Forza 3... Who's Getting It?

In the U.S., in Europe the AP2 still has the 2.0L and in Japan, the AP2 didn't get the 2.2L until 2006.

We're kind of going backwards here, but my original post was in response to Kent who I was agreeing with. We were talking about how we wished they would have included the updated versions of particular cars. In this case the RSX and S2000, both received a visual update as well as engine changes amount other things. This was merely a wish list.

Yeah for real, Dodge highly underrated them but yeah 230hp stock.

Also, why not use the updated 05-06 RSX Type-S other than laziness by T10. The 05-06 looked better and ITR parts helped it produce another 10hp.
Yes as an S2000 owner I know this, but whats your point?

My point was you said you wished they included the AP2 and that the AP2s came with the 2.2L. That's only true in the U.S. Japan switched over later on and Europe has never switched to the 2.2L.

JohnleMVP said:
+1 they also used the AP1 S2000 vs the later model AP2. It would be nice to have both since the later had a 2.2L engine but only 8000rpm redline (down from 9,000).

You're implying that the latter (the AP2) had a 2.2L engine, which is not the case in all markets, only in the U.S.
ok, need a little help. Why are my pics coming out like this. Look at the car. Its not sharp and clear. Kinda jagged. They werent like this before and it didn't look like this while I was taking the photo. Also, I upload to photobucket, just in case that means anything.
(and I will be changing design. That was just something quick.)

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My point was you said you wished they included the AP2 and that the AP2s came with the 2.2L. That's only true in the U.S. Japan switched over later on and Europe has never switched to the 2.2L.

You're implying that the latter (the AP2) had a 2.2L engine, which is not the case in all markets, only in the U.S.

Yes your right the european market still only got the 2.0L. I thought that all markets eventually got the 2.2L since even Japan got the so called Americanized engine a couple years down the line. But I never said AP2s only had 2.2L engines. I was making a case for why it would be nice/worthwhile for the newer model S2000 to be included.

I figured this argument would be carried out on S2ki rather than here
(fellow S2k owner)
I've got a pretty funny video of a skyline flipping in front of me who was in the lead and then i got past and won the race. :)

vid coming soon :\

youtube link:

That looks awesome! This makes it look like the AI is much more dynamic then the last, plus the added "flip/roll over" feature makes there be another way to mess up other than spinning out.

I also wondering how the downhill drifting is going? Is there actual events that you race against ai? do you go one at a time? how does this all work?
Yeah, I was racing the AI on medium the other day and the guy in 1st place at the start of the race at Suzuka overshot T1 and went off into the dirt (I was nowhere near him). I thought it was pretty slick.
The unicorn cars (Chevrolet Camaro SS Coupe '69, Mazda RX-7 Spirit R '01, and Subaru S204) are currently up on the auction house. I imagine they're going to go for a hell of a lot though.
Looks like they hit the kerb at a angle and turned into it. Funnily enough, the same thing happened right in front of me at Monza this year. Scary stuff.
Damn, I need to get the s204, but Im at work now. Oh well, most likely, I dont have enough money.
Looks like they hit the kerb at a angle and turned into it. Funnily enough, the same thing happened right in front of me at Monza this year. Scary stuff.

it was pretty funny because i went and won the race because of that ;)

me and him were pretty dead even on lap times before he went and flipped like that.

but it was pretty funny to watch happen, i just love racing at the back of the pack, because my cars all have great handling and acceleration, but not so much speed that everyone flies in front of me into the first corner, and when the idiot causes a pile up, my car has enough maneuverability to just zip around the wrecked cars and go straight to 1st/2nd place
Has anyone tried downhill drifting? Is there actual events that you race against ai? do you go one at a time? how does this all work?
That looks awesome! This makes it look like the AI is much more dynamic then the last, plus the added "flip/roll over" feature makes there be another way to mess up other than spinning out.

I also wondering how the downhill drifting is going? Is there actual events that you race against ai? do you go one at a time? how does this all work?

Actually, that was an online race against another real person.

also, ive noticed that on normal and hard mode the AI DO NOT mess up at all. but on easy mode, they only mess up if they're in first place.
I play the game with 80% difficulty which gives me the drive to play it even more... first or nothing. The only thing that bugs me about the game is that I can not use the right anologue stick for shifting and the L trigger for brake and R trigger for gas.
There's not controller setting that's mapped for that?

