First Impressions: Doom 3 RoE


Oct 28, 2004
I was able to get a copy of Doom 3 RoE the other day. In any case, as you all begin to get it, I would love to hear your first impressions and thoughts on this expansion.

Mine have been wonderfully pleasant. You can see iD went back and fixed a few graphical things. The Anti-Soul Cube thing (not even sure what it’s called still...) is extremely detailed, and the little things it does its very cool. The *Cough* Rip Off HL2 Grav Gun* Cough* Called the "Grabber" is VERY fun. How it distorts the environment around it and interacts with things is very cool. Other than those few things, it’s been fun. The pace of the game also feels different. It feels faster and doesn't feel like you have to constantly sneak around with the flashlight.

However, as always there is a down side. The first of which is the Unchanged-Lack-Thereof-An-AI. It has been quickly exploited and the first boss you face (early on) can be exploited hardcore. The standard enemy AI hasn't changed, and you can dodge the Imps fireballs very easily. Speaking of which, this leads me to the next gripe which is in fact the "Grabber" In a world where you can pick up a huge ass canister, you would think you would have the power to move a section of a locker, or anything SMALLER for that matter. However, D3: RoE is very picky about what physically you can interact with. You can pick up a shovel. You can pick up a LARGE rock, but you can't pick up the medium sized rock right next to it. It’s sad because it puts the "Grabber" and physics engine to shame. Another thing would be the 100X damage increase the "Grabber" does for enemy’s weapons. What I mean by this, is the Imps fireballs. You can grab them and launch them back. It will kill the Imp with one hit, as long as the ball hits in its vicinity. In a way it’s nice, but in another way it’s very lame.

All in all though the game is a nice step for the (crap) that I thought D3 was in the first place. The atmosphere remains AND the boys at USC still haven't figured out how to mount a Flashlight to a gun...or their armor. The story continues nicely and you are yet another marine with a speech impediment. So once again it’s pretty fun, and even if you didn't like D3, I'd say go and pick up this expansion. It’s actually pretty darn fun, and to simply see how the story is progressing is worthwhile to me.

My Score: 85%
abudhu said:
The Anti-Soul Cube thing (not even sure what it’s called still...)

Hell Cube.

The *Cough* Rip Off HL2 Grav Gun* Cough* Called the "Grabber" is VERY fun. How it distorts the environment around it and interacts with things is very cool.

It's not a ripoff. The Grabber was in Doom 3's game code for years, since id needed something to test out their physics during development. They decided to make it usable in RoE.
Terpfen said:
Hell Cube.It's not a ripoff. The Grabber was in Doom 3's game code for years, since id needed something to test out their physics during development. They decided to make it usable in RoE.

Thanks (Hell Cube) And I knew that, I just felt like being a dick :(
abudhu said:
Thanks (Hell Cube) And I knew that, I just felt like being a dick :(

Nice... and why do you think that anyone would be interested in a dick's opinion? :rolleyes:
NowhereMan said:
Nice... and why do you think that anyone would be interested in a dick's opinion? :rolleyes:

Why do you have to be so cruel? Wtf man.
Anywho, I'll get some screen later today.
Terpfen said:
It's not a ripoff. The Grabber was in Doom 3's game code for years, since id needed something to test out their physics during development. They decided to make it usable in RoE.

I highly doubt it was a coincidence id put a gravity gun in their game after the success of HL2. :rolleyes:
Here are some screen shots:

Hand As soon as you Select the Hell Cube;
Hand Before

Hand a Few Seconds after (Got to love the detail)
Hand After

Grav Gun targeting:
Grabber Before

Grav with the Distortion effect (not the best example, and I died shortly after since I didnt let go in time :rolleyes: )
Graber After
S1nF1xx said:
I highly doubt it was a coincidence id put a gravity gun in their game after the success of HL2. :rolleyes:

They put it in before, not after. Was it skinned and modeled to such perfection? No, of course not. Nevertheless, it was in there.
Why do some people believe Valve invented the "gravity gun"? They just took it a step further but I know for a fact there was a Sega Genesis game that had a main character who's main weapon was like "gravity gun" from HL2. It was not as functional as HL2's gun but he could pick enemy's, swing and shoot back with it.

