Folding Noob


Feb 1, 2005
ok i have jumped on the folding wagon and my BF will join me as soon as his new rig is built (darn i cant borg him) and i have a ton of questions.

once i get it running, does it just run and i do nothing or is there something i have to do? im on my first WU and it at 750/5000.

*just thinkin about borgin my mom*
machwireless said:
*just thinkin about borgin my mom*

that sounds so wrong, and so right. all at the same time.

Pretty much just let it sit and run, like I said before you can use EM3 to keep an eye on it

other then that there are other tweaks that you can use on it (such as setting it up as a service, or what type of work units you prefer to get). But thats pretty much it, its very simple :)
I know it's probably copyrighted but I tell my friends that folding is a "set it and forget it" project. Once it's going and has a live internet connection it will turn in and get work units all on it's own.

Only action required on your part is recruiting more people to fold.

Hope that helps.

Fold on people
that does. i just wish i got a referral fee. that is always nice. but convincing my mom to run her puter 24/7 is gonna be like tryin to get into heaven as a mass murderer.

if i had of known about this sooner, i would have borged my work computers.
Well if you can't convincer her of keeping it on 24/7, in the options for the setup, you can tell it to only work on units without deadlines. That way when its on, it will fold, but you wont just have science hanging out there than Stanford is waiting for.

if the machine is turned off often you might want to set the client to save like every 5 minutes so that it doesn't loose much work when it's shut down. The default save time is 15 minutes. But saving often can slow down work a little. Just a thought.

Fold on people.
p[H]ant0m said:
Well if you can't convincer her of keeping it on 24/7, in the options for the setup, you can tell it to only work on units without deadlines. That way when its on, it will fold, but you wont just have science hanging out there than Stanford is waiting for.

knowin my mom she will think im tryin to give her a virus. she's 63 and think i am a demon set out to crash her computer. she wont even let me remove her spyware. thinking im gonna erase her word doc.

Just a heads up for ya (I'm a noob myself so no worries) the img link you have in your autosig is no good. We can't have image links in there... but there is some FAQ around somewhere so you can quickly paste things like this into every message!

14.9 Ghz Folding for the [H]orde
Grimmda said:
Just a heads up for ya (I'm a noob myself so no worries) the img link you have in your autosig is no good. We can't have image links in there... but there is some FAQ around somewhere so you can quickly paste things like this into every message!

14.9 Ghz Folding for the [H]orde
oh yeah i know. im just too lazy to change it
Grimmda said:
Just a heads up for ya (I'm a noob myself so no worries) the img link you have in your autosig is no good. We can't have image links in there... but there is some FAQ around somewhere so you can quickly paste things like this into every message!

14.9 Ghz Folding for the [H]orde

well you can with your folding badge (in every post) but nothing else, as the folding badge was Kyle approved
(How to get your [H])
machwireless said:
i just put my laptop online.

this is pretty cool.

You have been bitten :D Welcome to the team.

Grimmda, Nice to see another KCer in the [H]orde.

machwireless said:
is gonna be like tryin to get into heaven as a mass murderer.

Guess that's another club I'm not gonna get into.
machwireless said:
oh yeah i know. im just too lazy to change it
yeah. what happens when my internet connection goes down? im having probs with my wireless router.
The client will continue to run, but it needs the internet connection to turn in finished WU's and get new work.
thats why i stick with wires :)

and have a backup router, and will be buying a couple more switches soon, and more cables.. and..
KodiakStar said:
thats why i stick with wires :)

and have a backup router, and will be buying a couple more switches soon, and more cables.. and..
well my laptop is running in my living room and my desktop upstairs and i have vonage so i have to have a router. i dont like it though. my dlink sucks.
hmm 2 floors

(thinks about all the light sockets that are around to plug in more boxen)

I need to upgrade my apartment :p
KodiakStar said:
hmm 2 floors

(thinks about all the light sockets that are around to plug in more boxen)

I need to upgrade my apartment :p
yeah i have a 2br townhouse and i keep the AC at a steady 65 degrees. hehehehe
mine is somewhere around there :)

although a little cooler inside the room with all the boxen turned off (shhh ;) )

but the humidty and heat outside are HELL..
nah no need, have a big old train of one that is pretty new and works well. even though it never shuts off ;) and is just as loud as all the computers on all the time
machwireless said:
yeah i have a 2br townhouse and i keep the AC at a steady 65 degrees. hehehehe
65, eh? Nice....can I move my boxen to your house?
:p They will be happy at your will SWMBO. ;)
AtomicMoose said:
65, eh? Nice....can I move my boxen to your house?
:p They will be happy at your will SWMBO. ;)
sure u can. as long as i can borg em.

what is swmbo?
AtomicMoose said:
Every married guy knows it.....women hold the balls and therefore the "obeyed" part. :p
so i have to wait for marriage?

no wonder i got suckered on the BFG 7800 deal
KodiakStar said:
naw sounds like you like to be different. dont change now for the M word ;)
i dont want to change. i just want my power back. head strong men are a little harder to deal with.
machwireless said:
i dont want to change. i just want my power back. head strong men are a little harder to deal with.

//runs off to hide the whips and chains//
There is no power struggle between my wife and I. She has all the power and I know it... :rolleyes:

But to be real, it is much easier for us to along because we are both real easy going. :)
AtomicMoose said:
There is no power struggle between my wife and I. She has all the power and I know it... :rolleyes:

ie. you pay for the pants, and she wears them ;)

how is everything else going with fah for you woman?
AtomicMoose said:
There is no power struggle between my wife and I. She has all the power and I know it... :rolleyes:

But to be real, it is much easier for us to along because we are both real easy going. :)
we get along great because we like the same stuff. hes a gamer. imma mediocre gamer but i am getting to like some of the stuff he plays. im more software. he is more hardware. im into web design. he builds rigs. we compliment each other well but imma leo and i like stuff my way.
KodiakStar said:
ie. you pay for the pants, and she wears them ;)
rofl ctfu... isn't it how that always works? My boss has 2 girls and a wife, and he keeps telling me that he'd like to move to my house (4 boys+parents) to get rid of his "estrogen poisoning".
