Flight Attendants Want to Reinstate Gadget Ban

So if a new San Francisco train service required you to anchor yourself in your seat by sitting on a 6" phallus screwed to the bench, you'd gladly do so and anyone that complained about it would be an over-entitled asshole and its their train they can do what they want? Don't like it, don't ride trains? Really?

C'mon, the customer dictates what is and isn't acceptable to them, and the business complies. Stand up for yourself, unless you personally support electronics bans which is your prerogative.

No, that isn't the point. If you agree to site on it then that is your choice. The entitlement would be to insist that they provide and apply lube for you. and allow you to bounce on it and sing loudly while others are trying to travel.
If flight attendant's concern here is safety are books banned during takeoff and landing?
Seriously? I've been on airplanes before and people totally suck. Giving them devices just makes them suck tons more because they think their screen gives them permission to be inconsiderate to everyone else.
Nothing will get an annoying hyperactive brat to STFU faster than an iPad and headphones. If the concern is silence, then enforce silence, and I'm all for that.

Have a silence sign that comes up on takeoff and landing that tells people to not generate any noise, so people that need to hear the flight attendant go through the same old spiel you heard on the exact same plane on your way to your destination three days ago can. That would encompass gadgets and children and generally loud and annoying people that might be a distraction to others.
If flight attendant's concern here is safety are books banned during takeoff and landing?
Are you asking a rhetorical question or do you not have experience traveling by plane?

On the flights I've been on, passengers are asked to put everything away not just electronic devices.
If you are worried about gadgets flying around the cabin during turbulence the amount of turbulence you would be experiencing would likely be enough to toss people around so that argument is pointless.
Maybe that's why they tell you to put your seatbelt on :rolleyes:
Nothing will get an annoying hyperactive brat to STFU faster than an iPad and headphones. If the concern is silence, then enforce silence, and I'm all for that.

Have a silence sign that comes up on takeoff and landing that tells people to not generate any noise, so people that need to hear the flight attendant go through the same old spiel you heard on the exact same plane on your way to your destination three days ago can. That would encompass gadgets and children and generally loud and annoying people that might be a distraction to others.

I don't think people should be allowed to have children without getting like assessments for intelligence, work ethics, and potential to benefit civilization. You wouldn't hafta worry about anyone being annoying if that was happening.

Aside from that, I don't think children should be allowed to be on airplanes at all, but that's totally my opinion and it's not gonna change anything. There won't be a silence sign because making Duckman happy on the like few hours he spends in an airplane or a breeding program to make SkribbelKat happy because eugenics are totally awesome. *sigh*
I don't think people should be allowed to have children without getting like assessments for intelligence, work ethics, and potential to benefit civilization. You wouldn't hafta worry about anyone being annoying if that was happening.

Aside from that, I don't think children should be allowed to be on airplanes at all, but that's totally my opinion and it's not gonna change anything. There won't be a silence sign because making Duckman happy on the like few hours he spends in an airplane or a breeding program to make SkribbelKat happy because eugenics are totally awesome. *sigh*

Interestingly enough what you just described is the upper middle class and wealthy in general. Some of the worst kids I've seen came from that group.
Interestingly enough what you just described is the upper middle class and wealthy in general. Some of the worst kids I've seen came from that group.

Yup, they're super annoying as kids, but working class families make a whole lot more...um...daytime talk show subjects and inmates. So you get annoying children and functioning adults or quiet neglected kids and crime and messed up personal lives later. It's kinda a trade-off, but if you vote for me as your god emperor-y ruler, I promise to reduce your tax liability and appoint the bestest people to search Google and Facebook's data to issue breeding permits.
Maybe that's why they tell you to put your seatbelt on :rolleyes:

The point is, that there will be much more to worry about if ipods are being lunched around the cabin, no one is going to care because the ipod will be the least of their problems. I guess that's not as obvious as I thought.
It has nothing to do with the engineering or concerns with cellphones making anything not work. The main problems is people not paying attention to anything and probably having no idea what to do in case there is an emergency. People can't even close the damn overhead compartments even though they are told to do so a hundred times. Same thing with sitting the fuck down when they are told to.

I don't wana hear it. Don't complain on the flight attendant's behalf, the airlines and flight attendants fuck everyone all the time. I have flown enough over the years to know god damn well how sorry the experience has become.

Get on a flight these days and the one thing the flight attendants do during the entire flight is create excuses to keep everyone in their seats for the entire flight. The only flights still somewhat immune to this are the long haul overseas flights. But the commercial flights are terrible.

They want everyone to sit in their seats so they can push their little carts up and down the isles and sell their overpriced crap food and drinks without you getting in the way. Sit down we will be serving a beverage, sit down we are hitting some tricky weather, sit down sit down just hold it we'll be landing soon. If you do get a break from the fasten seatbelt sign then their are so many people try to get to the pisser you still might not get there. And don't have a tight connection schedule after.

