First Wii impression with Zelda, kinda meh

nst6563 said:
@ xerus

Thanks for showing your age and being a complete ass. The last screenshot I saw of a Wii game was some sort of racing game, and it looked like crap. 8-bit crap actually. Some say it was because it was a cell shaded game, and I don't know what that means nor do I care or have time to waste googling it, but it looked like crap. If I'm going to sink $250+ into a game system it sure as hell better NOT look like the pictures I saw.

Cell shading is a stylized form of graphics in which everything looks cartoonish. Check out the Ubisoft game XIII or Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on GC if you want to see it. I don't care for it either, but there is no reason to get hostile.
Dion said:
you shouldn't base it off Zelda cause that game is a GameCube port. I love Nintendo but i feel once people play it and realize that its basically an upgrade gamecube they might have second options.

Why do people keep saying this

IT'S THE CONTROLLER to get into the game. It's a different experience. It's like the DS. It's new, it's different.We all know it's beefier gamecube. But I can't get more potentially in the game on any other system.
Netrat33 said:
Why do people keep saying this

IT'S THE CONTROLLER to get into the game. It's a different experience. It's like the DS. It's new, it's different.We all know it's beefier gamecube. But I can't get more potentially in the game on any other system.

because not everyone wants to pay 250$ for system on par with xbox and a different controller. that would be my guess. I only want the zelda game but since its coming to GC im gonna wait till a Wii price drop. Cause metroid 3 looks awesome.
Dion said:
because not everyone wants to pay 250$ for system on par with xbox and a different controller. that would be my guess. I only want the zelda game but since its coming to GC im gonna wait till a Wii price drop. Cause metroid 3 looks awesome.
Exactly, had this system been $150 MAYBE I would have bought it then, shit after seeing Zelda screens(really the only title I was even interested in after all the beautiful trailers) I would have a hard time justifying $100 for the system, graphics are important to an extent, and Nintendo pushed past that boundary in my opinion, maybe I will pick up Zelda when it's in the Game cube bargain bin and I will buy a used cube to play it, this Zelda was what I expected when WindWaker came out(another MEGA let down, fucking cell shading)I hate to say it but I can't stand Nintendo anymore, this game was delayed and delayed and delayed, and after all that time they couldn't make it look better then it is now and I KNOW the hardware is capable of it(see RE4)

And still they strayed away from the N64 Zelda art styles, which annoys me even more, it is better then the cell shaded wind waker, but still no cigar.

Maybe I would have a different opinion if I had a chance to play the console, but honestly where can I? My closest Best Buys, Gamestop, and Circuit Citys don't have kiosks, I think EB in the mall does but requires an ID(I'm not over 18)get real Nintendo.
Dion said:
because not everyone wants to pay 250$ for system on par with xbox and a different controller. that would be my guess. I only want the zelda game but since its coming to GC im gonna wait till a Wii price drop. Cause metroid 3 looks awesome.

it's not JUST another controller. It's like nothing else any of us have used. It's not like just a rumble pack. Which everyone went ga-ga over. I never really cared (which is why the PS3 losing it I don't care)

I never felt like...OOOH...that rumble...I really FEEL like that was heavy.

I know you're saying your buying it. And just incase I'm not attacking/focusing this on you. I just never get the mentality of people saying "Bah, crap because of graphics"

I'm sure 90% of those people are going to buy God of War 2..a PS2 game...meaning last gen which comes out next year.
Netrat33 said:
I'm sure 90% of those people are going to buy God of War 2..a PS2 game...meaning last gen which comes out next year.
I doubt that, but PS2 will still have a huge fan base that don't have next gen consoles who will think it still looks amazing.

Rumble never wowed me, in fact I never use to bother to use it in my N64(best console ever, best Zelda ever, and IMO Nintendo's high point)
nst6563 said:
@ xerus

Thanks for showing your age and being a complete ass. The last screenshot I saw of a Wii game was some sort of racing game, and it looked like crap. 8-bit crap actually. Some say it was because it was a cell shaded game, and I don't know what that means nor do I care or have time to waste googling it, but I have no problem arguing about it or forming an uneducated opinion about it. If I'm going to sink $250+ into a game system it sure as hell better NOT look like the pictures I saw.


