Fortron Blue Storm 500w vs OCZ PowerStream 520w

Jan 30, 2005
alright, with my new s939 build, this powersupply will be powering :

3000+ or 3200+ Venice
Abit AN8-SLI or DFI Ultra-D
x700pro or 6600nu/gt(?)
2x512mb Twinmos SP bh-died utt
160gig ide hdd
some fans
some cathodes.

nothing too like power draining ya know, so which is better for me?

im on a horrid budget, so im leaning towards the Blue Storm for 80 bucks vs the PowerStream for 120 bucks, but if its worth it, then ill go for it. thanks in advance powersupply gurus.
Forton is a great PSU speicly that blue one.......great solid psu,.......both your choices are....

since your on a buget, id go with the Forton just for money will be more then enough to run your rig and then some
tho im not a PSU guru :p just my opnion

You're right, i didn't even see the DFI he had as an option. Dang DFI.
The Fortron is powerful enough and reliable enough to run most systems out there short of SLI or a heavily overclocked Prescott. I have heard of very few of them failing in the past 10 months since they came out.

The OCZ 520w is more powerful and has better voltage regulation under normal conditions, however it's a wee bit less reliable (which the warranty easily makes up for). It's one of my most recommended SLI and/or Prescott units, along with Fortron's more powerful FSP550-60PLG, the PC P&C 510w, and several Zippy units. Thinking of adding the Etasis EPAP-560 to that list too soon - 12v @ 38A.

It's up to you which grabs your attention better, however they will both run that rig just fine.
dave, WOW! thanks for the link! im reading up on it as i type, well, taking short breaks, and typing and reading. great guide! so it appears the Fortron Blue Storm is the choice. and thanks oklahoma wolf, i was kinda waiting for you to chip in about what i should get.
Oklahoma Wolf said:
It's one of my most recommended SLI and/or Prescott units, along with Fortron's more powerful FSP550-60PLG, the PC P&C 510w, and several Zippy units.

alright, so the FSP550-60PLG is a great PSU too? its basically between the BlueStorm and FSP550. i wanna stay around 80-90 bucks, is the FSP550 gonna be worth the extra 10 or 15 bucks over the BlueStorm?
The FSP550-60PLG is a server oriented unit, and as such is not targeted toward silence as much as the Blue Storm is. It is able to almost match the OCZ for stable regulation, and is slightly more powerful. It also has better protection circuitry than either unit, which may or may not trip you up on the DFI boards that have the 5v vmem jumper. Along with its brothers the FSP550-60PLN and FSP460-60PFN, these are the best built PS2 size units Fortron makes. They're also active PFC vs. none on the OCZ and passive on the BS. IIRC you can find these at eWiz for dirt cheap at the moment.

However, the design is a little long in the tooth now, and they are not as efficient as either the BS or the OCZ; meaning the single 80mm fan will become more apparent on any rig wanting close to full power from it. The upside is no warranty sticker to break, so a fan swap isn't hard to do. Fortron's added one PCI-E connector and SATA support to them since they first came out, but other than that they're basically unchanged from the older generations.

SilenX is using a modified version of this unit for their 600w model.
I say go for the forton...for the money, looks very good. And I'm also glad to see my OCZ can run SLi. :p
Do the Forton. I've had it for over 6 months , and I can't shake the rails.... This config at this clock speed (see sig) caused my Vantec 420's 12v to sag to 11....
thanks guy. i just bought the venice, and i think my next purchase will be a Fortron Blue Storm 500w psu or the DFI mobo.