Flying has turned into a pretty terrible experience these days compared to what it once was.
Are you asking a rhetorical question or do you not have experience traveling by plane?

On the flights I've been on, passengers are asked to put everything away not just electronic devices.

Right, umm, yea I been flying alot for my adult life, a lot. I have never ever seen this before.
The safety concern about electronics hasn't been a concern for the last 20 years. The whole reason why they still weren't allowed was to minimize people being assholes and not paying attention.

Airlines, in general, want the ride to be pleasant for people. It's hard to do that when there is a person talking on a phone during a redeye flight.
Right, umm, yea I been flying alot for my adult life, a lot. I have never ever seen this before.
well then you probably are too busy messing around with your phone or magazine to notice that everyone around you put their shit away and buckled their seat belts :rolleyes:
The reasoning behind the idiocy of the no making cell phone calls while in flight is laughable. I've been on more private flights than I can count and not a single one of them has fallen out of the sky because I decided to make a phone call during flight.
No, you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. they ask you to direct your attention to the flight attendant, that's what they ask you to do.


They tell you to turn your electronic shit off toward the end of the boarding process but before they close the cabin door, see if this one sounds reminiscent.

At this time, we request that all mobile phones, pagers, radios and remote controlled toys be turned off for the full duration of the flight, as these items might interfere with the navigational and communication equipment on this aircraft. We request that all other electronic devices be turned off until we fly above 10,000 feet. We will notify you when it is safe to use such devices.

When they close the cabin door you'll get an announcement like this;

Also, we advise you that as of this moment, any electronic equipment must be turned off.

Then after the close the cabin door they start the safety briefing and along with other things you will here something like this;

“Now we request your full attention as the flight attendants demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft”.

But at no time do they tell you,
to put everything away not just electronic devices.

Not on any flight I have ever been on and I've been on quite a few. I would claim to have flown as much as the daily or even weekly commuters but I would say I average 20+ flights a year on average.
No, you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. they ask you to direct your attention to the flight attendant, that's what they ask you to do.
are you daft?

directing your attention to the flight attendant would entail putting your fucking book down :rolleyes:
Mope54, that is not putting it away, or even closing it, that's just focusing your attention. I am not daft, or too busy to pay attention.
are you daft?

directing your attention to the flight attendant would entail putting your fucking book down :rolleyes:

Actually, they request you pay attention. They can't be bothered the effort of giving two shits if you pay attention or not. I once had a flight attendant ask me to "turn off my kindle" when I put it on its sleep screen she then proceeded to tell me to turn it fully off. I looked at her like she was an idiot (because she was) and told her that it was "off" I used the air quotes and everything. The funniest/saddest part was this was like 4 or 5 years after the 1st kindles came out.
Actually, they request you pay attention. They can't be bothered the effort of giving two shits if you pay attention or not. I once had a flight attendant ask me to "turn off my kindle" when I put it on its sleep screen she then proceeded to tell me to turn it fully off. I looked at her like she was an idiot (because she was) and told her that it was "off" I used the air quotes and everything. The funniest/saddest part was this was like 4 or 5 years after the 1st kindles came out.
Well, they probably don't have too much power outside of their little sphere of influence, and when they go home and ask their boyfriend to do something for them they get blown off, so while there they take their safety drill very seriously to prove they aren't just beverage cart pushers, when in reality you could easily just replace them with an in-flight safety video that would be more entertaining and easier to see on the screen in front of your seat.
You know, this all sounds just like the arguments over on the porsche forum about speeding, wah wah wah we should be allowed to drive as fast as we want, the cops suck, wah wah wah.

You're getting on a private industry owned plane. You don't like the rules. Get off and find another plane to ride. Or drive. If it's overseas, then row a fu**ing boat.

God, what a bunch of whiners. Oh my god, for the next half hour, I can't use my phone, I can't use my ipad, I can't use my mp3 player, wah wah wah wah. Crybabies all.
Actually, they request you pay attention. They can't be bothered the effort of giving two shits if you pay attention or not. I once had a flight attendant ask me to "turn off my kindle" when I put it on its sleep screen she then proceeded to tell me to turn it fully off. I looked at her like she was an idiot (because she was) and told her that it was "off" I used the air quotes and everything. The funniest/saddest part was this was like 4 or 5 years after the 1st kindles came out.
McFry asked if it's about paying attention to the safety message why don't they tell you to put away books and not just electronic devices. I said they do ask you to put everything away and then we got to where we are now in the conversation because lcpiper wants to demonstrate to the world that he'd rather be an asshole to a flight attendant rather than put whatever he has in his hands down for a few minutes and listen to them explain information he might need to save his life or someone else's in the event of an accident during take-off.

