foldix/Linux stability testing


Jul 19, 2005
What console level tools are available/useful for testing oc stability on foldix before running FAH ?

Ummm... nothing... Really, memtest86 and prime95 under Windows are the best tools, and neither of those is available for linux. I mean, I could try to whip up something (and including memtest on the boot menu would be possible and a good idea for the future!) but it won't match the tools that are out there.

Holy cow, there's prime95 for linux. I'll have to add that.

Meanwhile, I still have a java problem to figure out before midnight... :(

Guess who just uploaded a new version of Foldix right here.


You can now select "Memtest86" and "Prime95" on the boot menu, and they run. Prime95 is also runnable by running "stresstest", preferrably when FAH's not running.

Thanks marty -- I'll give it a go !! OMfG , Marty aced Mage on a linux question :eek:

It's ok , Mage.. old folks like us remember the weirdest crap at the most unlikely times :D

unhappy_mage said:
Guess who just uploaded a new version of Foldix right here.


You can now select "Memtest86" and "Prime95" on the boot menu, and they run. Prime95 is also runnable by running "stresstest", preferrably when FAH's not running.

looks like I'm a tad slow (as old folk tend to be..) by 2 minutes.. I'm dl'ing the new version now :)

mage- please add an option to foldix which makes it so I don't have to get out of bed in the morning and go to work.

hey, anyone know if Linux gets QMD's at all?
marty9876 said:
mage- please add an option to foldix which makes it so I don't have to get out of bed in the morning and go to work.

hey, anyone know if Linux gets QMD's at all?
If I could do that, it'd have a more school-oriented aspect to it. I have a stat test at 11 and I'm not entirely sure how to do the problems... :(

Awesome. I think I'm going to try the Memtest and Prime this weekend. Since they are all running stock, I'll be really sad if any errors come up.

Now if we could get temp monitoring we'd be all set. :)

-MN Scout
unhappy_mage said:
If I could do that, it'd have a more school-oriented aspect to it. I have a stat test at 11 and I'm not entirely sure how to do the problems... :(

Something tells me that you will figure it out. ;)
Well, not screen*shots* as such, but here are two movie grabs of foldix booting Prime95 and Memtest:

When I was capturing the shots, I ran into a problem - the version I posted last night crashes when you try to run prime95 for more than 30 seconds. New version up here as always.

And if you wouldn't mind, abbreviate me as 'mage' rather than 'unhappy'; I'm happy these days. No offense taken or anything.

I managed to fake my way through most of the stat test. Ti-89, i <3 u.

Cool . thanks mage, I am going to burn the iso and install it this weekend on a new boxen.