For those of you with a Sprint Epic


Dec 23, 2004
Looks like 2.2 came out today (at least rolling OTA downloads). Head on over to XDA for a rooted, deodexed version of the official release.
Like I said, head over to XDA. 2.2 is a rolling release, you might not get it OTA for another 2 weeks.
I heard the 2.2 that's on XDA is the euro version littered with bugs.

I'll wait for the OTA release, thanks.
The release they are talking about is a developer release, it isn't a final release. No one is going to get it OTA except developers. This is also why Sprint still denies an update is out there, whereas they were making press releases even for minor updates that are official. It is available straight from google specifically for the epic (not a euro release) there.

Also, the release sucks. Vibrate buzzes randomly, market didn't work for about 2 hours after update, seems to be working now though. Some google app crashes every 10-20 minutes and pops up an error each time.
I'm disappointed man. I mainly bought this because I wanted a cell phone with a keyboard, so this suited my needs fine. I figured this would get 2.2 almost immediately like the EVO, but had I known it was going to take this long I'd probably would have gotten the EVO. I could have gotten by without a keyboard, so if 2.2 doesn't come out in the next month or so then I'm going to sell my Epic and get the EVO.
I'm disappointed man. I mainly bought this because I wanted a cell phone with a keyboard, so this suited my needs fine. I figured this would get 2.2 almost immediately like the EVO, but had I known it was going to take this long I'd probably would have gotten the EVO. I could have gotten by without a keyboard, so if 2.2 doesn't come out in the next month or so then I'm going to sell my Epic and get the EVO.

It will be here soon. This release is pretty close to ready. Honestly though unless you are dependent on Flash, I wouldn't put a whole lot of emphasis on 2.2. It isn't as big of a deal as the people with 2.2 will make you think. Gold doesn't pour out of the USB socket after you upgrade or anything. It's a bit quicker, and a bit prettier. It isn't like going from Windows 95 to W7 or similar; apart from Flash and a minor speed increase, there isn't anything that I would justify picking one phone over another.... and on the epic the speed increase isn't as significant as it is a pretty fast phone anyway.
Necro-ing this thread to share my experience with this.

I gave the 2.2 on XDA a whirl. Loved everything except the part where it killed my GPS. Tried about 3 or 4 different GPS related apps and none of them worked.

Redid my phone back to DK18. I'll wait until the official 2.2 drops on Sprint, and then wait for good ROMS based on it.

Others claim it works just fine in all aspects for their Epic 4G's. I can't say the same. So, try this at your own risk.
Necro-ing this thread to share my experience with this.

I gave the 2.2 on XDA a whirl. Loved everything except the part where it killed my GPS. Tried about 3 or 4 different GPS related apps and none of them worked.

Redid my phone back to DK18. I'll wait until the official 2.2 drops on Sprint, and then wait for good ROMS based on it.

Others claim it works just fine in all aspects for their Epic 4G's. I can't say the same. So, try this at your own risk.

A lot of people had issues with the DK28 release messing up their GPS. Then others said they just rebooted the phone several times and that fixed the GPS. Still, I'd rather not be the guinea pig.