ForceWare 81.94 Released today.

Anyone else notice that Gamma Correct AA turns off when SLI AA is enabled?
Is anyone seeing any perforamce boost with an Dual Core CPU from the 81.87 Drivers?
Personally, I have not seen any performance boost from the new so called duel core performance enhanced drivers. Anyways I got the new ones installed but I cant tell a difference in anything.
lockheed2266 said:
Is anyone seeing any perforamce boost with an Dual Core CPU from the 81.87 Drivers?

The only time you will see any gains is if running in a CPU limited situation, which is rare with modern Games.
I assume he means higher resolutions, where the GPU will be the bottleneck in most situations. CPUs are mainly a factor in 1280x1024 or less.
I'm getting better performance with the 81.XX drivers than I did with the 78.XX drivers. Whether or not that's because of dual core or other optimizations I don't know. I don't have any specific numbers, but I'm getting a lot less hitching, and also noticeably faster rates in stressful situations in F.E.A.R. Quake IV, and Riddick. I generally run in 1280x1024 in all of the games I play, so I'm probably right on the boarder of CPU/GPU usage. Everything I play right now runs noticeably, (though not hugely) better on the 81.XX drivers. Haven't tried these 81.94s though yet. I'd investigate further, but I can't really justify the time it would take to swap drivers back and forth and bench. Right now, I can run everything I play in the modes I want to play in with all options maxed (with the exception of soft-shadows, which I haven't even tried yet.) That's all I need to know right now. :)
Riptide_NVN said:
I assume he means higher resolutions, where the GPU will be the bottleneck in most situations. CPUs are mainly a factor in 1280x1024 or less.

Heh... Probably. I didn't make note of the 7800GTX SLi in the other guys sig ;)
There is a very real and tangible boost with a dual-core CPU. Synthetics showcase this better than real-world gaming, but it's there too. As an example, my AM3 score increased 14K with the 80 series over the 75 series. Now, somehow I doubt NVIDIA just decided to go back and tweak for AM3, so the only thing that explains the insane bump in performance is the added dual-core support. There's a site that has a complete comparison of all the FW's and you can see that there's clearly an improvement with the 80 series (they used a dual-core in their test bench).
Viper87227 said:
What are you talking about? With the current high end GPU's.... all CPU's are a bottleneck.

Exactly opposite of what you say is the truth. I don't know where you guys get this idea that you need extremely fast CPU's to run high end GPUs... Modern games stress the Graphic sub-system FAR MORE than anything else.

I can't find it right now but there was nother that showd BF2 even at 1024x768 is not CPU limited.

There is barely any difference between the CPU's when you run games at whatever maximum resolution your card can handle.
J-Mag said:
Exactly opposite of what you say is the truth. I don't know where you guys get this idea that you need extremely fast CPU's to run high end GPUs... Modern games stress the Graphic sub-system FAR MORE than anything else.

I can't find it right now but there was nother that showd BF2 even at 1024x768 is not CPU limited.

There is barely any difference between the CPU's when you run games at whatever maximum resolution your card can handle.

Yeah... that came out wrong. I know that CPU's these days don't affect gaming much. I have seen those firingsquad benchies before... as well as others. I believe ive seen the BF2 bench you speak of. Not sure what I was thinking TBH, but that post didn't really reflect it.
yay ..I'm going to post a useless "Hey , I'm downloading them now" post ..and not give any real information about how drivers are working for me

thanks for looking

anyone getting better OCs with these drivers as that other topic here suggests?
i can tell that FEAR runs a little better, but no overclock difference to report here... Overall a good choice over the 85's though...
Viper87227 said:
Yeah... that came out wrong. I know that CPU's these days don't affect gaming much. I have seen those firingsquad benchies before... as well as others. I believe ive seen the BF2 bench you speak of. Not sure what I was thinking TBH, but that post didn't really reflect it.

lol owned. :D
yay ...BF2 doesnt lock my comp up on me anymore ..not even with 64bots going and all settings maxed with 1280x1024 rez

64bit drivers require a reboot for me when enabling sli tho ...ah well

havnt fired up Quake IV yet to see if it runs better ..I dont think I would notice it running any better without having fraps going or something as it already ran like butter

What does it mean when I get the same FPS (34 in one particular spot) with 2xAA and 4xAA in Quake 4 at 1280x1024? Also, I dropped the resolution down to 1024x768 and in that same spot with 4xAA i got 30fps. Whats the deal here?
Sonicks said:
What does it mean when I get the same FPS (34 in one particular spot) with 2xAA and 4xAA in Quake 4 at 1280x1024? Also, I dropped the resolution down to 1024x768 and in that same spot with 4xAA i got 30fps. Whats the deal here?

Did you driver clean in between? Just use what works best
PureVideo high definition MPEG-2 de-interlacing support.

Cool, sometimes when I watch 1080i stuff it gets all mess up, maybe this will fix it.

[edit] it seems to be my source video and the lines look to larger to be interlace artifacts anyway
mdameron said:
Did you driver clean in between? Just use what works best
Well I say this becuase a lot of times I feel as if I could be getting more out of my GTX. The frames I'm getting match those found here but I run it at 1280x1024 and no AA.

