Forza Horizon 2 Demo out and pre load/purchase live

Sweet, can't wait to try it. I've had it preordered for XBONE since it was announced.
I used the SmartGlass app to put it downloading, and I'll play it when I'm off work. Looking forward to checking it out.
The demo promises very good things for the full version. LOVE the handling of the cars, the graphics are phenomenal - no, seriously, after the intro video plays (the count to 10 thing) and the actual game engine loads, it looks like a pre-rendered cutscene for racing games of the past.

Gonna be a long two weeks :D
Thanks for the heads up. I'm also downloading through SmartGlass. Love the Forza series.
So which version are you guys pre-ordering? I am thinking about the Ultimate Edition. The VIP bonuses and 31 extra cars sound nice and stuff. Also 2X Rewards is nice.
would love to try this out as "Forza" is the only real reason I own an Xbox One...

too bad I'm in the middle of NOWHERE Utah, on an oil rig with crappy (shared) satellite connection. I have my verizon hotspot -- but I only get 12GB a month (it's pretty zippy) but no way I can blow 90% of my monthly bandwidth in a single night on a demo. guess ill have to wait till i return to civilization.
^ thanks to PD, ill be getting a xb1 just for forza (again, x360/forza4). Gj sony, stick to making shit racing/car games.
Ill wait to see how this game rates before i take a plunge. Will most definitely get the digital version if the game is great.
So which version are you guys pre-ordering? I am thinking about the Ultimate Edition. The VIP bonuses and 31 extra cars sound nice and stuff. Also 2X Rewards is nice.

Probably just getting the standard myself. I've never really been able to get into the car packs for games like this. The game ships with ~200 cars, which is far more than I'll ever get around to. By the time I grow tired of the game and/or the next iteration comes out, my guess is my garage will maybe sit at 30 cars. If I'm only going to use a small percentage of the games roster, why pay money for more cars I likely will use 1 or 2 of? As for VIP, the only thing that's of value is the 2x rewards, and that hardly seems worth an extra $20.
woot, 2nd game ive bought on xbox one now. first xb1 forza being the other. lol.
Probably just getting the standard myself. I've never really been able to get into the car packs for games like this. The game ships with ~200 cars, which is far more than I'll ever get around to. By the time I grow tired of the game and/or the next iteration comes out, my guess is my garage will maybe sit at 30 cars. If I'm only going to use a small percentage of the games roster, why pay money for more cars I likely will use 1 or 2 of? As for VIP, the only thing that's of value is the 2x rewards, and that hardly seems worth an extra $20.
Actually makes sense. I may opt for mid tier then. If I want one of the 31 cars then I might as well buy it as a standlone purchase or the car pack that has it.

One thing I am not sure though, I thought if you purchased the car packs, the cars are immediately available for use (i.e., don't need to pay credits for using them). Is that changed? In Forza 5 when I read the car pack description it says that you will get the cars and they will be ready for use. Same was true for Forza 4 as far as I remember.
Actually makes sense. I may opt for mid tier then. If I want one of the 31 cars then I might as well buy it as a standlone purchase or the car pack that has it.

One thing I am not sure though, I thought if you purchased the car packs, the cars are immediately available for use (i.e., don't need to pay credits for using them). Is that changed? In Forza 5 when I read the car pack description it says that you will get the cars and they will be ready for use. Same was true for Forza 4 as far as I remember.
It wasn't true in Forza 4, and they changed to offering the DLC cars in-game for free on initial purchases after Forza 5 was first released. I don't see a reason why they would suddenly go back to the old model in Horizon 2.
Anyone get to drive in the rain yet? The rain effects are jaw dropping. I don't know if they are as good as whatever Driveclub will have, but these are definitely the best I've seen to date. The clouds dynamically move in or roll away, and the roads slowly dry up when the sun comes out.

Full day/night cycle too.
Anyone get to drive in the rain yet? The rain effects are jaw dropping. I don't know if they are as good as whatever Driveclub will have, but these are definitely the best I've seen to date. The clouds dynamically move in or roll away, and the roads slowly dry up when the sun comes out.

Full day/night cycle too.

The only thing that I didn't like about the rain is there was no effect from spray coming off the cars. It would have been neat if drafting in the rain was more challenging by way of reduced visibility while behind another vehicle.

I suppose something like this was probably avoided to not give an unfair disadvantage to those playing with the in-car view, but I still think it would have been cool.
Went ahead with the Deluxe Edition. No point saving 5 dollars with the risk of losing 20. Most of the car packs for Forza 5 have been utter crap with the exception of La Ferrari (as far as I remember ofcourse).
The only thing that I didn't like about the rain is there was no effect from spray coming off the cars. It would have been neat if drafting in the rain was more challenging by way of reduced visibility while behind another vehicle.

I suppose something like this was probably avoided to not give an unfair disadvantage to those playing with the in-car view, but I still think it would have been cool.
My exact feelings on the rain. They could have made the spray effect happen on the screen from views outside the car. I also think that the asphalt looks too much like glass when wet, but this is still something no developer can get right. I think that F1 2013 has the best rain effects of any game available right now (at least the PC version).
god you all suck -- if I were home on my own internet and not in some remote ass location in utah with craptastic internet (oil rig site)

Guess I'll be waiting on this one till I get home.

on the plus side -- looks like when I trade in my old 360 system and a few leftover games, I should have enough to buy Horizons 2 and Advanced Warfare for "free" hopefully :)
Played the demo. Cleaned jizz off the floor.

