Flash Drives & Security


Limp Gawd
Jan 8, 2006
Hey whats the big difference with buying the Secure version of a flash drive, compared to the non-secure. I have noticed a price difference, but not sure about behind the scene. I have an old secure drive, and all i can tell is it has a led for secure mode and software that lets me partition the drive to have secure and unsecure space.

Why couldnt I just copy this app from my old Lexar drive and put it on a new Lexar thumb drive that is not secure?

To be honest, I dont need the security, and never really used it on the other one, but you never know.
I belive the drive has a hardware encryption chip in it. AES or DES probably. Not entirely sure but I believe this is what it is.
they have new ones that are biometric and run off your finger print... now thats secure.... unless of course they cut off your finger...