For PS4 snobs, would you take an XBONE if given to you?

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Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 30, 2005
I have thought about this because I really turned sour on MS during the announcement fiasco. I was already pretty much in the PS4 camp but more or less planning to get both. Now I am wondering if I would keep it if I got one for free even.

I guess I would sell it and use the proceeds for a video card or a PS4 if I didn't already have one.
I'd take it and sell it for something I'm sure, I definitely would not keep it right now.
Stupidest question in the history of questions. Seriously, lock this thread now and you should get a 10 minute ban for stupidity :p
I wouldn't consider myself a PS4 snob, but I would consider myself someone "returning the favor" for all the crap PS3 took at first.

If someone gave me a One I would take it because I want to play some of the games on it.
I'd buy an X1 if it was $399.

Same here. I'll buy one at $500 next year when the games I want come out. If it were to drop to $399 between now and then, I'd pick it up. It's a $100 difference, but $399 is my sweet spot right now. $499 is a bit too high (before Christmas, anyway).
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