Cool pics. :p
ID did have it for a while.. They just didn't put it in D3.. Whether they put it in the expansion pack because of HL2's very popular gravity gun, or it was planned from the start, hardly matters.. Capitalizing on a good thing is the way anyone in bussiness stays in bussiness..
S1nF1xx said:
I highly doubt it was a coincidence id put a gravity gun in their game after the success of HL2. :rolleyes:

I agree, iD said themselves that they thought the grabber didn't provide much of a playing experience so they never followed up with it.

HL2 smacked them in the head with it.

abudhu said:
the boys at USC still haven't figured out how to mount a Flashlight to a gun...or their armor.

The ads show that the mindless Zombies have figured out.
Is it still Doom 3?

Then it still probally sucks. IMO its the most over hype turd ever. Next to halo 2 that is...
Wondernerd said:
The ads show that the mindless Zombies have figured out.

Indeed. Guess having no brains makes you smarter than having a brain. Silly Marines.
MeanieMan said:
I agree, iD said themselves that they thought the grabber didn't provide much of a playing experience so they never followed up with it.

HL2 smacked them in the head with it.

You Hit the Nail right on the head there.
pistola said:
Is it still Doom 3?

Then it still probally sucks. IMO its the most over hype turd ever. Next to halo 2 that is...

You do realize that instigating flames is a no-no, correct? Go to your room and think about what you've done.
the double barrel shotgun is nice. You can play the arcade machines also(hellanoid and some bear game). I dont remember being able to play them in the original.
cypher22 said:
the double barrel shotgun is nice. You can play the arcade machines also(hellanoid and some bear game). I dont remember being able to play them in the original.

You mean you didn't play Super Turbo Turkey Puncher in D3? You didn't find the STTP easter egg by playing STTP for a few thousand points? You call yourself a gamer? ;)
Anyone know how to get past the smashing wall part in the second level?
abudhu said:
Indeed. Guess having no brains makes you smarter than having a brain. Silly Marines.

So which group has no brains - zombies or Marines? ;) :D

(Sorry - couldn't resist the cheap shot.) :cool:
qtqc said:
Anyone know how to get past the smashing wall part in the second level?

You use the Hell Cube to slow down time and then run..
So far it's pretty cool. I'm not as far as you guys.... still on level 2 Erebus dig site. The levels are a bit more open than Doom 3 but still very dark. The pacing seems kind of slow right now (even less info to go on then the beginning of D3) but I'm still at the beginning. My biggest gripe is performance problems. I ran D3 at 1024x768 high quality with a timedemo in the mid to upper 40s. I had to take this down to 800x600 and now that I'm passed the part where you need the hell cube to get through the moving walls, it's turning into a slide show. In a battle with 2 vulgars and 2 lost soul skulls, my fps was dropping below 10 when more than 1 projectile was on the screen.
This is the most graphically demanding thing out right now I believe.

If you hated D3 you probably won't like this, at least of what I've played so far.
^^ Why did you have to lower the quality? Somethings not right there. If you played the orginal that high, you should be able to play the expansion that high as well. I played/playing both on High at 1024X786 (Though I think when I first played D3 with this new comp I had it at 1280X1024 have to go check) and I was hitting an average of 60FPS..
Question -- Does the expansion pack have native widescreen modes... or do you still have to tweak some files to go widescreen?
Terpfen said:
They put it in before, not after. Was it skinned and modeled to such perfection? No, of course not. Nevertheless, it was in there.
Big deal. They didn't have it in the orginal D3. After they saw how popular it was in HL2 they decided to put it in the expansion. Physics was never a hyped part of Doom 3 (with good reason), but I'm sure they're trying to snowball off the effect of the gravity fun in HL2, just as I'm sure 90% of all FPS games will do from now on. :rolleyes:
Another question: does the new patch allow for 7.1 audio? Even if it still plays in 5.1, I'd prefer not to have to keep switching my sound system back and forth when I want to play Doom.
abudhu said:
^^ Why did you have to lower the quality? Somethings not right there. If you played the orginal that high, you should be able to play the expansion that high as well. I played/playing both on High at 1024X786 (Though I think when I first played D3 with this new comp I had it at 1280X1024 have to go check) and I was hitting an average of 60FPS..