Even that's an understatement.

Its FUCKING beautiful. Eurogamer confirmed they are using 4x MSAA which is the first game to do so this generation of consoles. I love 60 fps but when the graphics are this wonderful frankly I would sacrifice 60 fps for 30 fps + 4x MSAA.

I bought the ultimate version. I feel like this is Forza done right. No huge gulf of micro transactions and hiding DLC behind it. Lots of fun stuff to do with your club of 6 friends. Its the Forza we deserve and a really compelling reason to get an Xbox One.

After hearing Driveclub is $49.99 but only 1/3 of the game while the rest of remains behind $29.99 DLC day one I'm majorly bummed that its a quarter of the game at release. I might still get it but Forza Horizon 2 looks just sexual.
i had 50$ XBL credit so i picked up the 99$ version. Figured might as well.

Ill prolly pick up Drive club with DLC day one as well on PS4.
You mofos making me regret not going ultimate. Oh well it is a 5 bucks loss. So will pick it up once I know which cars are in it. Instead I spent the 20 getting Forza 5 VIP :p
loved the first horizon, loved the demo for horizon 2, hope they release a rally pack like they did for the first one.
I think Horizon 2 includes a lot of the features from the rally pack already... we will see though.
FIFA coming out this week, Forza Horizon 2 and Shadow of Mordor coming out next week = Fuck my free time. No idea what to play first.
FIFA coming out this week, Forza Horizon 2 and Shadow of Mordor coming out next week = Fuck my free time. No idea what to play first.

Add to that SSB3DS , Alien: Isolation , DriveClub , Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel ,The Evil Within , Bayonetta 2 , Sunset Overdrive , Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ( The MP looks fun this time around ) , Halo: The Master Chief Collection , World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor , Assassin's Creed Unity , Grand Theft Auto V for next gen , Dragon Age Inquisition , Little Big Planet 3 and SSB Wii U

I mean that's enough games for a whole year nearly. I'm buying all of them. My wallet is crying..
Only thing I hated about the demo was the constant stopping of the game for the announcer guy to tell me about the new things or whatever. Cinematics.... I don't like that in any game. Especially when I'm hauling ass having fun then "This is something new I did this year...." and it stops to show the new feature. I'm hoping it's not in the final and was only part of the demo.

Other than that, beautiful, fun, fast, and a blast. I won't buy it day one, but I'll buy it soon.
Only thing I hated about the demo was the constant stopping of the game for the announcer guy to tell me about the new things or whatever. Cinematics.... I don't like that in any game. Especially when I'm hauling ass having fun then "This is something new I did this year...." and it stops to show the new feature. I'm hoping it's not in the final and was only part of the demo.

Other than that, beautiful, fun, fast, and a blast. I won't buy it day one, but I'll buy it soon.

It's like that in Forza Horzion. Annoying but they only happen once.
Oh damn. Shouldn't have come in here. Now I need to get a Xbox One so I can play this.

Been looking for a worthy replacement to PGR for the longest time and I think I've finally found it.
I find that I'm not really into racing games. Until I start playing them again. Forza, PGR, Burnout, etc.. I don't seek them out, but when I do get to play them, I really love them. :)

Cashed in a bunch of Bing rewards. I'll get this game for about half off the MSRP. Who says Bing sucks!? :)
Awesome :) It's been described as a mix between PGR and the older RalliSport Challenge games, so yeah... it's gonna rock :D
The reviews so far are overwhelmingly positive:

Destructoid - 9.5/10

Eurogamer - 9/10

IGN - 9/10

JoyStiq - 4/5 (already mentioned)

...many more. It's pulling an 86 on metacritic, with 44 positive reviews. So far three reviews are in the 7's:

EGM - 7.5/10

Gamereactor Sweden - 7/10

Polygon - 7/10

Oh Polygon. If you aren't writing pro feminist articles and bashing your user base you are instead poorly reviewing games that are loved by everyone else.

I bet you right now that Polygon will give Driveclub a 9/10 even though it includes only 35 cars and the rest are locked in the season pass and car packs.

Its great to see so many other positive reviews though but here is the great thing...

Since I played the demo , I found out for myself that this game rocks. Didn't need a gaming press enthusiast to give me that knowledge :)

Still though its nice to see it being rewarded for the quality it obviously is full of.
Rave reviews all around. Can't wait. Too bad it releases on 2nd in my country. You can add me on XBONER as KickAssCop if you want to create drive clubs and shit.
Oh Polygon. If you aren't writing pro feminist articles and bashing your user base you are instead poorly reviewing games that are loved by everyone else.

I bet you right now that Polygon will give Driveclub a 9/10 even though it includes only 35 cars and the rest are locked in the season pass and car packs.

Its great to see so many other positive reviews though but here is the great thing...

Since I played the demo , I found out for myself that this game rocks. Didn't need a gaming press enthusiast to give me that knowledge :)

Still though its nice to see it being rewarded for the quality it obviously is full of.
What really made me scoff at the Polygon "review" was how they kept comparing it to the main series and bashing on Horizon because it's different... How about comparing it to the first Horizon? Just from the demo you can see how much of a larger scope this one is compared to the first Horizon, and how it has improved on a lot of its core concepts. I love circuit racing, but Horizon is a different animal and I love it because of that. There are not too many games out there with an open world AND an attempt to bring simulation into it while still being fun as hell.