For all you PS3 fans

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Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2005
this is what i do to your beloved!!!! MAHAHAHAHAH!!! (sorry for shitty quality, was taken with my camera phone)


Some strong ass metal cage around the drive

CD Drive busted wide open




Only piece left was the "tion 3" of the front cover, lol

and the best part.... you may ask, "dansan.. why did u do this!!!"

simple, best buy paid me and another guy to get a $60 game out of the dvd drive that was stuck and the ps3 wouldnt power on... hmm, think about that. destroy a $700 item for a $60 game
and the best part.... you may ask, "dansan.. why did u do this!!!"

simple, best buy paid me and another guy to get a $60 game out of the dvd drive that was stuck and the ps3 wouldnt power on... hmm, think about that. destroy a $700 item for a $60 game

I'm guessing you used up all the sane options before ending up smashing the PS3?
Huh, well, I prolly would have used a screwdriver myself.. Don't care much for Sony or their products these days, but I would have at least used it to F@H or something.. I vent my anger by playing violent video games, not by violently playing with a video game console..
I don't understand your work for Best Buy and the manager told you to get a game out of a borked PS3 even if you had to destroy it?:confused: Really dumb thing to do...anything that was assembled can be disassembled.
What's the point of this thread? Some guy was stupid and smashed apart a PS3 to get a game out? Please tell me there is some logical reason for why this thread even exists.
Did you check to see if the power cord was plugged in? Probably not though :/ I'm not sure I could have with your level of brain trauma. If it was really broken I bet Sony's warranty still covered it, it could have been fixed and either you or your manager could have made some extra $$ by e-baying it.

I don't understand some people :confused: Why ruin a perfectly good (even fixable) console, be it a PS3, 360, or a Wii?
Heres what i think:
It was your mrs console
You had a BluRay Porn Vid in your drive
You Ooooopsied all over the PS3 causing it to short circuit and break
Your mrs was due back anytime and would be very displeased that here ps3 is broken and the fact that when she sends it off for repair she will find out that the ps3 is not covered by the warranty if someone accidently oooopsies all over it due to watching "Debbie does Bestbuy in 1080p" causing the machine to break!! So you probably said someone burgled your house that took the tv etc but is in actual fact a die hard wii60 !!!!!! and smashed the shit out of the ps3.
So out of desperation with only minutes to spare you smashed the shit out of the machine to get the Porn out the drive but also having the time to take a few pics with your shitty camphone so you could post them on hard forum thinking your cool and making up a bullshit story when in actual fact everyone thinks your a complete wanker for it.
The worst thing is your mrs would have probably enjoyed watching you whack off to a bluray porn vid!

Moral of the story: Want respect? Use a PS3 Condom from

ps dont take me seriously im just having a laugh whilst my mrs and i are watching a bluray porn vid (yes i can type with my left hand whilst watching porn!)
This is the stupidest thread ever. You could easily have disassembled it. At the very least, do that and tell whoever told you to destroy it you threw it out. Then you could send it back for warranty and sell just lost about $400. Um...congrats?
Man at least $400 wasted. Those are some expensive low quality pictures you have there :D
hahaha u guys are great.

1) it was broken, we spent over an hour trying to get it to turn on
2) since he bought it 2 days ago so he was getting a new one and as long as we sent the ps3 back to sony we would get a full credit return on it so it didnt matter what condition it was in
3) who the hell would want to actually take the time to dissemble it when its sooo much more fun to destory it?
OP, Thank you for being yet another shining example of why I will not step foot inside a best buy.
2) since he bought it 2 days ago so he was getting a new one and as long as we sent the ps3 back to sony we would get a full credit return on it so it didnt matter what condition it was in

Hmm...when you appealed to their warranty did you tell them the system that didn't work was repeatedly smashed with a hammer? Better hope they believe your story, because as far as they're concerned some guy called up saying his ps3 didn't work, and they got one back looking like this. If I were them I'd unpack a working one, take pictures of it working, then smash it with a hammer and send it back to you. Now that'd be comedy.
Hey. Lets all flush a $20 down the toliet too! That's funny right?

.... ok

stupid thread
hahaha u guys are great.

1) it was broken, we spent over an hour trying to get it to turn on
2) since he bought it 2 days ago so he was getting a new one and as long as we sent the ps3 back to sony we would get a full credit return on it so it didnt matter what condition it was in
3) who the hell would want to actually take the time to dissemble it when its sooo much more fun to destory it?

You still realize you're horrid noob and that was not necessary in the least. Too bad this wasn't a Darwin award situation, then I might have laughed.
Well here is another reason why employees in retail are expendable...
hahaha u guys are great.

1) it was broken, we spent over an hour trying to get it to turn on
2) since he bought it 2 days ago so he was getting a new one and as long as we sent the ps3 back to sony we would get a full credit return on it so it didnt matter what condition it was in
3) who the hell would want to actually take the time to dissemble it when its sooo much more fun to destory it?

Um... maybe someone at Sony would take the time to dissemble it... Ever heard of refurbished products?

If anyone is going to be smashing PS3's... I think it should be Sony, not BB employees. :p
...I think it should be Sony, not BB employees. :p

Thats called the BB solution...

I'm going to laugh when Sony doesn't give BB a new unit because of the blatant abuse of the remains they received.
for all you PS3 fans?

good one....haha. I like smashing things as much as the next person but well ya; kudos for u i guess:rolleyes:
As much as I hate Nintendo and the Wii, I wouldn't post pics of me smashing one then taunt all Nintendo fans. This isn't as bad as those morons who bought and smashed one on release day, but its in the same category in my book.
...and then to expect to receive a replacement item under warranty? +1 for laughing if Sony denies the claim once they received a bashed up product. For all they know, thats what caused the stuck cd and the failure to power on.
I know when I used to work for Cingular Customer Care.... if your phone stops working and you want to get the phone replaced through warranty... they ask a few questions first...

They ask if theres any kinda water damage, because water damage isn't covered under the 1 year manufactures warranty. A lot of people lie over the phone and tell us to go ahead and ship out a replacement for them......and they send back theirs.

Then they wonder 2 months later when they are charged for the replacement phone, and it comes back that the phone was not working because of water damage.

I think Sony works the same way.... if they get a console back that looks like that, I think the user voided the warranty and their SoL... in which case that would be BB.
well, looks like me and a small few find it actually funny. for the rest of u thanks for the flames and just to reassure on the sony giving us credit. one day we were doing renovations in the back warehouse and someone with a scissor jack knocked 2 very large tvs off a shelf probably 15 feet high and well.. u can just say they were in worse shape than this ps3. sent 1 back to sony and the other to samsung, got full credit back.

@Netrat33: this was alot more fun than flushing a 20 down the toilet.. ive done it

everyone else, continue to bust my balls about this.

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