First Netbook


Apr 21, 2008
i bought a EEE PC 1000HE.

I got a 500GB hard drive, and a 2 GB memory stick.
For a mouse i chose one of the Logitech Nanos because i love how small the USB plug for it is, so i can put it in once and forget about it.

Now is there anything else i should look into getting that i might not have though of?
Why not get a portable bluetooth mouse and free up the USB port completely? Then no dongle to lose. I have a MS Notebook 5000 bluetooth laser mouse which works perfectly with the bluetooth in my HE. Cheers!

James :cool:
Still could do it ;)

1000HE has surprisingly good wireless capabilities too... was at a friends cabin and was able to "grab" wireless from the neighbor across the lake... other laptops we had with us couldn't even get the network...
I too am about to pull the trigger on a netbook. I'm leaning twords the Acer Aspire One. Don't know if I want the 8.9" or 10.1" screen. Only accessory I'm interested in is a external optical drive.
Still could do it ;)

1000HE has surprisingly good wireless capabilities too... was at a friends cabin and was able to "grab" wireless from the neighbor across the lake... other laptops we had with us couldn't even get the network...

Are you certain about that? Just got my 1000HE and have been playing with it for just over a week, and from what i've seen on forums (although, to be honest most of these users are of newegg level intelligence), people tend to upgrade the RAM to 2 gigs, then the wireless card, in that order. Lots of EEE user's on forums gripe about the stock azuretek card. I was thinking about getting a new card to play with.

Are you running the standard OEM drivers on your 1000HE for you wifi card?

I too am about to pull the trigger on a netbook. I'm leaning twords the Acer Aspire One. Don't know if I want the 8.9" or 10.1" screen. Only accessory I'm interested in is a external optical drive.

Get the 10.1 inch screen, it was the true deal breaker when I was watching the netbook tech develop. The original 7 inch, and later 8 inch EEEs were way to small a formfactor to ever take off. The 10.1-10.2" formfactor is where its at. :)
Not saying it's not worth an upgrade... but you're still using the same antenna....

I've had no problem with the stock card...
I've got an MSI Wind for sale in the FS/WTB thread if anyone is interested..
I spent all weekend pondering the netbook purchase. I got out my trusty old Toshiba M55-S3314 with its 1.7 ghz Dolthan. All it needs is a new battery. And only being a 14" wide, its still pretty small. Seeing I pretty much hate laptops. I feel there only good use is as a hwy marker when your changing a flat on the road. Thus the 10" screen would more than likely get me killed. :)

I'm going to wait a bit longer and see what is coming out next before I leap off into a netbook. Just get a new battery for the old lappy and keep it around for when I need it.

Have Fun.
From what I've seen the keyboards in netbooks make anything but the Samsung NC10 and HP Mini series well outside of consideration. I type a lot on my computers, be it on these forums or elsewhere, so a quality keyboard that's responsive, reliable, and well laid out is key for me. Plus, the NC10 has better battery life than any of the competition. Sadly, it is one of the most expensive netbooks. Hopefully the newer variants coming out soon will improve with regard to price.
The antenna is only part of the story. The amplifiers/signal processors on the card play an equally important role in determining how good of a signal you get.
True, but what I was saying... it's had the best/equal wireless card out of any laptop I've seen recently... don't get why people see the need to upgrade everything just because they bought a cheap laptop...

It's like they think they have to compensate for spending less on the laptop itself, so they spend more on upgrades...
The stock wireless doesn't work in OSX. That's probably why people are replacing it. Wireless aside, the 1000HE is a perfect hackintosh.

The RAM upgrade just makes sense; it's cheap and improves both performance and battery life.