firewall question


Limp Gawd
Aug 7, 2004
Hi all, I was wondering if there is need to setup a firewall such as zonealarm on my PC even thought I am behind a router (a Belkin). The router does have an internal firewall. I am being too repetative here?
Probably not. I used to run ZoneAlarm along with my router firewall but no need. Just uses resources of your desktop.

Also. . . dude trim down you sig. 10 line max. You have like 22 lines.
I am not an expert but yes you should definately have a software firewall as well, it gives you more control over applicatioons and detections etc. If you get something along the lines of trend micro's pc-cillan internet security it will do virus wall for you to.

The hardware firewall only does packet filtering or something to that name where it just makes sure data is coming from the actual source, I think. Someone else may chime in on this.

GET ONE! I hate Norton and Zone Alarm for the record. Personal experiences.

So far Trend Micro is working just fine and it has wireless intrusion alerts, wireless aint that secure but along with this you can at least no when to unplug your router :)
thanks for the info guys, and Scheizekopf, thanks for hinting about my sig. It is reduced. :D