clearly the flight attendants are not going to list every possible thing a passenger might be paying attention to, and no adult with basic cognitive functioning require them to, since anyone with any level of reasoning skills and manners would interpret, "please direct your attention to the flight attendant" to mean "put down whatever you are paying attention to currently and watch and listen to the instructions being given"

you've got a small handful of people trying to turn this into some e-peen contest over how many flights they've been on in a given year, which is completely irrelevant because you only have to have been on one flight in your life to know what they say at the beginning of the flight so being on more flights doesn't make anyone an expert on pre-flight instructions :roll eyes: ; what it's really about is who in this thread has a basic level of respect when dealing with strangers in public spaces, regardless of whether the person's job is a flight attendant or whatever other profession seems to be beneath this small handful of people posting
You know, this all sounds just like the arguments over on the porsche forum about speeding, wah wah wah we should be allowed to drive as fast as we want, the cops suck, wah wah wah.

You're getting on a private industry owned plane. You don't like the rules. Get off and find another plane to ride. Or drive. If it's overseas, then row a fu**ing boat.

God, what a bunch of whiners. Oh my god, for the next half hour, I can't use my phone, I can't use my ipad, I can't use my mp3 player, wah wah wah wah. Crybabies all.

The difference is that the Airlines have the ability to make these decisions on their own. This is an industry union that views electronics as a hindrance to the ease of the jobs of their members. Thus they are trying to bully a change in the rules.
You know, this all sounds just like the arguments over on the porsche forum about speeding, wah wah wah we should be allowed to drive as fast as we want, the cops suck, wah wah wah.

You're getting on a private industry owned plane. You don't like the rules. Get off and find another plane to ride. Or drive. If it's overseas, then row a fu**ing boat.

God, what a bunch of whiners. Oh my god, for the next half hour, I can't use my phone, I can't use my ipad, I can't use my mp3 player, wah wah wah wah. Crybabies all.

EXCEPT ... the use of these devices was left up to the airlines to decide whether they wished to permit them or not ... the airlines (the EMPLOYERS of the flight attendants) made a business decision to allow them ... the flight attendants union is now trying to circumvent the business interests of their employers by taking this to court and suing the entity that gave their employers the right to choose on this issue ;)

Can't we argue about more important things like why all planes aren't equiped with internet and why the monthly subscription isn't more economical :cool:
I fly about once per year, and is my understanding that only the requests to "pay attention" seem to only extend to those with electronic devices, hence the overabundant fear mongering about interference with the planes systems. I cant say I ever really pay attention to the other people in the aisle, but I'm pretty sure book readers have been exempt from these policies, which means it has nothing to do with the safety of flying debris on takeoff/landing.

My g/f used to pressure me into asking for seat upgrades (which I never got). I've probably asked for a seat upgrade of some sort 6 or 7 times and was promptly denied, only to get on a plane flying at half capacity with several empty seats in 1st class through business and the "preferred areas of the plane". To me that says the gatekeepers were just being dicks. They knew this flight was nowhere near capacity, but it's the one opportunity in their mundane lives to exercise some control to deny something to someone and feel like god for a brief moment in time. "Whats that sir? You want a free upgrade to first class? Well we have 5 empty seats so.... FUCK YOU".
You know, this all sounds just like the arguments over on the porsche forum about speeding, wah wah wah we should be allowed to drive as fast as we want, the cops suck, wah wah wah.

You're getting on a private industry owned plane. You don't like the rules. Get off and find another plane to ride. Or drive. If it's overseas, then row a fu**ing boat.

God, what a bunch of whiners. Oh my god, for the next half hour, I can't use my phone, I can't use my ipad, I can't use my mp3 player, wah wah wah wah. Crybabies all.

This is just simply a perception of the customer/service relationship. When I spend money I feel I am buying a certain level of service, not being subjected to it. Think of it like dining out; when you go to a restaurant the staff are there to work for you. You are giving them money amidst a sea of competitors and they should feel grateful to have earned your business. They strive to make things pleasant and accommodate you in any way they can. You should never feel that your waitress is some commanding bitch trying to boss you around because the restaurant has certain frivolous rules that they are dying to enforce.

Most businesses have any number of rules, and the employees of slack to enforce the ones they know are stupid. They'll always give you a free pass with a wink and a nod as if to say "yeah buddy I know this is stupid, just dont tell anybody k?". Flight attendants take their jobs too seriously. They dont even understand their own rules let alone how ridiculous they are, which means the reality of the situation is they are just a bunch of self-serving assholes looking to exert some control over you to make themselves feel better about their crappy day.
I fly about once per year, and is my understanding that only the requests to "pay attention" seem to only extend to those with electronic devices, hence the overabundant fear mongering about interference with the planes systems. I cant say I ever really pay attention to the other people in the aisle, but I'm pretty sure book readers have been exempt from these policies, which means it has nothing to do with the safety of flying debris on takeoff/landing.

