Flashed XTPE issues

Aug 31, 2004
ATI flavor x800 Pro, flashed to XT PE speeds. The card has always run stable at 520/540, around 35/33 with the stock cooler.

So here is my story. I bought an ATI silencer 4 a few days ago. I got it home, and installed it. On installation, one of the bolt stand-offs snapped off inside the nut, rendering it useless. However, I installed the card, as the other 3 were fine, and got amazing temperatures (28/25). I decided, however, to return the cooler and get a new one.

I got home, and went to install the cooler. I opened the package, and looked at it. You can clearly see the solder that holds the RAM extrusions onto the main copper core. I went ahead and installed it anyways, and temperatures were crap, not much better than the stock cooler (33/30). So I removed the cooler, and decided to reapply the AS5, as I hadn't done the best job the first time. This is when things start to go downhill.

I pulled the cooler/card apart after I re-applied the AS5, to see if I got good contact. I didnt smooth out the paste, I just stuck it back together, and most likely trapped some air bubbles in the paste. I installed the card in my system, and booted it up. ATITool shows 33/30.

Dragging ATITool's window around the desktop turned it all sorts of funky colors, as did opening the Start menu. I shut down the computer, and start cursing myself.

After a day of not being on, I remove the card and re-re-apply the AS5. Everything goes good there, and the card gets put back in. I reboot, and everything looks good. ATITool is showing 30/27 temperatures, which I'll take. I browse the 'net, read some message boards, etc. I notice that my scrolling seems really choppy. I then remember that I uninstalled the video driver before shutting off the computer (that's another story). After reinstalling the 4.10's, Windows reboots, and immediately bands of pixelated random color noise appear on the screen evenly spaced apart. That's where I am right now.

OK, so here's the short version. I get ATI silencer 4, it breaks, I get new one, I reapply the thermal goop like 3 times, and end up getting artifacts while still reading low temperatures.

Am I screwed? Anyone know how to fix this? And finally, can I RMA it?
Sounds like you got some AS5 somewhere it didn't belong, most likely under the BGA ram or in/on circuitry affecting the onboard memory somehow. People seem to be doing this a lot with their cards lately....
So everything seems nice with the stock cooler. I tried dragging the ATITool window around, and no artifacting. It's running at 33/28 @ 100% fan, and climbing, however. I wish I hadn't returned that first cooler.

If I do have some AS5 somewhere it shouldn't be, what can I do about that, and why does it only happen when the Silencer is on?
I'd say quit while your ahead...Leave the stock cooler on and let it be. A functional card is alot better than no card at all.
Well... you totally screwed your warranty when you removed the stock cooler for an aftermarket part. Just a fact =\ I'd go with SocketA's suggestion... if it runs fine leave it alone before it gets worse.
I'd say quit while your ahead...Leave the stock cooler on and let it be. A functional card is alot better than no card at all.

yeah, considering your warranty is already down the tube I'd say that's the best way to go bro.

Hmm... So any suggestions as to pinpoint and/or remove the offending AS5?

Basically at this point you want to start completely from scratch with the AS5. Clean off the cooler itself completely and use some Iso Alcohol to clean off around the core and the ram chips themselves. unless you were REALLY messy and got it everywhere you shouldn't have to worry about hunting for any AS5, just around the memory chips mostly. Re-apply the AS5 and leave it at that for the compound, and do as little mucking around with the card as you can at this point.
Could this be caused by the cooler being to tight? Despite snapping one standoff on the original Silencer by overtightening, I still run the little buggers about as tight as can be. Could say, one of the RAM extrusions be pushing the RAM chip too hard?
Combat Wombat said:
Could this be caused by the cooler being to tight? Despite snapping one standoff on the original Silencer by overtightening, I still run the little buggers about as tight as can be. Could say, one of the RAM extrusions be pushing the RAM chip too hard?

Doubt it. Too much pressure would crack your gpu core, leaving you with no picture at all. Im sure a ram chip can take more then a cpu core can. On the iso alcohol comment, try to find some that's like 90% alc. I know longs drugs carries 99& versions.
Combat Wombat said:
Could this be caused by the cooler being to tight? Despite snapping one standoff on the original Silencer by overtightening, I still run the little buggers about as tight as can be. Could say, one of the RAM extrusions be pushing the RAM chip too hard?

I highly doubt it....I had my NV5 tightened down as tight as I possibly could and it was perfectly fine...and I was reefin' on the screwdriver pretty good. Don't know how you managed to snap one of those standoffs though....gotta still be a LITTLE gentle with it. ;) :p
Actually I've heard the opposite can be true. Having it on too tight could lead you to problems. I would tighten it just like screwing in a light bulb, once you feel you hit the bracket stop.
SocketA said:
Actually I've heard the opposite can be true. Having it on too tight could lead you to problems. I would tighten it just like screwing in a light bulb, once you feel you hit the bracket stop.

I suppose you are right, I mean obviously if you REALLY overtigten it you can crack/dmg things....but if someone has enough common sense to be doing the job in the first place, I'd like to assume that they'd know enough to stop turning when the feel the board giving way. :p
You can wash that mofo like a dish in soapy water, wash it good, dry it for a few days and then maybe your as5 issue will be fixed.

CleanSlate said:
You can wash that mofo like a dish in soapy water, wash it good, dry it for a few days and then maybe your as5 issue will be fixed.


There are certain points where humor crosses the line from funny to downrite silly....silly or dumb, haven't decided yet. :p

jk, its all good bro. :)
CleanSlate said:
You can wash that mofo like a dish in soapy water, wash it good, dry it for a few days and then maybe your as5 issue will be fixed.

OMG d00d, yuo killed my card!!!111 I followed your insrutcions to teh letter and my card jsut sizzles!

*ahem* In all seriousness, the card seems to be fine with the stock cooler. Tomorrow I'm going to a LAN party, and on my way there I'm going to return the ATI Silencer, yet again. Blast it all.
Combat Wombat said:
*ahem* In all seriousness, the card seems to be fine with the stock cooler. Tomorrow I'm going to a LAN party, and on my way there I'm going to return the ATI Silencer, yet again. Blast it all.

Sux bro, sorry to hear it. :(
Alright what gave it away, was it the dish soap part? lol. Well in all seriousness you can seriously put any electronic board (gfx card) completely in water, or spray it with water and as long as you let it dry for enough time you wouldn't kill it. BUT dish washing soap leaves dried residue left even after drying, so in all seriousness you could wash it with water... just don't use soap lol.


Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for you tossing your plugged in computer in your bath tub with your little sister or any other damage you do to your system (or anyone else). Any damage you do is your own stupidity and your own fault.
CleanSlate said:
Alright what gave it away, was it the dish soap part? lol. Well in all seriousness you can seriously put any electronic board (gfx card) completely in water, or spray it with water and as long as you let it dry for enough time you wouldn't kill it. BUT dish washing soap leaves dried residue left even after drying, so in all seriousness you could wash it with water... just don't use soap lol.


Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for you tossing your plugged in computer in your bath tub with your little sister or any other damage you do to your system (or anyone else). Any damage you do is your own stupidity and your own fault.

Hehe, nice little public service anouncement there. :p