Fix for PS2 disc read error


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2004
Over time the PS2 has become famous for many things. Most are good, but one, the disc read error, is a pain in the ASS. Many people think cleaning the laser will fix it. Well, YOUR WRONG. If you are going to try and fix it your warranty will be destroyed. First, remove all the screws on the bottom of the PS2. Take the top of the PS2 off. When you get it open you will notice a tray over the disc drive. Remove that. Since your already in there clean the laser. This will decrease the chances of single player lag. You will notice a white gear near the back of the disc drive. Turn it EITHER way four clicks. Reasemble your PS2 and experience the magic.
yeah that worked a few times on my ps2, then it just got to a point where no combonations of clicks either way would help it, so i sold the broked one for 50 on ebay and got another one with 2 controllers 3 games and 2 mem cards for $100 on ebay
does that increase the laser power? if your laser is on the brink of death wouldn't that make it ultimately die faster?
that is an awesome deal compslkr and no riot it wouldnt damage your laser faster, if anything it will save it.
OK, being an experienced modder, I've seen a lot of PS2s with DREs and a dirty laser is typically the culprit. And about the white cog (which adjusts azimuth), you're adjusting it rather blindly. First, mark the current position of the gear with a Sharpie, then go one tooth at a time, all the while testing out your games and see which fits best. Older consoles, like the V1-V2 will not be able to do this adjustment, because their cogs will automatically reset once powered on.

There's also tangential skew adjustment, but typically it causes more problems that it fixes.