For the [H]orde Give Away 2nd Edition!


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2009
Aug 29, 2001
Here is the deal. I want to bring some new people into the [H]orde. To do this Dookey and myself will be giving away a Boxen.

All you have to do is have 75k points folded between now and July 16th and be a new(er) member to the [H]orde!
(details below)

For those who may not know what folding is:

You can help scientists studying these diseases by simply running a piece of software.
Folding@home is a distributed computing project -- people from throughout the world download and run software to band together to make one of the largest supercomputers in the world. Every computer takes the project closer to our goals. Folding@home uses novel computational methods coupled to distributed computing, to simulate problems millions of times more challenging than previously achieved.

We fold to Find the Cure!

Link to GPU client for most GPUs!
Information on the brand new GPU3 (that supports the newer NV cards can be found here)
Link to Zero82z SMP setup guide!

The system will have a 9800GX2 (from capreppy)
The rest of the parts are still being hashed out, but a dual core CPU will be the min (we have parts for AMD and s775 rigs, I will update this as we settle on what this rig will be)

Here is how it will work. Make a post with your brand new [H]ard folding badge in THIS thread. I will randomly draw a post number to give the Boxen away. If the person that gets drawn does not have a badge that shows 75k (in recent activity), I'll pick another post number.

You must:
-Post you badge
-Have 75k points by July 16th (when the drawing will happen) Get your badge here: Just search for your folding username 6 hours after you turn in your first Work Unit.
-Be a newer folder (if you started for the last drawing you can enter this one too) or show no activity for over 6 months
-Be inside the Con USA (if you are in AK or HI and you still want to enter you will have to help with shipping)
-Fold under team 33, the [H]orde!

If you need help getting a client started, or posting your badge PLEASE just post in this thread, we will be happy to help. 75k points (in a month) is easy to do with a Quad Core running the SMP client or a NV card as low as a 8800GS.

These rules are not final and can be changed at any time by me, Dookey, a mod, or Kyle
If I get better hardware to put inside this box as the contest goes on I will do so.

There will be more givaways in the future so stick around!

Please ask questions!

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This is an excellent idea Kendrak...I suppose I could let my dad use one of the 8800 cards I have :)...

How new is new(er)!? I'm not new, but I'm still bringing up my PPD.

Good job, Kendrak. Always doing an awesome job to get more people folding. :)
How new is new(er)!? I'm not new, but I'm still bringing up my PPD.

Good job, Kendrak. Always doing an awesome job to get more people folding. :)

I'd like to see minimal activity in the prior 2-3 month range.

Anyone know how to eliminate the capacitor/inductor whine on graphics cards? I tried using nail polish, but I still get the noise whenever I do GPU folding, so I need some better suggestions.
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I think I tried signing up to fold like last year and got confused so I gave up. Maybe I'll try again now that there are incentives.
Now to see if my P8700 can possibly crank out that much (for some reason I highly doubt it)
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Hrm...if this is open to Canadians, I'll make the switch from my current team. The Pirate Party of Canada has a LONG way to go to get anywhere near the top anyway.
I was inactive for over a year, and then restarted last month, does that count?
If you haven't folded for a while and are stating back up that is fine, WE WANT YOU BACK!

Do not post your badges in this thread. They need to be posted in this one or you are not entered into the drawing!
Is this a new giveaway, or a continuation of the one started in April? If i entered that one, do i need to enter this one also? Thanks!
Is this a new giveaway, or a continuation of the one started in April? If i entered that one, do i need to enter this one also? Thanks!

This is another system. If you want to enter again you need to post your badge in the new thread I started up. Otherwise your not entered.

The first system should be at the winners house tomorrow.
This is another system. If you want to enter again you need to post your badge in the new thread I started up. Otherwise your not entered.

The first system should be at the winners house tomorrow.

Ok, sweet. thanks. Who was the lucky winner? I didn't see anything get posted.
Yay I'm eligible for this one still :) Good luck everyone!

Fold on my feline friends!

I got a Dell XPS 720 just sitting around doing nothing right now. It has a Q9650 processor with dual 8800GTX overclocked cards in it. That shound do I would think. What would be the best F@H setup to use to get the best out of this system?
I got a Dell XPS 720 just sitting around doing nothing right now. It has a Q9650 processor with dual 8800GTX overclocked cards in it. That shound do I would think. What would be the best F@H setup to use to get the best out of this system?

One SMP client and 2x GPU clients.

You should be able to do +/- 15-18k ppd on that thing depending on what kinda OC you can put on the cards.

Here is an easy setup for multi GPU:
Is there a trick to running the GPU client with a 5850 and 8800GTS in the same system? 8800GTS is used for Physx mostly, and programs like CoreAVC don't seem to have problems using it.

Would I be wrong to assume I'd be able to enter? I have my dad's box F@H 24/7, but I reap the points of course..Also, I did go from just ~2KPPD in April to my current 17-20KPPD now so would that be considered minimal ;)? If I were lucky (which I'm not) enough to win her it would replace my dad's P4 3.2Ghz system.
Folks, I have the system assembled now and it is folding away. I'll post specs and pics in a few days. It's a nice little system and is currently folding for about 12.5K PPD.