Former Gearbox Lawyer Accuses CEO of Lewd Behavior, Taking Secret $12M Bonus


Aug 20, 2006
In November, Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford sued his former friend and company lawyer Wade Callender for alleged fraud, claiming he stole funds for "family vacations, gun club memberships and firearms accessories, and trying to get six-pack abs." Callender has now returned with a lawsuit of his own, which accuses Pitchford of receiving a secret $12M bonus. He also claims the CEO left a USB stick with "underage" pornography at a restaurant, but Pitchford has refuted that in a very NSFW podcast about his interest in camgirls. Gearbox says the allegations are meritless and plans to file a grievance.

Callender’s most lurid allegation against Pitchford is an accusation surrounding an event that he says occurred in 2014. Callender says that Pitchford left a USB drive in a Dallas, Texas restaurant containing sensitive corporate documents for Gearbox and its partners including 2K Games, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, and others. Says the lawsuit: “Upon information and belief, Randy Pitchford’s USB drive also contained Randy Pitchford’s personal collection of ‘underage’ pornography.”
If borderlands 3 doesn't include a secret area/side mission where someone is having at it with a camgirl I will be disappointed (because that's why I play videogames).
Sounds like they let the Borderlands into their RL's....
if he's taking 12m bonuses, why doesn't he skip the cam girls and get the lunch meat delivered to his door?
I'm just amazed the USB stick didn't have simple security on it. Aren't you suppose to put porn in folders named something like "fiscal year results 2017" (or homework)?
Forgetting about the porn, if a normal employee had company secrets on an unsecured device, they would be facing dismissal from the company. We have very strict security policies in place. (Porn would probably be dismissal, not sure and not testing the waters).
While I wish no hardships on the vast majority of developers (most of them are simply following orders to support themselves / families), I do hope Gearbox gets a management shuffle / replacement.

After leading teams of people to shit on two of my beloved adolescent franchises (Duke Nukem and Aliens), It's going to take a miracle before GB sees my $ again.

Randy also comes off as a smug, arsehole during many interviews.
You wanna talk about fraud!!??? LETS TALK ABOUT Aliens: Colonial Marines!!!

*still mad*
if he's taking 12m bonuses, why doesn't he skip the cam girls and get the lunch meat delivered to his door?

His wife ate the delivery boy

for me it was the halo PC port.

boringlands is a boring game.
I didn't remember they ported halo, still that's not original work, at least opposing force was kind of their own expansion even if not a brand new game.