My g/f used to pressure me into asking for seat upgrades (which I never got). I've probably asked for a seat upgrade of some sort 6 or 7 times and was promptly denied, only to get on a plane flying at half capacity with several empty seats in 1st class through business and the "preferred areas of the plane". To me that says the gatekeepers were just being dicks. They knew this flight was nowhere near capacity, but it's the one opportunity in their mundane lives to exercise some control to deny something to someone and feel like god for a brief moment in time. "Whats that sir? You want a free upgrade to first class? Well we have 5 empty seats so.... FUCK YOU".

Most of the airlines that still have first class seats or extended legroom seats only cater to their elite frequent fliers with the upgrades ... although it is possible to get upgraded to the extended legroom seats if the flight is full (due to the government mandated bumping penalties on the airlines), they almost never upgrade anyone to first except frequent flyers ... only the discount carriers don't have this preference ... all the major USA ones (American, Delta, United) and most foreign ones will favor their preferred frequent flyers over all other passengers (makes some sense as those are the flyers who are most likely going to spend money with them) ;)
I think that larger people have a tendency to not get upgraded as often. It just seems like the people in first class seats either belong there because they paid for it to begin with or are among the "best" of the rabble that doesn't deserve it. It's like they don't wanna offend the sensibilities of their more upscale passengers with some huge meat mountain of a person.
what it's really about is who in this thread has a basic level of respect when dealing with strangers in public spaces, regardless of whether the person's job is a flight attendant or whatever other profession seems to be beneath this small handful of people posting
McFry asked if it's about paying attention to the safety message why don't they tell you to put away books and not just electronic devices. I said they do ask you to put everything away and then we got to where we are now in the conversation because lcpiper wants to demonstrate to the world that he'd rather be an asshole to a flight attendant rather than put whatever he has in his hands down for a few minutes and listen to them explain information he might need to save his life or someone else's in the event of an accident during take-off.

clearly the flight attendants are not going to list every possible thing a passenger might be paying attention to, and no adult with basic cognitive functioning require them to, since anyone with any level of reasoning skills and manners would interpret, "please direct your attention to the flight attendant" to mean "put down whatever you are paying attention to currently and watch and listen to the instructions being given"

you've got a small handful of people trying to turn this into some e-peen contest over how many flights they've been on in a given year, which is completely irrelevant because you only have to have been on one flight in your life to know what they say at the beginning of the flight so being on more flights doesn't make anyone an expert on pre-flight instructions :roll eyes: ; what it's really about is who in this thread has a basic level of respect when dealing with strangers in public spaces, regardless of whether the person's job is a flight attendant or whatever other profession seems to be beneath this small handful of people posting

No no no Mope54. You said they ask you to put everything away and I said they don't. I never ever said I don't pay attention to them, you interject that as a way to sidetrack this from your false assertion.

Put let's see exactly what my reply was again for the record.

Here is your comment that I quoted Mope54.
Originally Posted by mope54 View Post
Are you asking a rhetorical question or do you not have experience traveling by plane?

On the flights I've been on, passengers are asked to put everything away not just electronic devices.

And my reply.
By lcpiper;
Right, umm, yea I been flying alot for my adult life, a lot. I have never ever seen this before.
First time on the internet I've ever seen someone QFT them self....:D
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you've got a small handful of people trying to turn this into some e-peen contest over how many flights they've been on in a given year, which is completely irrelevant because you only have to have been on one flight in your life to know what they say at the beginning of the flight so being on more flights doesn't make anyone an expert on pre-flight instructions :roll eyes: ; what it's really about is who in this thread has a basic level of respect when dealing with strangers in public spaces, regardless of whether the person's job is a flight attendant or whatever other profession seems to be beneath this small handful of people posting

The number of flights is relevant ... if I make the same flight (on the same Boeing or Airbus aircraft) I am very familiar with the safety briefing (especially the beginning parts about how to buckle and unbuckle my seatbelt) ... I am not going to diminish the role that a flight attendant serves (they have saved people's lives in crashes and a few have died in the line of duty, like the FA that was sucked out of a Hawaiian Airline flight) but they are employees of the airlines ...

the FAA did NOT mandate that the airlines allow electronics ... they simply lifted the legacy ban that did not align with the new technologies in the aircraft and electronics ... they left the final choice on these devices to the airlines ... the airlines chose (at different times) to allow the devices ... the FAs are within their rights to complaint to their employers but the lawsuit to go behind the airlines back is more than a little sneaky ... and, as the judge noted, they have no standing to bring such a suit ;)