Flex 3.2 Loading screen while waiting for events


Jan 9, 2002
Just wondering if anyone has some good links or ideas on loading screens while multiple events are firing?

Right now the app has 10 or so events that fire off, there is pretty much 3 stages they need to be done in as the events further down the line need the results from the previous ones.

I was thinking of just making a class that handled all the loading, and having a progress bar just go across the screen based on the 3 stages. Basically there are reports in a list and when that is clicked, several events are fired so this is a load that will take place several times on the application and can't just be done once per application load.

Not sure if the app matters but it's a olap viewer front end to a custom backend, and when all the pieces are loading need to handle it. Not sure a class is the best, way or what classes i should use to help out with this. I know custom class will work but seems like there are better options.