You would think whatever your system plays D3 on, it should handle RoE. But that's not true in my case. 800x600 high quality is flat out unplayable half way though the 2nd level. I guess because sometimes the game is finally rendering out past the first 20 feet ? This game seems to be more demanding than D3. Of course it's only an issue with a mid level card like a 9800pro. I'm sure there is little to no difference on the new ones.
Interesting. Strange, I'll have to ask my brother how his is playing. He has a 2.8P4/9800 Pro. I use an AMD 3200+ 64/GeForce 6800, so whatever.

Also, D3: RoE Just has an option for Surround Sound, so I assume its still 5.1 and not 7.1
DOOM 1.0.1282 win-x86 Sep 16 2004 16:45:51
3600 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT
2048 MB System Memory
256 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Hostname: infected
doom using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
------ Initializing File System ------
Loaded pk4 C:\Doom3\base\game00.pk4 with checksum 0xf07eb555
Loaded pk4 C:\Doom3\base\pak000.pk4 with checksum 0x28d208f1
Loaded pk4 C:\Doom3\base\pak001.pk4 with checksum 0x40244be0
Loaded pk4 C:\Doom3\base\pak002.pk4 with checksum 0xc51ecdcd
Loaded pk4 C:\Doom3\base\pak003.pk4 with checksum 0xcd79d028
Loaded pk4 C:\Doom3\base\pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x765e4f8b
Current search path:
C:\Doom3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:\Doom3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:\Doom3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:\Doom3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:\Doom3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:\Doom3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
file system initialized.
----- Initializing Decls -----
3.60 GHz CPU
2048 MB of System memory
256 MB of Video memory on an optimal video architecture

This system qualifies for High quality!
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
4966 strings read from strings/english.lang
----- Initializing Sound System ------
sound system initialized.
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (800x600)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...PIXELFORMAT 3 selected
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
X..GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two not found
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
X..GL_NV_register_combiners not found
X..GL_EXT_stencil_two_side not found
...using GL_ATI_separate_stencil
...using GL_ATI_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
X..EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
---------- R_NV20_Init ----------
Not available.
----- R200_Init -----
---------- R_ARB2_Init ----------
Cg not available.
---------- R_Exp_Init ----------
PARAM bloom0 = { 0.199501 };
PARAM bloom1 = { 0.176059 };
PARAM bloom2 = { 0.121004 };
PARAM bloom3 = { 0.064769 };
PARAM bloom4 = { 0.027000 };
PARAM bloom5 = { 0.008765 };
PARAM bloom6 = { 0.002216 };
PARAM bloom7 = { 0.000436 };
----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
found DLL in pak file: C:\Doom3\base\game00.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to C:\Doom3\base\gamex86.dll
ERROR: wrong game DLL API version
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL

I keep getting this error. I searched the net and I found that others are running into a simular issue but I couldn't find a fix for it. Anyone know what is causing this?
abudhu said:
Also, D3: RoE Just has an option for Surround Sound, so I assume its still 5.1 and not 7.1

Thanks for checking, but unfortunately, the problem with Doom is that it doesn't see Creative's 7.1 cards as being 5.1 capable, unless they are set in 5.1 mode. I'm not sure if it's a bug in Creative's audio drivers, Windows' audio layer, or Doom's audio subsystem. I'm also not sure if it's Creative's cards only, or if it's all >5.1 cards.

I'd be perfectly happy with it only playing the 5.1 mix (leaving two speakers dead) as long as I didn't have to keep changing my speaker settings before playing. (And it's really annoying when I forget, because then it turns surround off totally, so I have to quit Doom, change my speaker settings, restart Doom, go into the menu, and reenable 5.1.)
Hated the gravity gun in HL2 so I'm not exactly creaming my panties for it to be in D3 but id never hyped D3's physics engine in the first place. ;)

It's great to see the double barrel make a come back, I loved that thing. :)