I use X to downshift and Y to upshift, I think it's custom controller setup #3.
I just realized that 3 forza games have come out since GT4 was released. Of course Forza 1 came out only a month after and was in development for quite a while before.
I just realized that 3 forza games have come out since GT4 was released. Of course Forza 1 came out only a month after and was in development for quite a while before.

GT1 Took 5 years to make. same time has gt5 seeing as it will be released march 2010 and look how bad GT1 did when t first came out.

sometimes it takes a long time to make a great game. even half life 2 took close to 5 years to make i think??
It's amazing to think that it's still taking 5 years to churn out GT games given today's economic climate. It seems as though collision is one of the reasons GT5 was pushed out to next year, I hope they put the time to good use.
im completely diggin Forza 3... I spent 3 hours the first morning just recreating Ken Block's rally car >.<
It's amazing to think that it's still taking 5 years to churn out GT games given today's economic climate. It seems as though collision is one of the reasons GT5 was pushed out to next year, I hope they put the time to good use.

how is it amazing? games are becoming more demanding and longer to produce. If you want a more realistic game and graphics, it takes a lot of hard work and man power.

A typical game takes around 2-3 years to make from scratch with a dev team of over 100 people.
On a random note... I'm still really annoyed that they didn't put in a decent auction house system. Would it really be so hard to let you bid a set amount rather than all that pissing around bumping up the initial bid values?
how is it amazing? games are becoming more demanding and longer to produce. If you want a more realistic game and graphics, it takes a lot of hard work and man power.

A typical game takes around 2-3 years to make from scratch with a dev team of over 100 people.

It amazing because you don't make money until you sell the game. So you think there would be a lot of pressure for them to finish quickly.

On a random note... I'm still really annoyed that they didn't put in a decent auction house system. Would it really be so hard to let you bid a set amount rather than all that pissing around bumping up the initial bid values?

Totally. Its crap.
o dear. while us lot enjoy the game, their is a huge outcry on how shit the multiplayer mode is on this game apparently:

For me its fine as i have 2-3 people i race with but if i diddnt know anyone and only had the public matchmaking thing to feed my online racing adiction then i would be screwed too:

anyways enough talk about it, lets see it all in a nutshell:

There is a great thread regarding the online play. Forums - Official Multiplayer Feedback Thread (many many official posts itt)

Now over 115 pages
Turn 10 have replied but not with any sound answers. People seem to think the multiplayer was changed so that if you enjoy online play you will have to keep getting any DLC stuff they put out. Vote here if you are unhappy or happy with Forza 3 online. Forums - USER POLL OF MULTIPLAYER SYSTEM (T10 research)

Below one of the main replies to the uproar from
Landin "Game Genie" Williams
Turn 10 Community Lead
Xbox live name.......BLKJ SIDEFX
I have to say I'd never thought I'd see the day when die hard fans of a series or video game are purposefully posting extremely negative reviews on websites as a reaction to feature changes. This is very difficult to see happening on our very own forum dedicated to bridging the gap between gamers and developers.

I understand why you may be frustrated, and trust me we've heard you loud and clear. The fact is that it was decided that Matchmaking would be the future of our franchise long ago, and we have plans to use the data we've obtained to craft an exciting and unique experience that will appeal to a broader audience, both hardcore and casual.

My hope is that in time you will all look past the functional changes and realize that as a community we must evolve and learn to utilize the features provided to us. If all the effort you are all putting into the thread was used in a positive way, setting up races in the public car meets forum and making suggestions in the Multiplayer Hopper thread, I feel you would all be out there enjoying the game right now. Go play!

Anyways, the point of this post is to say that we've heard you all loud and clear. I hope you will all join me for an A class race this afternoon.

And for those asking about new hoopers. Yes they are coming, but in order to make sure that each hopper is always populated with players we're taking things slow. I'll update this thread when they do go live, but don't expect to see F thru B class dropped all at once.


and here is a well structured reply to him from Ban bot (Done this to save you time trawling through 115 pages.

"I have to say I'd never thought I'd see the day when die hard fans of a series or video game are purposefully posting extremely negative reviews on websites as a reaction to feature changes. This is very difficult to see happening on our very own forum dedicated to bridging the gap between gamers and developers. I understand why you may be frustrated, and trust me we've heard you loud and clear. The fact is that it was decided that Matchmaking would be the future of our franchise long ago, and we have plans to use the data we've obtained to craft an exciting and unique experience that will appeal to a broader audience, both hardcore and casual."

