Fleet Commander


Feb 15, 2002
Have any of you been tracking Fleet Commander?
production ready declaration blog post
blog post said:
For those missing some background, let me introduce Fleet Commander for you, Fleet Commander is an integrated solution for large Linux desktop deployments that provides a configuration management interface that is controlled centrally and that covers desktop, applications and network configuration. For people familiar with Group Policy Objects in Active Directory in Windows, it is very similar.
I think that's with a Gnome focus.

I've been working with Ansible to do such things, but this might make such tasks a bit more accessible to some coworkers, and maybe work a bit better with transient machines that might not be online when playbooks run.
I had been planning to look at Salt, but this will probably jump to the top of the list of things to play with on downtime.
I just heard about this on the Linux Unplugged podcast. I think it's an awesome idea, especially for businesses. If there's one area where I think Linux tends to lag behind as a workstation OS for enterprise is the difficulty in managing a large number of assets. Tools like this and Ubuntu Landscape could poise Linux to take the enterprise workstation market by storm. I would love to be able to use Linux at work and at home at some point in the future.
I've had a hard time clicking with Puppet, but it's been a bit since I've tried. Ansible was the first one that provided that "Ah Ha!" moment where everything made sense, so I've used that for most things. I could/should probably give Puppet another shake as it'd make working with The Foreman/Katello a bit more of a one-stop-shop.

I still haven't had a chance to demo Fleet Commander, but what I am hoping to get out of it is large scale user desktop configuration capturing & deployment. It seems like it should/could be a big diff engine ala Novell Snapshot and you can push things out. It'd be nice to be able to tell a novice admin "Hey! the big boss wants a new wallpaper pushed and the Firefox homepage changed, could you do that for me?" without having their eyes glaze over or become full of fear of having to script it out. As usual there are dozens of ways to solve this problem, and FC might not be better than what we have already at our disposal, but I think it's worth giving it a shake. However, I guess I should make the time to check it out instead of speculating on its functionality based on blog posts and READMEs. :D

My company is using Puppet with a currently fielded product, and I'm being promoted to a position where I'll be getting my hands dirty... can't wait!

[case for my Linux box is supposed to be released next week, and I should have all of the parts to get installation going by Friday of this week... I'm kind of excited ;) ]
My company is using Puppet with a currently fielded product, and I'm being promoted to a position where I'll be getting my hands dirty... can't wait!

[case for my Linux box is supposed to be released next week, and I should have all of the parts to get installation going by Friday of this week... I'm kind of excited ;) ]

I love this! Awesome!