Folding performance of GTX 2xx series vs GTX 4xx series


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 5, 2006
So I've got a couple of 480s. I think they should be pretty good folders with 480 cores apiece.

I've also got a 260 lyring around.

I'm also thinking of getting a 460 if they ever make a single slot version.

So what is the folding performance like for the 400 seres vs the 200 series? I'm pretty curious. I'm not home right now so I can't do actual testing till I get back next week.

Anybody experiemented and found out?

Holy crud just found a bench...

Is the 480 really 3-4x faster than the 285 for folding?? So two of them is like having 285 hexa-SLI??

Also will a GTX 460 beat the 285 at folding? With its lower power envelope and 336 cuda cores, the 460 might make for the ideal folding card!
My 3x 285s (2x in my main rig and another in an older rig) stay right around 9-10k PPD. Everywhere I've seen actual PPD ratings for 480s seems to put them at around 15k PPD, so it seems it's only about 1.5x faster than a 285. I was considering trading my 2x 285s in for a 480, but I get better performance with 2x 285s in gaming and folding so I decided not to.

Also, a GTX 460 seems to sightly edge out a 285 in gaming and folding. I've been seeing them get around 10-11k PPD.

Maybe when the 485s come out with 512 SPUs (like it was originally supposed to), I'll retire my old 285s.
Yeah I've really been itching for these 460 768mb deals lately but it wouldn't give much difference for me from get roughly 8k PPD on a 260 vs 10k PPD on a 460. Higher cards you might get a little more like 9k PPD on a 275 and 10k PPD on a 285, 470 like 12k PPD, 480 like 13-14k PPD. All depends on WU and your luck that day really in terms of what WUs you get.

I wish the damn OpenCL client would make some progress so when the 6 series cards come out maybe there's some more choice for us, but there's been no news that I can tell on any fronts there so...meh :( nothing changes there. Sucks. :(
I'm really tired of being shoehorned into having to buy green if I want anything gpu related that folds worth a damn, it's really aggravating. ATi dominates on everything else including price and's a shame they're not putting any effort it seems into putting some performance into turning their gpus into more than just a gpu. :rolleyes: nV is killing them on CUDA and putting lots of effort into making CUDA one of the differentiating factors between the two companies.
My Tri-SLI GTX285's are under water and with the 450 WUs, I am getting almost 12K PpD (36K PpD for the 3)

I had been thinking about upgrading to Dual 480's, but don't really have the time to do an upgrade. They would also be under water and that would take the most time.
Yeah I've really been itching for these 460 768mb deals lately but it wouldn't give much difference for me from get roughly 8k PPD on a 260 vs 10k PPD on a 460. Higher cards you might get a little more like 9k PPD on a 275 and 10k PPD on a 285, 470 like 12k PPD, 480 like 13-14k PPD. All depends on WU and your luck that day really in terms of what WUs you get.

I wish the damn OpenCL client would make some progress so when the 6 series cards come out maybe there's some more choice for us, but there's been no news that I can tell on any fronts there so...meh :( nothing changes there. Sucks. :(
I'm really tired of being shoehorned into having to buy green if I want anything gpu related that folds worth a damn, it's really aggravating. ATi dominates on everything else including price and's a shame they're not putting any effort it seems into putting some performance into turning their gpus into more than just a gpu. :rolleyes: nV is killing them on CUDA and putting lots of effort into making CUDA one of the differentiating factors between the two companies.

These numbers are spot on with what I'm getting on a 260 and 470.