That game does look like crap, but cell shading can look damn good. How about not forming opinions on something you know nothing about. :rolleyes:

Cell shading done right:

Cell Shading done wrong:
CodeX said:

That game does look like crap, but cell shading can look damn good. How about not forming opinions on something you know nothing about. :rolleyes:

so now I'm not allowed to form an opinion of how I think something looks because I don't know how it's done? That's about as bassackwards as it comes. If I think a car is ugly before knowing who made it does that make it any different? Nope. Whoever made it won't change the fact that I think it's ugly. Same with cell shading. Don't care how it's done or why, I still think it's ugly and that's my opinion not yours. You can have your own on it.

@ finalgt - I didn't judge the whole system by a single game now did I? No, I judged the one game, and asked if they ALL looked like that. There was no final judgement in there.

CodeX - Here's your :rolleyes: back. You can use them in your next post.

And if I could take that post back with the picture, I would b/c I was being an ass and I'm usually not like that. So take it as an apology or whatever you want, or keep on flaming. I don't much care either.
CodeX said:

That game does look like crap, but cell shading can look damn good. How about not forming opinions on something you know nothing about. :rolleyes:

Cell shading done right:

Cell Shading done wrong:

is that gt pro? If so why the fuck does it look like it was done on a 64 >< Seriously, I wouldn't doubt that the DS would be capable of producing those visuals. If I was nintendo I'd be pissed, why? Because games can look decently pretty on the wii (look at re4 on the GC, looks VERY nice and the wii = gcx2). Lazy devs fuck shit up, yeah gameplay > graphics to an extent, but if the hardware is there and it's not hard to dev on (it's freaking GC hardware damn it :rolleyes: ) why the hell does this shit happen.
nst6563 said:
maybe it's just me but I'm kinda sad they put all the work into the controllers and whatnot and didn't do the same for the graphics aspect.

I haven't seen one in persion, but are they at least as good as the original Xbox? Better than the gamecube? Hard to tell from pics on the internet.

1. Zelda is a port from previous consoles - it is not a fresh coded game.
2. wait till 3rd parties make games to really take advatange of hardware, nintendo themselves dont seem to make great graphic intense games.
MrBojangels said:
Exactly, had this system been $150 MAYBE I would have bought it then, shit after seeing Zelda screens(really the only title I was even interested in after all the beautiful trailers) I would have a hard time justifying $100 for the system, graphics are important to an extent, and Nintendo pushed past that boundary in my opinion, maybe I will pick up Zelda when it's in the Game cube bargain bin and I will buy a used cube to play it, this Zelda was what I expected when WindWaker came out(another MEGA let down, fucking cell shading)I hate to say it but I can't stand Nintendo anymore, this game was delayed and delayed and delayed, and after all that time they couldn't make it look better then it is now and I KNOW the hardware is capable of it(see RE4)

Trust me, Nintendo doesn't need your money. They pretty much sold out completely today. You're simply depriving yourself of a great game.
MrGuvernment said:
1. Zelda is a port from previous consoles - it is not a fresh coded game.
2. wait till 3rd parties make games to really take advatange of hardware, nintendo themselves dont seem to make great graphic intense games.

Who cares? A good game is a good game regardless, and Zelda is a good game.
They were saying that the Wii is roughly twice as powerful as the Gamecube was. Is that something to be ashamed of? Has anyone ever played Resident Evil 4 for GC? Those graphics are fantastic, on last generations hardware.

It's dumb to compare a Wii to a Radeon 9700. That's like comparing a PS2 to a 233Mhz computer. I don't know about you, but I think that Shadow of the Collosus looks a lot better than Quake 2.
jon_k said:
Who cares? A good game is a good game regardless, and Zelda is a good game.
not me, i dont care :)

i am just stating it for those who think Zelda looks like crap and because of that the Wii is crap, you know, the fangirls and, well more or less people who just want to bash a Wii cause they have nother better to do.

i am buying my Wii when in toronto, "if" i can find them since i will be there from dec 23rd - Jan 2nd :(

P.S "fangirls" is a registred trademark of MrGuvernment and Co. ..haha
slowbiz said:
They were saying that the Wii is roughly twice as powerful as the Gamecube was. Is that something to be ashamed of? Has anyone ever played Resident Evil 4 for GC? Those graphics are fantastic, on last generations hardware.

