for those using the Cogage true spirit 1366 bolt through kit..

Got your PM. I'm using the Rev B and I got it from frozencpu (the one you linked to, but mine is 1156 since I'm using an i7 860). I seem to recall reading that the Rev B is better though I can't remember why. It might just have been that it is easier to secure two screws than four.
I just the plastic push pins off of my Spirit, and stole the bolt through from my son's Xiggy Dark Knight, and it is basically just like the Thermalright one you linked too, and it works just fine too. I am sure either one would be good enough.
well i ordered the rev b. Not looking forward to taking the mobo out, but those push pins absolutely suck.

I take, those brackets just screw down into the back plate?
Correct, the two brackets screw onto the back plate, and then the single bracket secures the heat sink by screwing onto the two brackets.