Relationships go both ways. As a PR person does it surprise you when your company told enthusiastic consumers that one of the best parts of FM2, online multiplayer, would be coming over completely to the new product, and yet this is false? People paid money for this product, so as a person in PR you should understand that taking out desirable components, offering a poorer experience, not directly addressing concerns, asking for time for the new system to grow on you, and even ridiculous ideas like using web forums to find racers (!!!) that there would not be negative feedback? Maybe if when this issue was broached in the first couple pages, or better before release, paying customer wouldn't be dissappointed?

Afterall, all this matchmaking stuff was known about "long ago." Why was Turn10 so quiet about the removal of custom lobbies? The fact there are Tun10 sponsored press previews that indicate all the online live features would return should have shocked Turn10. Why no outrage at there being no retraction? I know for a *fact* you folks are very, very careful about what information what press/media outlet gets to release on what date.

So there is no need to act as if this is a surprise.

Your job is to be a community manager and be a PR represenative of your employers, but don't expect activity community members to dulfully ignore this sort of behavior, or to withhold feedback on a product they supported (both fiscally and the generation of free PR on various interwebs).

At the end of the day we are consumers and you are a business. Your job is to give us products we like and we as consumers give feedback regarding how we feel the product meets our needs and whether the seller was accomodating.

"If all the effort you are all putting into the thread was used in a positive way, setting up races in the public car meets forum and making suggestions in the Multiplayer Hopper thread, I feel you would all be out there enjoying the game right now. Go play!"

Wow, so we are supposed to go to online forums to schedule Xbox racers. Un-believable.

"Go play!"

Go put all the FM2 online feature like Turn10 told consumers would return!

"It's just too bad you're unable to see past this discussion."

And you sir failed to address the specific issues people have with the "new" system.

The fact I cannot make it through a race without trash play or are fairly restricted in online matches (I had a hankering to swap things up with Sedona Club... oh, but Turn10 locks a lobby and selects the playlist...) are pretty significant issues.

"At this point we're still researching"

Maybe you can relate this to Dan: That is the point. While you research, and waste our time, the great thing about *individuals playing games they want to play them* is I don't need to wait on you to figure out what I like. Heck, what I like someone else may not. That was the nice thing of custom lobbies--they were free form--but ALSO searchable, seedable, and much funner experience to date.

From a research perspective with custom lobbies you saw what we liked and more importantly *we* decided what we liked, when we liked. If you saw a ton of custom lobbies doing cool things you could toss it into matchmaking. Right now your research is going to be self-verifying.

"It will take time though. Don't expect it overnight."

Time... until then the game I bought for sim racing is a destruction derby with neutered online options compared to FM2?

"Thanks for being civil. I guess that's my point. I understand some of you are upset, but some of the posts in this thread are simply unacceptable...especially considering how passionate you all are about the game. We've heard you loud and clear. There's not much more to be said in all honesty, so make your suggestions for what you feel is important in our official thread here and let's move on."

I would never condone disrespectful behavior, but I think this goes both ways. Where is Turn10 apologizing for saying all the online Live features in FM2 would be in FM3 when they knew "long ago" that wasn't true? Or how a developer with my gaming money isn't addressing the issues raised about poor online experiences (connectivity and poor racing) or lack of variety at my discretion? Saying "give us time" instead of, "This is how we are going to stop all the race-destroying contact in matchmaking" and the such. As a professional pointing out the "hurt feelings" of a corporation is pretty empty--Turn10 has consumer dollars. If those who purchased said product are vocal about their dissappointment the proper response is to make those consumers happy. Or, if that is not the desired course, call it a "feature that won't change" and then allow said consumers leave the feedback here and elsewhere they deem appropriate. If someone bought FM3 for online play and feel it is ruined by Turn10's design decisions and gives it a 1/10 rating, how is that unfair?

Anyhow, you know a developer "gets it" when they encourage their users to enjoy the game they way the gamer wants to enjoy it, not the way the PR/Strategist determine is "best." The best game is the played game and at this point I find match making unplayable. Sadly it also appears to be very poorly populated and I am afraid my investment won't have much legs--I hope this is false as there is much to commend FM3. But the current situation isn't good for me (I am an online gamer), my 2 copies of FM3, or Turn10.