It's dumb to compare a Wii to a Radeon 9700. That's like comparing a PS2 to a 233Mhz computer. I don't know about you, but I think that Shadow of the Collosus looks a lot better than Quake 2.
I don't know, but Factor 5 (the guys behind the Rogue Squadron series) left their corner at Nintendo due to the fact that the Wii was more of a "Gamecube 1.5" (yes, quoted) than a brand new console.
The company said that in regards to the technical standpoint (graphics, sound), by the way.

...and if "gameplay" is the focal point of Nintendo this time around, then what's their long-term plan? Wii Sports 2? 3? There's only so much you can do with a gimmick like the Wiimote + Nunchuk... and most have already been thought of.
The18thLetter said:
There's only so much you can do with a gimmick like the Wiimote + Nunchuk... and most have already been thought of.
That sounds like the same criticism given to another now-popular video game system in 2004, yes? Just change "Wiimote + nunchuk" to "stylus," and I think we can see the downfall of that kind of statement's credibility and foresight.
Dan UCF said:
69 Wii consoles at a target in my area, showed up around 3:45 AM and was #65
Interesting. Where do you live? My target had 69, and the timing would have been just about right.

Anyway, I've been playing both, and while I like both, I LOVE wii sports. Boxing and bowling are favorites around the household with the mrs.
Klintor said:
That sounds like the same criticism given to another now-popular video game system in 2004, yes? Just change "Wiimote + nunchuk" to "stylus," and I think we can see the downfall of that kind of statement's credibility and foresight.
And what games are fueling some of the popularity you speak of? Nintendogs, Trauma Center... err... a little help?
Exactly. A good chunk of the more popular games on the DS are traditional games like New Super Mario Bros., the Castlevania series, and other traditional & classic games like so that have always been staples in the Nintendo handheld industry.
The18thLetter said:
...and if "gameplay" is the focal point of Nintendo this time around, then what's their long-term plan? Wii Sports 2? 3? There's only so much you can do with a gimmick like the Wiimote + Nunchuk... and most have already been thought of.

I love the Wii and from what I played it was really fun. But I agree to some extent. I can see the Wii remote + nunchuk getting old within the first month. sure its cool at first but what really is the long-term plan with it?
HRslammR said:
but did ya have fun?

well ya but i also have fun playing Gears of War online and Dota with friends. Are you asking if i had (more fun) ?
Dion said:
I love the Wii and from what I played it was really fun. But I agree to some extent. I can see the Wii remote + nunchuk getting old within the first month. sure its cool at first but what really is the long-term plan with it?

I agree. Its cool and its great fun for certain types of games, but the game really has to be done well and I can certainly see a lot of total duds coming. Whats coming out in the next 6 months? Mario galaxy and ssb are the big two and both slipped already. We'll be lucky to have them by next summer. Until then what's coming out? There was a drought from launch until spring with the 360 and this one looks to be even worse.
I live in the UK, and my m8s getting one on christmas, but I cant help but feel its just a big gimmik and nothing else.

From experiance, when I see a certain level of graphics, I get used to that level, so how will people put up with such bad graphics in a years time? how will the Wii compare when the new final fantasy arrives and when MGS4 and even Mass effect comes into the market?

Considering all games are gonna be mutli format, Wii is gonna get some terrible looking games, I dont know how a motion detection joypad would redeem that, seriously the easiest part to implement into a game.

But on the positive note, Enjoy your Wii's people despite that it must be enjoyable at the moment. :D
We played this all day yesterday. Im surprised the game got such a high score from reviewers honestly.

