finding a new monitor


Jan 13, 2004
I've been searching through these forums and other for the past couple of months, and nothing has really perked my interest.

I really love the dot pitch of my old 19" Hyundai L90D+ of .294. It seemed to be the perfect pixel size and was easy on the eyes.

Now to the goal is to upgrade to something larger, but still stay near that original dot pitch of .294

A 24" with rez of 1920x1200 has probably the smallest dot pitch I could go with and a 30" with the same resolution would probaby be near the maximum I'd be willing to go.

Problem is, nothing in this range exists that is good for:
>Photo-Editing (high color gamut)
>Great Viewing Angles (MVA/IPS)
>Fast Response Time/Low input lag

NOTHING Folks, does not exist!

so therefore, I'm asking if anybody knows of any monitors coming out that might fit what I'm looking for. I can wait a month or two, but anything with a release date of 2008 ain't gonna cut it. I must play Crysis, and this 14" laptop ain't gonna cut it.

So recc please!
