Forum URL Change?

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Vort Max

Limp Gawd
Aug 18, 2011
Did the link to the forum from the main [H] OCP webpage change overnight or am I the Lone Ranger? I use the Speed Dial add on in Firefox and I noticed my Speed Dial tab for the [H] Forum was blank and/or white this morning. I had to Google [H] Forum in order to get to the forum because the forum link on the main webpage brings me to nothing but a blank/white page now as did my Speed Dial shortcut.

Just to clarify, this link on the home page will take me to a white/blank page, but has worked fine for 3 or 4 months up until today. It seems the *www* part is being dropped for whatever that's worth.

This link takes me to the [H] Forum home page and I have updated the url for my Speedial shortcut, so I am all set now. Might just be a simple url update to the home page link to the forum.
Both your links are working fine for me.

I had the first one saved as my favorite and got the same white page today as you but now it's working fine. Probably a server glitch.
I keep on getting logged out even though I have the 'remember me' checked when I log in... not sure why.
I was consequently logged out myself when I first started looking into this earlier today. I logged back in and checked "remember me" and I haven't been booted off since. The link for the forum minus the "www" still takes me to a white page. I am one of the holdouts and am on FF 3.6.25. I tried that other BS they were touting and it caused me more problems than I had time to deal with, so I went back to old reliable. Sorry, Kyle to bring this up because it probably is a FF screw up. I've been meaning to tell you I miss your old column in CPU magazine back in the day!
Chrome shows me the blank page too... Probably a simple server-side issue.
Chrome working fine for me. If FF updates and starts getting wonky, you need to talk to the FF people. We don't have the resources to chase the FF tail every time they make an "upgrade."
With the time change yesterday on the server, this may have resulted in FF cookie issue, delete your H cookies from FF, then log back in.

But FF has always been flaky when it comes to cookies.
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