Four Cards in SLI!

Chameleoki said:
And we all know that the human eye can't see over 24fps.
Uh, the army did some tests a while ago, and soldiers can see flahes of light for 1/10,000 of a second. As for continuous vision, we cant see every frame past 24 or something like that, but try playing a game at 24fps, and then 60 or higher, and tell me which looks smoother and better :p
Although, above 100 fps, everything looks the same to me.
Err... i noticed nobody countered what i mentioned before. How would AMR compare against SLI when AMR is sharing the bandwidth with the other peripherals on the mobo, while SLI had a dedicated bridge between the cards :confused:

Or is ATI planning on another shortcut. Like the anti-alias feature that isn't really full anti-aliasing as well as all the other optimizations like the angle dependent AF (and the 24bit vs 32bit thing too). Would AMR do something similar? As in something that approximates but not exactly, but is still acceptable?
Sly said:
Err... i noticed nobody countered what i mentioned before. How would AMR compare against SLI when AMR is sharing the bandwidth with the other peripherals on the mobo, while SLI had a dedicated bridge between the cards :confused:

Nobody can answer that question until AMR devices ship. The odds are that the hit will be slight. SLI can work without the dedicated connector with a slight loss of performance, so I don't think that it will heavily effect AMR, especially with the amount of texture memory they're putting on modern cards.
Komataguri said:
Before long.

Our power supplies are going to be rendered null.

IN their place will be micro-fusion reactors.

Atleast, thats what I predict if things keep going this way :D

blame it on nvidia :D
you're looking at a base elite system in (early . . . .late ?) 2006 that will feature:

a- dual core amd cpu
b- quad core gpu
c- 600-700 watt psu

starting price range . .. 2500.00 - 3000.00
Mindoculus said:
you're looking at a base elite system in (early . . . .late ?) 2006 that will feature:

a- dual core amd cpu
b- quad core gpu
c- 600-700 watt psu

starting price range . .. 2500.00 - 3000.00

are we ignoring the fact that prices will change?
Dephcon said:
aren't 3d renders completely cpu depandant?

I'm no codemonkey, but I always thought the point of a hardware 3d accellerator card was to offload alot of that.

If it really is indefinately scalable, it's probably not home users they're thinking about.
Dephcon said:
aren't 3d renders completely cpu depandant?

Renderfarms applies to several PC's linked together to share the rendering load, it's fast but it's not real time. I'm not sure if there's an equivalent term for machines doing realtime rendering (a.k.a. SLI and AMR).
kronchev said:
are we ignoring the fact that prices will change?

yes, they will, I expect it to cost MORE then what he quoted. You arent going to get a quad GPU setup for $200. Expect to pay a grand for GPU's on the low end. 3-4 grand on the high end just for the vid cards. Tack on about 500 bucks for a new PP&C 650+ Watt PSU. and you got quite the wallet buster.
Well one thing that i know is that you definetly need 6800 GTS or Ultras in SLI to run EQ2 full blown, dont say you can on your X-800XT-PEs or 850s cuz i own them and they still stutter at 1600X1200 with everything on, So i expect many more games out by the end of the year that need all the power we can get under or hoods to run em.
Mister E said:
no1 will put 4 freakin video cards in their computer. what are you stupid?

Well, People are willing to do SLI anyways. So, I would be inclined to venture a yay instead of nay.
Sly said:
Err... i noticed nobody countered what i mentioned before. How would AMR compare against SLI when AMR is sharing the bandwidth with the other peripherals on the mobo, while SLI had a dedicated bridge between the cards :confused:

Or is ATI planning on another shortcut. Like the anti-alias feature that isn't really full anti-aliasing as well as all the other optimizations like the angle dependent AF (and the 24bit vs 32bit thing too). Would AMR do something similar? As in something that approximates but not exactly, but is still acceptable?

The pci-e bus has alot of bandwidth left right now that isn't being used by current vid cards.. Alot leftover.. The current generation of cards doesn't even tax the AGP 8x bus ... It will be a matter of how much "talking" the cards actually have to do with one another.. It's definately wait and see on this..
Mister E said:
no1 will put 4 freakin video cards in their computer. what are you stupid?

Quite a few engineers that I know would jump at the opportunity. They are already using SLI Quadro's for CAD and molecular modeling/3D design work. We are in pilot phase still, but they are absolutely loving the results. I know a lot of them who would gladly buy 4 Quadro's, let alone gaming cards, as long as it makes their stuff run faster.
I should look for my Ti4600 Reciept, i believe i bought it a week after launch for ~300USD?
Circuitbreaker8 said:
**Remembers the day when top of the line cards could be bought for 450$**

I remember drooling over Voodoo cards in the gameshop at the mall.

They kept them on the highest shelves so no one could reach them, Like gods upon high for the lesser mortals to give worship unto them.
Sigh... When I get back from Iraq in speptember and its time to buy my new machine, There is gonna be quad everything.... and its going to cost 4x the amount i wanted to spend too

Oh well :) thats the buisness were in... we have an expensive hobby :D
USMC2Hard4U said:
Sigh... When I get back from Iraq in speptember and its time to buy my new machine, There is gonna be quad everything.... and its going to cost 4x the amount i wanted to spend too

Oh well :) thats the buisness were in... we have an expensive hobby :D

Wait for Dual Cores.

then instead of having 4 CPUs, you can have 8 :D :D
Wow, dual cores + dual gpu cards + sli = 100,000 million bajillion kajillion fps in HL2 :)
Cpus better catch up to video cards, as right now they are holding back single 6800Us in some games :rolleyes:.