I haven't tried driver cleaner, but I'll give it a shot.
These drivers have finally made my CoD2 playable at decent settings! Before I would need to run 800x600 on med for playable framerate, now I run a constant framerate of 35-45 (rarely ever drops below that) at 1024x768 / high. :)

I run a 6800gt for the record.
Mojo3k70 said:
These drivers have finally made my CoD2 playable at decent settings! Before I would need to run 800x600 on med for playable framerate, now I run a constant framerate of 35-45 (rarely ever drops below that) at 1024x768 / high. :)

I run a 6800gt for the record.

What dri set did you use before?
Jodiuh said:
What dri set did you use before?

The 81.84 set. Before that I used the 78.05 set. Both driver versions performed about the same in CoD2 until the newly released .94's
Mojo3k70 said:
These drivers have finally made my CoD2 playable at decent settings! Before I would need to run 800x600 on med for playable framerate, now I run a constant framerate of 35-45 (rarely ever drops below that) at 1024x768 / high. :)

I run a 6800gt for the record.

I see CoD2 improvements in the release notes, so this means I install them tonight. :)
Viper87227 said:
Yeah... that came out wrong. I know that CPU's these days don't affect gaming much. I have seen those firingsquad benchies before... as well as others. I believe ive seen the BF2 bench you speak of. Not sure what I was thinking TBH, but that post didn't really reflect it.

Heh! I know the feeling man, sometimes I will post in an amped up 6 shots of espresso state where I am spewing words, but not really thinking about them ;)
Mojo3k70 said:
These drivers have finally made my CoD2 playable at decent settings! Before I would need to run 800x600 on med for playable framerate, now I run a constant framerate of 35-45 (rarely ever drops below that) at 1024x768 / high. :)

I run a 6800gt for the record.

Awesome that's good to hear. I'll bench my rig tonight with the 81.85 and then see what kind of improvement there is and post it here. I have COD 2 sitting on my front porch waiting for me to get home. Thinking about having to run my 7800 GT at 1024 was making me depressed at having spent all that money on it.
i installed them. it doesn't seem to make a difference though but i will run 3dmark 05 to see if anything really changed.
Compared to the 78.05 beta's I was on for awhile, this set seems to be a lot nicer performance-wise in my games. I haven't run 3dfark to test at all or any other benches yet, but seems better overall looking at the framerate counter as I play. I have a dual-core Athlon 64 X2 3800+ overclocked to 2.4ghz/core now.
GoldenTiger said:
Compared to the 78.05 beta's I was on for awhile, this set seems to be a lot nicer performance-wise in my games. I haven't run 3dfark to test at all or any other benches yet, but seems better overall looking at the framerate counter as I play. I have a dual-core Athlon 64 X2 3800+ overclocked to 2.4ghz/core now.

i just ran 3d mark and have no change(single core pentium 4). but like someone else said before, bf2 has become more stable.
I read around the time the 81.84's came out that the drivers had become multithreaded.
i just installed the new drivers and i went from 7350 in 3dmark05 to 7605. pretty nice increase imo
Can someone who owns Farcry run it and let me know if you have objects that intermittently flicker. I have patch 1.3,1.31,1.33 and it does it all of them. could be a bug!
Try making sure you have HQ mode enabled in the driver. I've seen patches of shimmering in FarCry on the Dam level (tree tops usually) and was told to try that.

Also this driver is hard locking on my system just like 81.85 was. CS:S - sound gets stuck in a loop and the sytem freezes hard. FarCry BSOD. I had this exact same problem before until I went back to 78.03. Now that I'm running a GTX512 though I can't go back to that driver. And now the problem is back since I had to upgrade my driver back to 81.xx.

AMD CPU driver install doesn't help. Additional vcore/vdimm doesn't help. I haven't tried setting affinity but I know someone else having this exact same issue w/81.xx and setting affinity didn't help him. I've tried reinstalling Windows.

The system Primes just fine and runs folding just fine. Again, I had this exact same issue with 81.85 and only going back to 78.03 took care of it and stopped this behavior.

Nvidia has a problem with the dual core support in this driver I believe. It doesn't affect everyone though unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your POV. It is very frustrating though as there isn't much I can do about this but deal with the instability. On top of it I can't even submit a bug report directly to Nvidia, the only ones who can really fix this problem.
My blue-screens went away when I set PEG Link Mode (in the BIOS) to Normal. Any other setting and it blue-screens in certain games and apps. For some reason the 81.XX drivers don't work properly when this setting is on the default of Auto. (78.XX drivers worked fine in this mode.)
All I have to say about this driver release and the last one: MIXED VENDOR SUPPORT works like a charm. BFG and eVGA 7800GT's in SLI rocks! And although I haven't had extensive testing time, I'm getting around 12100 on 3d mark 05 with an x2 3800+ which I think is nice multithreaded improvement =) Too bad I don't have a pre-81 series number to compare with