First, the obvious graphics. They seem dated, and if these same graphics are going to be in the Gamecube version, as every reviewer has said, then shame on Nintendo for putting out a new system and not giving it all theyve got in the graphics department. Especially with a title like Zelda that is huge and only comes out every 5 years or so. If this console is more powerful than the cube, it doesnt show yet.
Gameplay is a lot of fun, but it is not any more compelling than other Zelda titles, and the motion controls are ok with some of the actions you do, but awkward with others.

All is all, its a good game, a great game, but not worthy of the 10 scores in the reviews. The graphics and gameplay in general are last gen, honestly, and if i can get that out of the gamecube, then the new controls do not justify the 250 dollar price tag for a wii (not saying that there wont be other games that will justify it).

Good game, but i am unimpresed, and the hype makes it out to be a lot better than it really is. They should have held onto it for a few more months and improved the graphics and work on the controls a tad more. Then it would come out after the Gamecube and people would see a difference, an improvement.

And just to throw it in, Red Steel is horrendous. The controls are awful. The touted, fight with swords and shoot with the wiimote, revolutionary game controls fall flat on their face. And while the graphics on the characters are OK, its the same bad guy over and over, if you have several bad guys, they look like clones that are placed at different depths in the image. They have the same exact stance, and same movements, and limited animations. I wish we had not bought it.
Wiisports is fun, its good practice for the mote, and definitely shows that good controls for a game can be implemented (im thinking bowling).

The wii needs to create games with 1 to 1 realtime motions (shooting the screen is this way), that would actually immerse you. Otherwise the motion implementation of move the controller left for this move or right for that move, is nothing more than mapping out motions to a button, in which case its nothing more than the PS3s implementation for now.
I've been chuckling throughout this entire thread. Nintendo is a company with a reputation for innovation, new ideas, and fresh concepts in their consoles. Anyone who has owned their various systems (yes, including the Virtual Boy) realizes this. Yes, the graphics of the Sega Genesis were superior to the Super Nintendo. Who won out, though? Find me a PS1 game that is in nearly as much demand as Mario Party. I can never find that cartridge at local resale shops, and when I do, it has a 30 dollar MINIMUM price tag.

The key problem is that we're [H]ard gamers, and we're demanding graphics. We've gotten so used to benchmarks, overclocking, and frames per second, that when we don't have Pixel Shader 3.0 on our screens, we deem a game or system a failure.

Meanwhile, Nintendo remembers resurrecting the video game industry in the 1980s.
Meanwhile, the Game Boy is still the most successful handheld in video game history.
Meanwhile, the DS is beating Sony's button-popping pocket pal.

...meanwhile, Nintendo knows that Pong was a huge success, with nothing but white pixels.

And we're all sitting here discussing the graphics of the most legendary RPG series ever.

:confused: <- This is us.
:eek: <- This is Sony.
:cool: <- This is Nintendo.
andypnb said:
We played this all day yesterday. Im surprised the game got such a high score from reviewers honestly.

First, the obvious graphics. They seem dated, and if these same graphics are going to be in the Gamecube version, as every reviewer has said, then shame on Nintendo for putting out a new system and not giving it all theyve got in the graphics department. Especially with a title like Zelda that is huge and only comes out every 5 years or so. If this console is more powerful than the cube, it doesnt show yet.
Gameplay is a lot of fun, but it is not any more compelling than other Zelda titles, and the motion controls are ok with some of the actions you do, but awkward with others.

All is all, its a good game, a great game, but not worthy of the 10 scores in the reviews. The graphics and gameplay in general are last gen, honestly, and if i can get that out of the gamecube, then the new controls do not justify the 250 dollar price tag for a wii (not saying that there wont be other games that will justify it).

