First Mockup of Firefox 57’s New Design


Aug 20, 2006
Nothing too earth-shattering, but Firefox 57, which is supposed to bring significant changes to the browser, will debut with an all-new look dubbed “Photon.” It looks like minimalism is on the menu, but I already don’t care for it since all blinding white themes should be banned. Check out FT DeepDark if you want a nice Firefox theme to try.

Probably the biggest change in the new theme is related to tabs in the browser. Mozilla launched curved tabs in Australis, and plans to make tabs squared in Firefox 57. These tabs are full squares, whereas pre-Australis tabs used had rounded edges. The mockup shows no search bar, and the address bar is centered on the main toolbar. While this could mean that Mozilla will hide the search bar by default, it is too early to conclude that or anything else related to the design. Another change that is visible on the mockup is that back, forward, and reload buttons are visible on the left side of the main toolbar.

Why does everything have to have flat square designs these days....

I hate that look.

I'll take the rounded shaded fake 3d effects of the early 2000's any day.
I hate blinding seas of white in the new hotness of UIs. Especially when they go for the spare pickup of "clickable controls with no indication they are clickable".
they should just go ahead and call it chrome-fox
ever since version 4.x they have tried to be a wanna-be chrome clone. They even adopted that stupid numbering scheme that chrome uses, even when it is just minimal updates.
I've been a fan of firefox before it was even called that, but they have been trying their damnedest to be just like chrome for years now
I've been using FF since the 0.8 beta days and every UI change they make makes it worse. I use several add-ons that make FF back how it was in the 3.6 and under days. Classic Theme Restorer, Element Properties, and Status-4-Evar.
Why the fuck do they keep changing the interface? I don't want to learn a new interface every time some developer sneezes. And they clearly aren't making anything better, merely different. This just makes me stop updating versions. Or switch to a different browser.
Stop messing with the interface, and work upon making the browser compatible, faster and safer.

Firefox will not win by having the best interface. It will win by being the fastest, safest and most compatible / flexible browser. So focus on that.
If they ditch the search bar, that's going to be a big deal for me. Not a Chrome (or Edge) fan at all and the last thing I want is Firefox becoming Chrome. Just leave the damn thing alone Mozilla and keep your identity. I was using Pale Moon for a long time but it just keeps getting further and further behind the others. A lot of stuff doesn't work in Pale Moon that works on the others.
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Did they fix bugs or are they still more worried about Firefucks being pretty?
What you old farts complaining about? There is virtually NO VISUAL CHANGE. Nothing. Nada.
Running Firefox ESR 52 and will stick with it for as long as it'll actually start up and run since when ESR 57 rolls in it'll be shit. Spent too much time and effort configuring this thing to be as perfect as it can be for me and my workflow and how I use a browser to bother changing it now. Can't customize shit on Chrome and it's not that much faster in regular operation (who gives a fuck about milliseconds anymore with one browser loading a page in 285 ms and the other loading it in 300, I mean really), no other browser offers the level of customization that Firefox (at least for now with the older versions) allows, etc.

Had square tabs for years now, still do, always will. :)
Graphically we are regressing. Win 10 now this it is all BLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing FireFox has gotten really good at over the past 4 years or so is locking up or causing my CPU to go into 30 second spikes (probably flash related but who knows).......any other browser do multi-line bookmark tabs (FF allows an extension for this) for your top 20-or-so websites?
Well finally! I've often thought, "Boy, I really give a shit about the corners of my tabs. I hope there's a major release that addresses my deep concerns with the state of my tab corners."