ForceWare 67.02

Yeah I saw that. To bad I cannot test them until I get home...
Funny to know it coincide with the HL2 release. Might be a specific tweaked version for HL2 ?
Hmm.. reading the release notes, I'm wondering if this will clear up the shimmering problem or not.. check it out:

Added new Performance and Quality option—Negative LOD bias
This control lets the user manually set negative LOD bias to “clamp” for
applications that automatically enable anisotropic filtering.
Applications sometimes use negative LOD bias to sharpen texture filtering.
This sharpens the stationary image but introduces aliasing when the scene is
in motion. Because anisotropic filtering provides texture sharpening without
unwanted aliasing, it is desirable to clamp LOD bias when anisotropic
filtering is enabled.
When the user enables anisotropic filtering through the control panel, the
control is automatically set to “Clamp”.

That would explain, atleast on some games, why they get shimmering when anisotropic filtering is enabled.. Anyone test this out yet?
They gave me alot of texture corruption in nfsu2. The textures of the road and sky was disgusting, very pixelated, and no, not just upon close inspection. It was like they were totally broken. Went back to the 66.81s and problem solved. Didnt bother with benchmarks after i saw how terrible they looked. Thety lasted about 5 mins on my rig. 6800GT.
I would love to switch to a better driver, anyone else have any issues?
They seemed to work out fine on [H]'s HL2 benchmark article, anyone else using them? Any comments on the shimmering issues?
I upgraded to them, didn't do a huge difference for me, benchmarks scores are relatively the same. Not a performance driver, but more like a bug fixer. Stuttering is still there in HL2, down MAYBE a bit, but I'm at a different level than I was before so I can't give it any validity.
Anandtech has some interesting information on the new drivers............

NVIDIA's driver is the most recent internal build of their ForeWare drivers (version 67.02). There are three main improvements in this version of NVIDIA's drivers and they are as follows:

1) Some game-specific texture shimmering issues have been fixed

2) The Flatout demo no longer crashes

3) Some shader compiler fixes that should improve shader performance

As you can see, only #3 could potentially apply to Half Life 2, but NVIDIA indicated that the fixes were not Half Life 2 specific, although they could yield a positive performance gain.
It'd be nice to see some 66.93 vs 67.02 performance comparisons in a few games, most notably HL2 to see if shader performance really is improved.
It's a great driver, it does fix shimmering problems I've found in HL2, but I haven't tested it on doom3 which had tons of shimmering. Anyone test this driver on doom3? As it stands now, this is THE driver to use imho--great image quality and no shimmering detected yet in HL2.
right now iam useing these new drivers 6702.
but i see lines,in the game.
amd when i was at the rail road level.
the raill looked werid.
so i might go back to 66.81
I just installed and tested. Shimmering is gone in LOMAC. No noticeable change in FPS.
It's in Performance and Quality Options. Click "Show Advanced Options" and it should be there, near the bottom of the list.
gregeney said:
It's in Performance and Quality Options. Click "Show Advanced Options" and it should be there, near the bottom of the list.

I have only tested this once, might need to try again... But HDR in Far Cry is all weird now. With the previous drivers (66.93) it worked fine, but now I can see through walls. Someone else want to try it?
one thing I noticed is that the game profiles are kinda buggy. It looks like the LOD clamp option doesn't carry over to other game profiles by default. all other options will, but you will need to go into game profiles, and have to set it to clamp on the profile too, as it will default to allow, even with the global option set to clamp..

to be honest, I never noticed the texture shimmering to begin with. I only notice your normal amount of aliasing that happens in games. Like in Far Cry, there are a few textures that AA doesn't get applied to.. but I never saw shimmering..

The only time I ever seen anything close to this issue was with Max Payne2. I only really noticed it on the level when you get to swap between max and mona in the construction site. I saw some moire patterns in the floor texture there..

I'm trying it again, but haven't gotten to that level to check it out.. so far though, in the first level I do notice a weird pattern on the cat walks in the first level after the hospital. but I think that it's not a problem with texture shimmering, just texture that don't like aniso.. I'll have to try it with aniso off and see what happens.. other than that, shit looks perfect..

I'll be keeping these drivers for now, unless they start getting weird on me
Shimmering was/is way more noticeable on some games than others... I've seen lots of samples where it's clearly pointed out what the supposed shimmering was and the only one I ever found to be truly disrupting was the BF:1942 one (BF:V didn't have it).

Never knew what the big deal about slight shimmering on small structure edges in Painkiller was, if I pay attention to it I'd notice it but it doesn't stand out like BF:1942's ground texture shimmering (doesn't help that it happened right on the center of the screen).

Zoner had a nice post regarding how it shows up in different games here:
I think DOOM3 was the worst shimmering culprit. It looked horrible once you started noticing it. I haven't reinstalled it to check but hopefully these drivers would really make that look great if the shimmering were gone.
didn't notice it in Doom3 at all.. Course, I haven't had this problem really with the games I play..