firefox 3 download problem


Jul 7, 2004
well not a problem with downloading, but firefox 2.0 had a feature that when i was downloading something it would not close the browser fully without my permission. For me firefox 3 just closes immediately no questions which is a big hassle when the site i'm downloading from does not support download resuming.

I want to make the jump at home to firefox 3.0 but its just too much of a deal breaker for me.

is there an option to turn this feature back on?
Not sure exactly what you're meaning but, with Firefox (any version that I've ever tried) if you're in the middle of a download and the Download Manager window is not visible and you make the attempt to close the browser itself, Firefox will complain and tell you that you've got a download in progress because it - meaning the browser - is the only window open.

If, however, you actually allow the Download Manager window to open - which is just a single pane from Firefox itself - then you can close the main browser window while that one remains open. I personally never open the Download Manager window when a download starts, that's one of the first things I disable. Another benefit to FF3 now is it'll give you a basic download status in the Status bar at the bottom of the screen with the time remaining and total downloads in progress. A very cool addition, IMO.

With Firefox, you have to have either the browser open or the Download Manager window to keep a download active; if you close both, then yep, the download will die.

Not sure if that's what you're talking about or not, but that's how it works for me.
hmmm on my coworkers and my browsers at work firefox makes no attempt to stop me from closing my browser when I am downloading.

the second part isn't related but thanks for the input!

i love firefox 3 for work but at home because of this simple task (since i dl a whole bunch of stuff) it is completely unusable at home.

I'll still and mess around with it, but I can't seem to find anything that works.

anyone else can help
Ok, I'm just going to ask this outright:

thanks for the answer....

does anyone else have any other ideas?
Ok, fine. If you use DownThemAll it will remain open (as it's technically an external addon application if that makes any sense) and will operate even if the browser closes.
Considering most people do so much on the Internet or when connected these days, that's why I proposed the question. I can't imagine someone not being online and just starting a browser to start a download and then closing the browser immediately after it starts, that makes no sense. But alas, it seems the OP has blown me off so...

Get a download manager like FreeDownloadManager and never need a browser at all I'd say. It'll grab links you drag and drop on it, no browser even required.
Because so far you seem to be the only person exhibiting said "problem." So, if none of the rest of us have that problem or have ever encountered it, there's no way we can fix it for you.

We can only offer suggestions with solutions that will give you the ability to download without the browser, I suppose.
The download window, in a sense, is treated as a separate instance of Firefox. If you close Firefox, the download window should still remain open, allowing the download to complete. This only works if you have the download window open.

If you have the download window disabled, go to about:config (type it in the address bar) and type "download" in the Filter field.

Go to this entry: and set to "true".

If you have any add-ons (such as All-in-one Sidebar or an add-on that acts as a substitute for the download window) you might have to disable the add-on for this to work.
I tend to close the browser frequently as well it's just a habit and yes on FF3 it won't warn you that there's a dl in progress. Might have something to do with the implementation of download statusbar in FF3 that won't warn you of a dl in progress as it assumes you are aware of it because it's in the status bar. Also, as the poster above said the easiest solution is to just have the download manager pop up whenever a dl is started so you can close the main browser all you want as long as the download manager stays open.
Thanks for the response. Yea I close mine out of habit too.

I'll probably have to go PingPongPay's route at least for work, but with the code freeze for Firefox 3.1 coming on the 19th I might just wait a little bit before I make the move for home.

Thanks again