Good game, but i am unimpresed, and the hype makes it out to be a lot better than it really is. They should have held onto it for a few more months and improved the graphics and work on the controls a tad more. Then it would come out after the Gamecube and people would see a difference, an improvement.

this is becoming a trend since the Wii launch, many people i think were so into "next gen" consoles and have been spoiled with what we have seen from the 360 and PS3, that the whole Wii experience has been trampled on, and as predicted by many, the new "revolutionary" controller only goes a small way towards justifying the pricetag, but the rest of the shortcomings pretty much negate that to the point that this seems to be a dressed up slightly improved Gamecube with a big pricetag
One of my coworkers stood in line for a Wii yesterday...I went to his house last night to check it out. My thoughts:
The graphics don't look great when blown up to 46 inches on a HD-DLP...I don't know what connection he was using and I forgot to ask. Not horrible...but not great compared to my 360 connected to my HD plasma. Wii Sports was the only game he had and it was pretty fun and controlled well after you get the hang of it. I'm undecided about the controller though and wonder if it will work well for every type of game. If you are faced with the situation of having a low-mid range pc and want a console to complement your gaming the Wii would not be the best choice. Unless you are a rabid fan of Nintendo exclusives like Zelda/mario etc.. you will find yourself having to upgrade your pc when you want to play a new RTS or FPS. I find that a mid-high range pc (such as in my sig) combined with a 360 has all my gaming bases covered. Racing, action and sports games (and some FPS) on the 360 and then RTS and some FPS on the pc. In a year or so if the price comes down to around $150-$200 then I may pick up a Wii to check out Zelda and some other games...otherwise I don't see anything I can't live without.
nst6563 said:
@ xerus

Thanks for showing anyone who's not a complete ass an extremely funny pic.

Fixed for you free of charge!!


Also N64 comparisons, Genesis better graphics than SNES.... what are people smoking!
Aelfgeft said:
I've been chuckling throughout this entire thread. Nintendo is a company with a reputation for innovation, new ideas, and fresh concepts in their consoles. Anyone who has owned their various systems (yes, including the Virtual Boy) realizes this. Yes, the graphics of the Sega Genesis were superior to the Super Nintendo. Who won out, though? Find me a PS1 game that is in nearly as much demand as Mario Party. I can never find that cartridge at local resale shops, and when I do, it has a 30 dollar MINIMUM price tag.

The key problem is that we're [H]ard gamers, and we're demanding graphics. We've gotten so used to benchmarks, overclocking, and frames per second, that when we don't have Pixel Shader 3.0 on our screens, we deem a game or system a failure.

Meanwhile, Nintendo remembers resurrecting the video game industry in the 1980s.
Meanwhile, the Game Boy is still the most successful handheld in video game history.
Meanwhile, the DS is beating Sony's button-popping pocket pal.

...meanwhile, Nintendo knows that Pong was a huge success, with nothing but white pixels.

And we're all sitting here discussing the graphics of the most legendary RPG series ever.

:confused: <- This is us.
:eek: <- This is Sony.
:cool: <- This is Nintendo.

Ok then m8 tell me what would make a game inovative? As far as I know what most games lack today is good AI, and Interaction, imo the controls of any game havent been a problem to most game players.

Sega did worst than nintendo becuase it had hardly any third party developers, the DS is NOT doing better than the psp, everyone has bought the DS, but after a few games and got bored of it and put it in the cupboard to gather dust (thats most people not all).

A powerful console dosent just allow good graphics, it allows complex physics, good ai, larger games. Nintendo are arrogant as a company, they still beleive and even there followers beleive there a godsend to the games market, but not this time.
Shinryu said:
the DS is NOT doing better than the psp, everyone has bought the DS, but after a few games and got bored of it and put it in the cupboard to gather dust (thats most people not all).

hilarious comment there, because everyone knows the psp and its umd format are doing so much better than the ds...
Slartibartfast said:
The DS is the fastest selling game system in history...

lol forget its the whole world where talking about, lol well in the UK it seems abit different, alot of piracy goin on though unlucky sony :D
joemama said:
One of my coworkers stood in line for a Wii yesterday...I went to his house last night to check it out. My thoughts:
The graphics don't look great when blown up to 46 inches on a HD-DLP...I don't know what connection he was using and I forgot to ask. Not horrible...but not great compared to my 360 connected to my HD plasma.
Composite. Nintendo is sold out of Component cables (shipping next week) and component/svid cables are not avaliable anywhere for the wii.

I have my order in at nintendo right now for some components, composite looks like ass for any console.