Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

I'm trying to build my girlfriend a new computer and this would be awesome for it (she's an architect).
Because I will tell everyone about my awesome new graphics card and how they should make their next card a Galaxy :)
I need one because my 9800GT just doesn't cut it any more and because two monitors just isn't enough.
I am going to be building another system so more family members can play together, this would work beautifully.
I would like to put it in my daughters computer for Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone.
I've only ever used integrated or ATI/AMD graphics. Always wanted to see what physx does for the games that support it.
I want it bad and I must play the pity card.

I just got fired from my job (restaurant) because I got caught drinking behind the bar. It was a slow night and I was bored. Normally I wouldn't have gotten caught but one of the other bartenders were stealing (not me) so they decided to review tape. FML

now i'm home and bored and can't play BF3 on Ultra settings.
My 460 GTX went bye bye, now I am "gaming" on a 8800 GTS :( #failsauce
.....because my Intel i3 onchip graphics suck balls and I have a dickload of Steam games that are unplayable until I have a good video card. :D
because im using a low end video card and i have a couple of lcd that id like to use.