW all over again. Just that excitement of seeing new things and exploring.
If you're playing WoW 14 hours a day... ... No offense man but, go outside. I played for that, if not more a day when I first started, that died out quick. It then turned to every night for a few hours.
Congratz. I've been sober for over 2 years now...and glad.

If you think about it, WoW really wasn't anything revolutionary in terms of gameplay. (if someone flames me for my opinion, than they're just another WoW addict/fiend)
Thats why I am going to give warhammer a shot. I love the idea of wow.. but the execution is bad in my opinion. Feels too much like a single player game that is played by 1000s of people at the same time

WoW really is a single player game. Kinda like Diablo II. It was only multiplayer when you wanted to trade for an item or kill one of the bosses. Some of the other MMOs are not like this. I won't post which ones cause i'll be accused of being a fanboy! But seriously, MMOs are suppose to be fun because you hang out with people who turn into friends. No game can support the time put into games like FFXI or WoW or CoV or LOTR unless you find people you enjoy chatting with and have a good time playing with.
I'd love MMO's more on a party level if the penalty for leveling together wasn't so high. I went from 1-70 on wow by myself, I maybe partied 4 or 5 times because a guildie needed help. Other than that. You level faster, easier, and don't have to be restricted by others slowing you down.

Sadly that's the way all MMO's are going to be. I don't want to have to wait for someone else. When I level I level fast and hard. WoW was all about the endgame for me, and it got boring pretty quickly because of the repetition when trying to get items that didn't drop, or were dropped and given to someone else. Course if it were setup where everyone got something, a lot more people would not be playing the game :p
And those would be?

~Orange Box (TF2, HL, Portal)
~Guitar Hero
~Call of Duty 4
~Gears of War
~Supreme Commander
~Command & Conquer
~The Witcher
~World in Conflict

This is just a small list.
I am right along with most people here... have quit multiple times and now it is just something I pay monthly for to "get away" or sit and chat with my buddies. Hell the last time I quit was for about a good 6 months then came back to play with my buddies. Only thing is that I have now only played a handful of times, and those werent much at all. So it just kinda sits for now.
You do realize that wrath of the lich king will be out soon, and levels will be increased to 80, right?

In order words, all the time he is spending to maximize his level 70 toons will become meaningless as level 71+ random drop green items will be better then the purple gear he just spent many hours getting?
Yeah I quit WoW because the community just wasnt the same as it use to be. Back on luanch day and the half a year following it was so easy to find people to group with. People were very friendly. Now when you get on its hard to even get help doin a quest. I just cant for the life of me make myself play.

Now im playin Mythos not hard core but its interesting. Wish I could find people to play with, I find I am more interesting in a MMO if I have some buddies to play with.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I gotta disagree there, when BC first came out, it felt like my first week of WoW all over again. Just that excitement of seeing new things and exploring.

Whats BC? Or did you mean BG (BattleGrounds)?

Well, you kinda did agree with me dude. "first came out".

When it first came out, it WAS fun, but thats when it first came out, after doing it for awhile, it joins the same aspect as what we are talkin about....BORING!!!!

Anyways, when ANYTHING first comes out, its fun because its different. When Pac-Man first came out, it was fun too. The new expansion coming out offers WHAT that is new? A new area to explore??? Pfffftt, big deal. A few new classes/races or both, again, pfffttt, big deal. Its the burning crusade all over again.....Oh, I see now, thats what ya meant by BC.......Pfffffttt again.

I'll go one further on that.....I had quit prior to "BC". Then I saw some screenies and kinda got bit by the WoW bug again, so I bit back and bought the expansion. I got to level 27 and then, I just never logged back in again. Sure, seeing new eye candy seems cool, but the game play itself NEVER changed. It didnt matter what class you were or what side you were on. It was EXACTLY the same gameplay and so will the "LK".

I will NOT be bitten again. WoW is history to me and many others for the same damn reason....BORING!!!!!

Now, I will admit, if Blizzard had included some sort of MOD creation applications as well as a Mapping application, it might have held my interest further. Valve DOES do this and IMO is THE BEST thing a game company can do for a game.....allow the player to create what he/she wants to see in a game, chances are, there will be LOTS of other people who like those creations too. Blizzard wont ever do that and although having been the big dawgs in the industry for quite some time now, this ONE aspect will eventually be there downfall.
Congratz. I've been sober for over 2 years now...and glad.

If you think about it, WoW really wasn't anything revolutionary in terms of gameplay. (if someone flames me for my opinion, than they're just another WoW addict/fiend)

Haha same here, it ruined my life but now im clean and onto better things like COD4 :D. Demigod looks interesting also.
delete your chars and/or sell the account so you do not have a relapse.
Good for you if that.s what ya wanted. I quit WoW back last January just as BC was coming out. Got tired of Raid Raid Raid Raid.... Raid Raid Raid Raid, oh and then lets do a little more Raid Raid Raid Raid..... Boring ! Game was feeling to damn much like work and not enough like fun anymore.

Tried Vanguard, LoTR online, currently playing EQ2 and enjoying it, but Im starting to feel that same o same o feeling again from time to time. It's fun when it's fresh and unexplored :p and you get in with a good group of peeps, otherwise it's the same damn thing with different wallpaper. :rolleyes:

I've been hearing rumors of a Knights of The Old Republic MMO in the works, now if that is true I would be VERY interested in it. :eek:
only one problem, you didn't sell your account! you could have probably made at least $300 no?
I'm only level 26 and I feel already the same as a lot of you.

Buy weapon "A" do "damage" buy weapon "B" do "damage +2"

I"m at a point where I feel I work so hard for stuff but gain so little for it without jumping 10 levels... 1 -> 10 -> 20 -> 30 ... etc.
Congratz! I to was a victim and quit over a while ago.. I recently just got into BC releveled to 60 and then quit again! The game is no different... Constant grind and most of the time when you get there they release a new patch or a new expansion and all the hard work you put into your character seems like a waist. I finished Naxx.. got all my tier 3 and when BC was comming out and the first quest item that you get already is better then the best staff in the game.. it gets old real fast. The potion grinding still haunts me to this day.. stupid shadow pots...
Sounds like how I felt when I finally quit EQ (4.5 years). Got tired of the same raids and level grinds.

I play EVE now days but whats great about it is its easy to take a break from. You can set a 15day skill and not log in for 2 weeks yet have made progress.
Grats, I did the same thing...3 times. I have leveled 5 chars to 60 and 3 different ones to 70.

All MC epics, sold account.
7/9 T3 Naxx epics, sold account.
Full arena gear, sold account.

It just has an addicting factor, luckily my college connection wont let me stay connected for over 30 seconds otherwise I would still be totally enthralled with it.

*pat on the back* to you, it's harder than some people think.
In order words, all the time he is spending to maximize his level 70 toons will become meaningless as level 71+ random drop green items will be better then the purple gear he just spent many hours getting?

While you are speaking out of your anus, I will point you to the chinese Illidan kill 52 days after the Xpac came out there. The large majority were still wearing t3.
Don't forget to make a new thread when you resubscribe in two weeks. Even though people quit when they are bored, they usually end up coming back.
Don't forget to make a new thread when you resubscribe in two weeks. Even though people quit when they are bored, they usually end up coming back.

Aye... MMO's are good fun, sometimes you will burn out on available content but that's because they have so much gameplay to go through. All RPG's, even single-player, are based around the concept of gaining slightly more power as you go along and then tackling things you couldn't before. The end-game in MMO's centers around multiplayer progression for your guild raiding and PVP'ing in whatever way the MMO provides for. They'll be back ;).