What I find very disappointing, besides the approach Turn10 has taken in responding to this issue, is I am part of 2 very large high profile forums and I cannot get anyone to play online specifically because of matchmaking. They are the silent mass, not posting here, but who are also not bothering with matchmaking. I am not encouraged, but I also think this is a perfect time to see a change in media sites and their poor coverage of online features and comparisons and actual reviews of live production products. Something has to give and it appears at this point developers and consumers need a better medium to EXPLAIN the content and a thorough review of the retail product and significant changes from a consumer perspective and not a "I review 5 games a week and need to rush through this" garbage.

Excellent post and worth repeating. T10 are quick to jump on 'aggresive' posts and are failing to reply to this intelligent and thoughtful post. There is now a huge worry this community will disappear from T10 - FM3. For every one 'complainer' on this thread there are scores of silent racers who will 'drift' away from the franchise. It has taken several years for T10 to build the strength of community they have. Still in this day and age of high tec advertising, viral campaigns and big budget spending it is still 'word of mouth' that has the greatest impact. If T10 are not concerned about the impact on customer review scores apart from telling us not to do them and ignore the issue then it will be their fault, and what a shame.

I could repeat ad-infanitum the dissapointments - poor hopper system, having to jump through hoops to get into a private match and not being told of this change before I parted with my money. But the real concerns come on the attitude, condescending replies (few they are) and selective ignoring from T10 and their 'community' managers.

How many people who have been with FM since the beginning are now the ones who's FM3 discs lie gathering dust. Yes, I have had good races online and the shame is I can count these on one hand. When you find the right 'team' the game shines through but the random nature of the hoppers put you in with to many 'random' people with completley different wants from the game. Even the new pro hopper is just a hotlap challenge and far from 'real' racing.

Forgetting that we were not told about the onine change, the taking away of the 'customers' choice is/has seriously damaged the online aspect of this game. 'Free' DLC is due this week - so what!! Can't get excited about it. Like many others the dissapointment is overwhelming and I, like many others, would have gladly paid for the DLC if it were not for this dissapointment.. A huge amount of people on this thread have been great supporters of the franchise but the 'word of mouth' is not to trust T10 in the future. This can only damage the future of this franchise. When you rely on the community, you better listen to the community.
...unless you release a demo which people pay for.

what demo is that? im hoping your not referring to gt5p with is 50+ cars and like 5-10tracks with full online mode for half the price of a full game?

not bad for £20 hehe but i would like to know what demo cost money.:D

umm how long was GTA4 in the making? guess how long. around 4/5 years :D
It's a joke JM... don't get defensive now. If you've spent much time on GTPlanet (and I know you do), you'll know that even fans of GT5:p have taken to calling it the paid demo. (I'm no fan of GT5:p for the record, I have no interest in buying anything that isn't the real deal. Total cock tease). I'm sure you're feeling the urge to start an argument with me right now, so let it pass and then we can continue knowing that once again we disagree with each other on a subject and leave it at that.

Can you post a non wall of text version instead of what you have quoted above, it's a little hard to read. I take it it's just people wanting public custom matches back, and largely ignoring all the enhancements made to private matches?
By the way, for what it's worth, I think they need to make the hopper matches more customisable... but I don't necessarily think that they should go back to the old system because that was broken in its own ways.
Still learning how to take a decent picture. A few more of my cars.

Koenigseggegeggeggg takes flight:

McLaren on track:

Maserati at Sunset;

The world is a blur:

Watch those rumble strips!:
It's a joke JM... don't get defensive now. If you've spent much time on GTPlanet (and I know you do), you'll know that even fans of GT5:p have taken to calling it the paid demo. (I'm no fan of GT5:p for the record, I have no interest in buying anything that isn't the real deal. Total cock tease). I'm sure you're feeling the urge to start an argument with me right now, so let it pass and then we can continue knowing that once again we disagree with each other on a subject and leave it at that.

TBH mate i never liked GT1-GT5p.

Can you post a non wall of text version instead of what you have quoted above, it's a little hard to read. I take it it's just people wanting public custom matches back, and largely ignoring all the enhancements made to private matches?

In a nutshell yea lol i diddnt know it was this big of an issue