FIXED!!! Really annoying issue with Carbide 540...

Syphon Filter

Dec 19, 2003
My Carbide 540 was doing my fucking head in!

It's sat on my desk and as I type I guess the desk must vibrate a little. That vibration was being picked up by the case and it was rattling.

I could not fucking work out where the noise was coming from so I put little felt pads on the side panels where they meet the main body of the case hoping it would fix the issue.

Like fuck it did. It was still rattling away as I typed.

This evening, I just figured out where it was coming from the. The 5.25" bay covers!!!! Those bastards!

Solved by putting a little strip of sticky backed felt along the top and bottom edge of where the bay covers slot in!

Peace at last :D:p
Congratulations on fixing the sound and your precise use of the F word lol... enjoy your silence
At least your usb3 cable is long enough and you're not having issues with both hot swap bays:( Having to RMA a case is a pain in the ass!!
You shouldn't have to RMA the case, Corsair generally just sends out new cables and bits.
Having to RMA the case would be a huge PITA!

I'm starting to go off Corsair to be honest. The fans that came with my H100i rumble at low RPMs. I contacted Corsair support weeks ago and have had no response.

In the interim, I got fed up with waiting and replaced them with SP120 fans they also suffer from the same sort of issue. A very slight rumble/clicking at low RPMs. I may be being picky as I guess it would be imperceptible to most people but I notice!

Ho hum, such is life.
Go through the Corsair RMA process, then post on the Corsair forums for best (faster) results. I've had a fair amount of issues with Corsair products over the years, but the solid RMA support made up for it.
Having to RMA the case would be a huge PITA!

I'm starting to go off Corsair to be honest. The fans that came with my H100i rumble at low RPMs. I contacted Corsair support weeks ago and have had no response.

In the interim, I got fed up with waiting and replaced them with SP120 fans they also suffer from the same sort of issue. A very slight rumble/clicking at low RPMs. I may be being picky as I guess it would be imperceptible to most people but I notice!

Ho hum, such is life.

I had an issue with one of my H110i fans making noises. I submitted a ticket via Corsair support as well and never heard back for about 1.5 weeks. I then decided to check the support site again and pulled up my ticket and saw that they had actually responded to my ticket 2 days after I submitted it, but I never got an email about it. You may want to check your ticket status if you haven't already done so. Once I replied with the information requested, they sent me a new fan the next day and it's been fine ever since.
I use both 5 1/4" bays in mine and discovered an annoying rattle in the case as well. It turns out it was coming from the top cover where my Corsair H110 was mounted. Whenever the fans on the H110 spun up to a higher speed, the cover would rattle. I put a heavy candle on it for awhile, but later added some thin felt to the base of the cover and that stopped it.
Thanks Guys. I will check the status with Corsair.

I really like Corsair stuff but the quality control seems a little off kilter to me. The fans are not as good as some people would have you believe either, generally speaking I mean. the SP120 for example is great at full-speed but at 2,200rpm it's loud (obviously). 1,000rpm would be fine except for that subtle ratlle/rumble.

I think I'm just picky.


Good shout fellas, someone had responded to the ticket but I had not received a notification. They really should sort that out! Hopefully they can do something for me.
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Mine has all sorts of hums.
Have hum coming from the hot swap 3.25 bays (both of them); the rubber grommets they put in the bolts do nothing. Clearly the plastic of the tray hits the metal of the case bottom itself and transfers all of the hum off the drive.

Finally seem to have quieted that down, now I have hum somewhere else that only goes away if I put something on top of the case. Seems to be centered around the PSU/5.25 bay area but I haven't done enough troubleshooting. (Have dual burners in mine, so it's not the drive covers in my case)

I realize it's a high airflow case and you'll have fan noise, and I don't have a problem with that...not really a fan of the HDD hum though. No issues with my drives, probably just due to rotation.

FYI I would strongly suggest you PM Mike Clements with your ticket info. I've had 2 RMA's lately with them that have not been too good (slow service). He got the ball rolling on my 2nd one yesterday within an hour of giving him my ticket #. Their forums and their phone service is not running tip top right now (to put it nicely) but he got everything straightened out for me. [praise]
While I wish they had better QC to start with, I had a good experience with my RMA.
I had mobo cables that were too short in my 540 that I got on Amazon.
I requested new cables and they shipped 48 hours later...only they sent the wrong ones. It was related to how I reported it (and their system), but at least it was quick. I let them know and the right ones went out the next day with next-day delivery. Can't argue with that kind of service.
The key is to use their chat service. They tend to prioritize that.
So far my 540 and H110 setup has been really good. I got a weird rattle from the H110 randomly for a day, but literally just touching the coil cable once fixed it.

In general, I like Corsair. Their stuff tends to be stylish and functional without being insanely expensive. Right now my case, PSU, CPU cooler, and RAM are Corsair. If I were to create a new build tomorrow, I don't think I'd change anything.
Add me to the list. I have a Corsair 600T. For the most part, it's silent. But when the room is silent, and you are sitting there listening, it hums. ANNOYINGLY. Not the constant hum, but more like a rotational, oscillating hum. Sorta like an electronics hum. It's ridiculously annoying and drives me batty insane.

Usually smacking it lightly will cause the hum to go away, but return later, with a different resonance. I'm sure it's due to the hard drives; I've opened up the case and laid my hands directly on the 3.5" mounting area, and the hum directly corresponds with the vibration of the drives. It's got me thinking about switching over entirely to SSDs. Although I shouldn't have to; the case shouldn't rattle in the first place! :mad:
I'm still waiting on corsair from the 26th of last month. Still nothing.

At first they gave me amazon links to the replacement cables then they said they would fix my problem. that was 2 weeks ago:mad:
I updated my ticket a few days ago but no response yet. I will try and PM that Mike Clements chap. I'm in the UK too so I suspect it's going to be a ballache no matter what!!

ajm786, that's kinda the noise my SP120 fans make sometimes. It sort of resonates then fades then returns. Sometimes ramping the fans up and then back down seems to fix it.

As I say, I'm a fan of Corsair but, to me, the quality seems to have fallen off a little. The 540 Air is over £100. It should be pretty decent IMO but the fit and finish is average if you ask me.

The case is lovely but could be finished better, the 3.5" bays should be more isolated (a bit of rubber basically), the fit and finish of the panels is fine but a bit of rubber around the edges would help with vibrations, the 5.25" bay covers should be better, the tool-less 2.5" holder should be a tighter fit etc.

It's almost there but it's as if they cut a bunch of really useful stuff that would have cost next to nothing to add.

As for the fans, I believe they're sleeve bearing, this is a real disappointment and probably the cause of the rumble at low rpms. I really should have researched that more and gone with FDB fans so I guess that's my own fault.

Personally, if I was going to build again tomorrow, I'd probably look to a manufacturer other than Corsair. I'm starting to wonder why I like them so much in the first place!