First World Apple Problems


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I was not aware of this struggle till today, but I suggest we all get together and put together some sort of GoFundMe page in order to provide support of this dreadful tragedy befalling so many of today's Apple users. If we all bond together, we can be there for each other. The complicated logic of deciding when to live with the annoying red button.

You had to weigh your decision: Were the features and issues worth the possible frustration? But with the choice not to update would come a persistent shame and nagging on the part of Apple: the red update icon. For many, this quandary verged on an existential crisis.
Are you kidding?! I get an obnoxious system update available on top of my notification dropdown courtesy of samsung.

Would love if it was just a red icon over settings
I didnt think this was even a viable option with all the security issues that keep getting patched.
Google, manufacturers and carriers all add bloat that people don't want. I'd love to strip my phone down a lot. Samsung had the nerve to try to install a separate installer just for their bloat, so they can install whatever they want whenever they want. A very large chunk of the data the phone uses is just for bloat and updates to existing bloat. Makes me want a feature phone sometimes.
Why does everyone fucking miss the goddamn point here, "Admitted to slowing down older phones" what the fuck is this nonsense, they admitted to no such thing, they admitted to slowing down NEWER phones 6 and 6s with updates to the 7 line and x line soon. Jesus Christ. People are forgetting that there were several zero days targeting apple that they patched through 10.0-11.1.2 stay on that shit, ima pwn you at starbucks bb.
Updating or the "Slowgate" with my phone (Launch-day 6+) wasn't a big deal for me. It's like trying to put Vista on a windows 98 machine. If it would work, it would probably be slow as molasses in winter. When I bought the phone with the intention of running it into the ground I had already expected it to be long in the tooth as software becomes optimized for newer hardware. I had already come to terms with this.

I've already gotten my years out of it and the most I use it for these days are putting notes for shopping reminders so I don't stand in the middle of the store thinking to myself, "What the fuck did I need to buy other than..." And then I realize what I forgot as soon as I started the car / started driving. I use my phone for texting and being a phone, pictures and my music at the gym. I don't game with it.

The only reason I don't immediately jump into an update is just the IT guy in me. I wait for a couple days to make sure it's not going to brick my phone.
Ah, the old "is this update a phone-breaker designed to force me into spending money on a newer out-of-contract iPhone?" question.

As an early victim of this horseshit (3g with iOS 4 "it'll work great we pinky promise!!) I would totally hate the red button.

Luckily for me, I'd rather piss glass than own another fucking iPhone.
If Apple were truly smart, they'd set it so any phone which isn't updated would send a signal to all other nearby phones alerting those owners to the luddite amongst them. The signal would include direction and distance...and maybe the phone would emit some chirps. All the advanced users could then decide which course of action would be best to shame the luddite: sneering looks; disdainful shoulder turns; pointing; or pointed comments.
I actually feel this way about my Note 2014 edition. Hardware wise, it's an awesome tablet. Bloatware wise, every morning, and parts throughout the day, it's always getting a ridiculous amount of updates. It's pretty much a chore just to keep clearing the notifications. Half tempted to root it just to do a clean install of the OS but too worried about what hardware options might not work after.

This does give me a smile that Apple isn't coddling their users as much as they used to and that their users also have to make decisions on their own like the rest of us.
Why does everyone fucking miss the goddamn point here, "Admitted to slowing down older phones" what the fuck is this nonsense, they admitted to no such thing, they admitted to slowing down NEWER phones 6 and 6s with updates to the 7 line and x line soon. Jesus Christ. People are forgetting that there were several zero days targeting apple that they patched through 10.0-11.1.2 stay on that shit, ima pwn you at starbucks bb.

Now who's missing the point?? The point is that it shouldn't cause massive anxiety to see that red note on the icon. Updates are a fact of life. If notices like that bother people they should probably not come out from under their rock...
At least they have the option ;)

on a personal level, i really detest the forced updates..

on a professional level since I bill by the hour.. its been awesome. Tons of work helping people get their systems running again

so far, the one that has made us all laugh was after the fall creators update for one dude, IE 11 stopped working. Me and the client both laughed that we werent sure if that was a good or bad thing LOL but sadly he needed IE 11 for an old accounting app
Google, manufacturers and carriers all add bloat that people don't want. I'd love to strip my phone down a lot. Samsung had the nerve to try to install a separate installer just for their bloat, so they can install whatever they want whenever they want. A very large chunk of the data the phone uses is just for bloat and updates to existing bloat. Makes me want a feature phone sometimes.
This is why I prefer phones I can root.
My Pixel XL 1 I upgraded from android 7 to android 8 made the battery and responsiveness way better except for losing out on my dark theme it was a huge upgrade. Mostly this appears to be with managing cpu usage from background tasks much more efficiently.
Laugh, as a new Apple owner....Who gives a fuck about a red icon. Jesus people are fucking idiots!
Oh it has 2 if them. I just don’t give a fuck about a dot with a number it.

Don't piss off the red icon! It'll come for your family!

Well, that is what I heard when I took off my tin foil hat once.
Two??? Two means that you've had a second warning. Apple rarely gives a third...

Apple can kiss my ass. If I didn't get promoted at work and need the iphone I would of stuck with my Note 3.

Fucking promotions!
Ohhhh, ya dun it. Yeah boi, you dun it now. Ya dunt piss on the fruit that brung ya!

That said,...woot! for you! :)
I finally upgraded to ios 11 last week. Those little red notifications don't bother me.
What is life?
I read that article, and I am having an existential crisis.