Found Cause. Is it fixable?


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2005
finally found the problem but i really wanna know if its fixable since if not i pretty much have to buy a new computer. The problem was my computer would restart and most of the time when it does it doesnt wanna restart after a while. Nothing appears. It was wierd.
spec are
athlong 64 3500
radeon x800pro
2x 512 gig ram
74 gig raptor harddrive
shuttle sn95g5 case, motherboard.

anyway first i thought it was powersupply causing the shutdowns and sometimes not wanting to start. After trying a new powersupply it did the same thing. Next i tried another harddrive. All looked well for a while then it started again.
Clueless was i untill i looked at the ram. I pulled one stick out and its working fine. Put it back in and it has problems. I switched them and it seems sticks are fine its just when i put i stick in the second slot.
Can that slot be defected? even still why does it effect other stick? Its confusing. Is it becuase they work together and well one doesnt work other wont?
You think another set of ram will do anything?
Or am i stuck to buy a whole new computer since AGP is pretty much dead.
My case was expensive when i got it.. its 2 years and 3 months old.

Never had this type of problem. Any experiences?
google and download "memtest+"

run it overnight on each stick, (just one installed in what you think is the good slot) see if there are errors. this will verify if the ram is ok or not.

run it overnight with both sticks installed, see if there are errors
errors would indicate an issue with the motherboard

swap the location of the sticks and run overnight see if there are errors.
errors would indicate an issue with the motherboard.

You can still find AGP amd boards at some of the second tier suppliers. Not sure of your socket type,
theres no way my computer will stay on longer then 20 min with both sticks in.
I think the slot is shot. Even if it isnt its eather i stay with 512 or buy new ram. Im guessing why not just buy 1 stick of 1 gig?

ill see what i can do with the program